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Selected Verse: Matthew 5:30 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 5:30 Strong Concordance And [2532] if [1487] thy [4675] right [1188] hand [5495] offend [4624] thee [4571], cut [1581] it [846] off [1581], and [2532] cast [906] it from [575] thee [4675]: for [1063] it is profitable [4851] for thee [4671] that [2443] one [1520] of thy [4675] members [3196] should perish [622], and [2532] not [3361] that thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] should be cast [906] into [1519] hell [1067].
  King James And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
And if thy right hand--the organ of action, to which the eye excites.

offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee; for it is profitable, &c.--See on Mat 5:29. The repetition, in identical terms, of such stern truths and awful lessons seems characteristic of our Lord's manner of teaching. Compare Mar 9:43-48.
43 And [2532] if [1437] thy [4675] hand [5495] offend [4624] thee [4571], cut [609] it [846] off [609]: it is [2076] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] into [1519] life [2222] maimed [2948], than [2228] having [2192] two [1417] hands [5495] to go [565] into [1519] hell [1067], into [1519] the fire [4442] that never shall be quenched [762]:
44 Where [3699] their [846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] not [3756] quenched [4570].
45 And [2532] if [1437] thy [4675] foot [4228] offend [4624] thee [4571], cut [609] it [846] off [609]: it is [2076] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] halt [5560] into [1519] life [2222], than [2228] having [2192] two [1417] feet [4228] to be cast [906] into [1519] hell [1067], into [1519] the fire [4442] that never shall be quenched [762]:
46 Where [3699] their [846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] not [3756] quenched [4570].
47 And [2532] if [1437] thine [4675] eye [3788] offend [4624] thee [4571], pluck [1544] it [846] out [1544]: it is [2076] better [2570] for thee [4671] to enter [1525] into [1519] the kingdom [932] of God [2316] with one eye [3442], than [2228] having [2192] two [1417] eyes [3788] to be cast [906] into [1519] hell [1067] fire [4442]:
48 Where [3699] their [846] worm [4663] dieth [5053] not [3756], and [2532] the fire [4442] is [4570] not [3756] quenched [4570].
29 And [1161] if [1487] thy [4675] right [1188] eye [3788] offend [4624] thee [4571], pluck [1807] it [846] out [1807], and [2532] cast [906] it from [575] thee [4675]: for [1063] it is profitable [4851] for thee [4671] that [2443] one [1520] of thy [4675] members [3196] should perish [622], and [2532] not [3361] that thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] should be cast [906] into [1519] hell [1067].
29 And [1161] if [1487] thy [4675] right [1188] eye [3788] offend [4624] thee [4571], pluck [1807] it [846] out [1807], and [2532] cast [906] it from [575] thee [4675]: for [1063] it is profitable [4851] for thee [4671] that [2443] one [1520] of thy [4675] members [3196] should perish [622], and [2532] not [3361] that thy [4675] whole [3650] body [4983] should be cast [906] into [1519] hell [1067].