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Selected Verse: Matthew 26:60 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 26:60 Strong Concordance But [2532] found [2147] none [3756]: yea [2532], though many [4183] false witnesses [5575] came [4334], yet found they [2147] none [3756]. [1161] At the last [5305] came [4334] two [1417] false witnesses [5575],
  King James But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses,

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Found none - That is, they found none on whose testimony they could with any show of reason convict him. The reason was, as Mark says Mar 14:56, that "their witnesses agreed not together." They differed about facts, times, and circumstances, as all false witnesses do. Two witnesses were required by their law, and they did not "dare" to condemn him without conforming, "in appearance" at least, to the requirements of the law.
56 For [1063] many [4183] bare false witness [5576] against [2596] him [846], but [2532] their witness [3141] agreed [2258] not [2470] [3756] together [2258].