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Selected Verse: Matthew 23:31 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 23:31 Strong Concordance Wherefore [5620] ye be witnesses [3140] unto yourselves [1438], that [3754] ye are [2075] the children [5207] of them which killed [5407] the prophets [4396].
  King James Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Ye be witnesses unto yourselves - The emphasis, here, lies in the words "to yourselves." It is an appeal to their conscience. It was not by their building the tombs that they were witnesses that they were the children of those who killed the prophets; but that, in spite of all this pretence of piety, under all this cloak of profession, they knew in their consciences, and were witnesses to themselves, that it was mere hypocrisy, and that they really approved the conduct of those who slew the prophets.

Children of them ... - Resembling them; approving their conduct; inheriting their feelings. See the notes at Mat 1:1. They not only showed that they were descended from them, but that they possessed their spirit, and that, in similar circumstances, they would have done as they did.
1 The book [976] of the generation [1078] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], the son [5207] of David [1138], the son [5207] of Abraham [11].
27 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye are like [3945] unto whited [2867] sepulchres [5028], which [3748] indeed [3303] appear [5316] beautiful [5611] outward [1855], but [1161] are within [2081] full [1073] of dead [3498] men's bones [3747], and [2532] of all [3956] uncleanness [167].
28 Even so [3779] ye [5210] also [2532] [3303] outwardly [1855] appear [5316] righteous [1342] unto men [444], but [1161] within [2081] ye are [2075] full [3324] of hypocrisy [5272] and [2532] iniquity [458].
25 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye make clean [2511] the outside [1855] of the cup [4221] and [2532] of the platter [3953], but [1161] within [2081] they are full [1073] of [1537] extortion [724] and [2532] excess [192].
26 Thou blind [5185] Pharisee [5330], cleanse [2511] first [4412] that which is within [1787] the cup [4221] and [2532] platter [3953], that [2443] the outside [1622] of them [846] may be [1096] clean [2513] also [2532].
23 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye pay tithe [586] of mint [2238] and [2532] anise [432] and [2532] cummin [2951], and [2532] have omitted [863] the weightier [926] matters of the law [3551], judgment [2920], [2532] mercy [1656], and [2532] faith [4102]: these [5023] ought ye [1163] to have done [4160], and not [3361] to leave [863] the other [2548] undone [863].
24 Ye blind [5185] guides [3595], which strain at [1368] a gnat [2971], and [1161] swallow [2666] a camel [2574].
16 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], ye blind [5185] guides [3595], which [3588] say [3004], Whosoever [3739] [302] shall swear [3660] by [1722] the temple [3485], it is [2076] nothing [3762]; but [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] shall swear [3660] by [1722] the gold [5557] of the temple [3485], he is a debtor [3784] !
17 Ye fools [3474] and [2532] blind [5185]: for [1063] whether [5101] is [2076] greater [3187], the gold [5557], or [2228] the temple [3485] that sanctifieth [37] the gold [5557]?
18 And [2532], Whosoever [3739] [1437] shall swear [3660] by [1722] the altar [2379], it is [2076] nothing [3762]; but [1161] whosoever [3739] [302] sweareth [3660] by [1722] the gift [1435] that is upon [1883] it [846], he is guilty [3784].
19 Ye fools [3474] and [2532] blind [5185]: for [1063] whether [5101] is greater [3187], the gift [1435], or [2228] the altar [2379] that sanctifieth [37] the gift [1435]?
20 Whoso therefore [3767] shall swear [3660] by [1722] the altar [2379], sweareth [3660] by [1722] it [846], and [2532] by [1722] all things [3956] thereon [1883] [846].
21 And [2532] whoso shall swear [3660] by [1722] the temple [3485], sweareth [3660] by [1722] it [846], and [2532] by [1722] him that dwelleth [2730] therein [846].
22 And [2532] he that shall swear [3660] by [1722] heaven [3772], sweareth [3660] by [1722] the throne [2362] of God [2316], and [2532] by [1722] him that sitteth [2521] thereon [1883] [846].
15 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye compass [4013] sea [2281] and [2532] land [3584] to make [4160] one [1520] proselyte [4339], and [2532] when [3752] he is made [1096], ye make [4160] him [846] twofold more [1362] the child [5207] of hell [1067] than yourselves [5216].
4 For [1063] they bind [1195] heavy [926] burdens [5413] and [2532] grievous to be borne [1419], and [2532] lay [2007] them on [1909] men's [444] shoulders [5606]; but [1161] they themselves will [2309] not [3756] move [2795] them [846] with one of their [846] fingers [1147].
5 But [1161] all [3956] their [846] works [2041] they do [4160] for [4314] to be seen [2300] of men [444]: [1161] they make broad [4115] their [846] phylacteries [5440], and [2532] enlarge [3170] the borders [2899] of their [846] garments [2440],
6 And [5037] love [5368] the uppermost rooms [4411] at [1722] feasts [1173], and [2532] the chief seats [4410] in [1722] the synagogues [4864],
7 And [2532] greetings [783] in [1722] the markets [58], and [2532] to be called [2564] of [5259] men [444], Rabbi [4461], Rabbi [4461].
8 But [1161] be [2564] not [3361] ye [5210] called [2564] Rabbi [4461]: for [1063] one [1520] is [2076] your [5216] Master [2519], even Christ [5547]; and [1161] all [3956] ye [5210] are [2075] brethren [80].
9 And [2532] call [2564] no [3361] man your [5216] father [3962] upon [1909] the earth [1093]: for [1063] one [1520] is [2076] your [5216] Father [3962], which [3588] is in [1722] heaven [3772].
10 Neither [3366] be ye called [2564] masters [2519]: for [1063] one [1520] is [2076] your [5216] Master [2519], even Christ [5547].
11 But [1161] he that is greatest [3187] among you [5216] shall be [2071] your [5216] servant [1249].
12 And [1161] whosoever [3748] shall exalt [5312] himself [1438] shall be abased [5013]; and [2532] he [3748] that shall humble [5013] himself [1438] shall be exalted [5312].
13 But [1161] woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye shut up [2808] the kingdom [932] of heaven [3772] against [1715] men [444]: for [1063] ye [5210] neither [3761] go in [1525] yourselves, neither [3756] suffer ye [863] them that are entering [1525] to go in [1525].
14 Woe [3759] unto you [5213], scribes [1122] and [2532] Pharisees [5330], hypocrites [5273]! for [3754] ye devour [2719] widows [5503]' houses [3614], and [2532] for a pretence [4392] make [4336] long [3117] prayer [4336]: therefore [1223] [5124] ye shall receive [2983] the greater [4055] damnation [2917].