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Selected Verse: Matthew 14:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 14:2 Strong Concordance And [2532] said [2036] unto his [846] servants [3816], This [3778] is [2076] John [2491] the Baptist [910]; he [846] is risen [1453] from [575] the dead [3498]; and [2532] therefore [1223] [5124] mighty works [1411] do shew forth themselves [1754] in [1722] him [846].
  King James And said unto his servants, This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
And said unto his servants--his counsellors or court-ministers.

This is John the Baptist: he is risen from the dead, &c.--The murdered prophet haunted his guilty breast like a specter and seemed to him alive again and clothed with unearthly powers in the person of Jesus.

Account of the Baptist's Imprisonment and Death (Mat 14:3-12). For the exposition of this portion, see on Mar 6:17-29.
17 For [1063] Herod [2264] himself [846] had sent forth [649] and laid hold [2902] upon John [2491], and [2532] bound [1210] him [846] in [1722] prison [5438] for [1223] Herodias [2266]' sake [1223], his [846] brother [80] Philip's [5376] wife [1135]: for [3754] he had married [1060] her [846].
18 For [1063] John [2491] had said [3004] unto Herod [2264], [3754] It is [1832] not [3756] lawful [1832] for thee [4671] to have [2192] thy [4675] brother's [80] wife [1135].
19 Therefore [1161] Herodias [2266] had a quarrel [1758] against him [846], and [2532] would [2309] have killed [615] him [846]; but [2532] she could [1410] not [3756]:
20 For [1063] Herod [2264] feared [5399] John [2491], knowing [1492] that he [846] was a just [1342] man [435] and [2532] an holy [40], and [2532] observed [4933] him [846]; and [2532] when he heard [191] him [846], he did [4160] many things [4183], and [2532] heard [191] him [846] gladly [2234].
21 And [2532] when a convenient [2121] day [2250] was come [1096], that [3753] Herod [2264] on his [846] birthday [1077] made [4160] a supper [1173] to his [846] lords [3175], [2532] high captains [5506], and [2532] chief [4413] estates of Galilee [1056];
22 And [2532] when the daughter [2364] of the said [846] Herodias [2266] came in [1525], and [2532] danced [3738], and [2532] pleased [700] Herod [2264] and [2532] them that sat with him [4873], the king [935] said [2036] unto the damsel [2877], Ask [154] of me [3165] whatsoever [3739] [1437] thou wilt [2309], and [2532] I will give [1325] it thee [4671].
23 And [2532] he sware [3660] unto her [846], Whatsoever [3754] [3739] [1437] thou shalt ask [154] of me [3165], I will give [1325] it thee [4671], unto [2193] the half [2255] of my [3450] kingdom [932].
24 And [1161] she went forth [1831], and said [2036] unto her [846] mother [3384], What [5101] shall I ask [154]? And [1161] she said [2036], The head [2776] of John [2491] the Baptist [910].
25 And [2532] she came in [1525] straightway [2112] with [3326] haste [4710] unto [4314] the king [935], and asked [154], saying [3004], I will [2309] that [2443] thou give [1325] me [3427] by and by [1824] in [1909] a charger [4094] the head [2776] of John [2491] the Baptist [910].
26 And [2532] the king [935] was [1096] exceeding sorry [4036]; yet for [1223] his oath's sake [3727], and [2532] for their sakes which [3588] sat with him [4873], he would [2309] not [3756] reject [114] her [846].
27 And [2532] immediately [2112] the king [935] sent [649] an executioner [4688], and commanded [2004] his [846] head [2776] to be brought [5342]: and [1161] he went [565] and beheaded [607] him [846] in [1722] the prison [5438],
28 And [2532] brought [5342] his [846] head [2776] in [1909] a charger [4094], and [2532] gave [1325] it [846] to the damsel [2877]: and [2532] the damsel [2877] gave [1325] it [846] to her [846] mother [3384].
29 And [2532] when his [846] disciples [3101] heard [191] of it, they came [2064] and [2532] took up [142] his [846] corpse [4430], and [2532] laid [5087] it [846] in [1722] a tomb [3419].
3 For [1063] Herod [2264] had laid hold [2902] on John [2491], and bound [1210] him [846], and [2532] put [5087] him in [1722] prison [5438] for [1223] Herodias' [2266] sake [1223], his [846] brother [80] Philip's [5376] wife [1135].
4 For [1063] John [2491] said [3004] unto him [846], It is [1832] not [3756] lawful [1832] for thee [4671] to have [2192] her [846].
5 And [2532] when he would [2309] have put [615] him [846] to death [615], he feared [5399] the multitude [3793], because [3754] they counted [2192] him [846] as [5613] a prophet [4396].
6 But [1161] when Herod's [2264] birthday [1077] was kept [71], the daughter [2364] of Herodias [2266] danced [3738] before them [1722] [3319], and [2532] pleased [700] Herod [2264].
7 Whereupon [3606] he promised [3670] with [3326] an oath [3727] to give [1325] her [846] whatsoever [3739] [1437] she would ask [154].
8 And [1161] she, being before instructed [4264] of [5259] her [846] mother [3384], said [5346], Give [1325] me [3427] here [5602] John [2491] Baptist's [910] head [2776] in [1909] a charger [4094].
9 And [2532] the king [935] was sorry [3076]: nevertheless for [1161] [1223] the oath's sake [3727], and [2532] them which sat with him at meat [4873], he commanded [2753] it to be given [1325] her.
10 And [2532] he sent [3992], and beheaded [607] John [2491] in [1722] the prison [5438].
11 And [2532] his [846] head [2776] was brought [5342] in [1909] a charger [4094], and [2532] given [1325] to the damsel [2877]: and [2532] she brought [5342] it to her [846] mother [3384].
12 And [2532] his [846] disciples [3101] came [4334], and took up [142] the body [4983], and [2532] buried [2290] it [846], and [2532] went [2064] and told [518] Jesus [2424].
15 Others [243] said [3004], That [3754] it is [2076] Elias [2243]. And [1161] others [243] said [3004], That [3754] it is [2076] a prophet [4396], or [2228] as [5613] one of [1520] the prophets [4396].