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Selected Verse: Matthew 13:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 13:13 Strong Concordance Therefore [1223] [5124] speak I [2980] to them [846] in [1722] parables [3850]: because [3754] they seeing [991] see [991] not [3756]; and [2532] hearing [191] they hear [191] not [3756], neither [3761] do they understand [4920].
  King James Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Therefore speak I to them in parables--which our Lord, be it observed, did not begin to do till His miracles were malignantly ascribed to Satan.

because they seeing, see not--They "saw," for the light shone on them as never light shone before; but they "saw not," for they closed their eyes.

and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand--They "heard," for He taught them who "spake as never man spake"; but they "heard not," for they took nothing in, apprehending not the soul-penetrating, life-giving words addressed to them. In Mark and Luke (Mar 4:12; Luk 8:10), what is here expressed as a human fact is represented as the fulfilment of a divine purpose--"that seeing they may see, and not perceive," &c. The explanation of this lies in the statement of the foregoing verse--that, by a fixed law of the divine administration, the duty men voluntarily refuse to do, and in point of fact do not do, they at length become morally incapable of doing.
10 And [1161] he said [2036], Unto you [5213] it is given [1325] to know [1097] the mysteries [3466] of the kingdom [932] of God [2316]: but [1161] to others [3062] in [1722] parables [3850]; that [2443] seeing [991] they might [991] not [3361] see [991], and [2532] hearing [191] they might [4920] not [3361] understand [4920].
12 That [2443] seeing [991] they may see [991], and [2532] not [3361] perceive [1492]; and [2532] hearing [191] they may hear [191], and [2532] not [3361] understand [4920]; lest at any time [3379] they should be converted [1994], and [2532] their sins [265] should be forgiven [863] them [846].