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Selected Verse: Matthew 1:18 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mt 1:18 Strong Concordance Now [1161] the birth [1083] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] was [2258] on this wise [3779]: When as [1063] his [846] mother [3384] Mary [3137] was espoused [3423] to Joseph [2501], before [4250] [2228] they [846] came together [4905], she was found [2147] with child [1722] [1064] [2192] of [1537] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151].
  King James Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
BIRTH OF CHRIST. (Mat 1:18-25)

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise--or, "thus."

When as his mother Mary was espoused--rather, "betrothed."

to Joseph, before they came together, she was found--discovered to be.

with child of the Holy Ghost--It was, of course, the fact only that was discovered; the explanation of the fact here given is the Evangelist's own. That the Holy Ghost is a living conscious Person is plainly implied here, and is elsewhere clearly taught (Act 5:3-4, &c.): and that, in the unity of the Godhead, He is distinct both from the Father and the Son, is taught with equal distinctness (Mat 28:19; Co2 13:14). On the miraculous conception of our Lord, see on Luk 1:35.
35 And [2532] the angel [32] answered [611] and said [2036] unto her [846], The Holy [40] Ghost [4151] shall come [1904] upon [1909] thee [4571], and [2532] the power [1411] of the Highest [5310] shall overshadow [1982] thee [4671]: therefore [1352] also [2532] that holy thing [40] which shall be born [1080] of [1537] thee [4675] shall be called [2564] the Son [5207] of God [2316].
14 The grace [5485] of the Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547], and [2532] the love [26] of God [2316], and [2532] the communion [2842] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], be with [3326] you [5216] all [3956]. Amen [281].
19 Go ye [4198] therefore [3767], and teach [3100] all [3956] nations [1484], baptizing [907] them [846] in [1519] the name [3686] of the Father [3962], and [2532] of the Son [5207], and [2532] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151]:
3 But [1161] Peter [4074] said [2036], Ananias [367], why [1302] hath Satan [4567] filled [4137] thine [4675] heart [2588] [4571] to lie [5574] to the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] to keep back [3557] part of [575] the price [5092] of the land [5564]?
4 Whiles it remained [3306], was it not [3780] thine own [4671] [3306]? and [2532] after it was sold [4097], was it not [5225] in [1722] thine own [4674] power [1849]? why [5101] [3754] hast thou conceived [5087] this [5124] thing [4229] in [1722] thine [4675] heart [2588]? thou hast [5574] not [3756] lied [5574] unto men [444], but [235] unto God [2316].
18 Now [1161] the birth [1083] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] was [2258] on this wise [3779]: When as [1063] his [846] mother [3384] Mary [3137] was espoused [3423] to Joseph [2501], before [4250] [2228] they [846] came together [4905], she was found [2147] with child [1722] [1064] [2192] of [1537] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151].
19 Then [1161] Joseph [2501] her [846] husband [435], being [5607] a just [1342] man, and [2532] not [3361] willing [2309] to make [3856] her [846] a publick example [3856], was minded [1014] to put [630] her [846] away [630] privily [2977].
20 But [1161] while he [846] thought on [1760] these things [5023], behold [2400], the angel [32] of the Lord [2962] appeared [5316] unto him [846] in [2596] a dream [3677], saying [3004], Joseph [2501], thou son [5207] of David [1138], fear [5399] not [3361] to take [3880] unto thee [4675] Mary [3137] thy wife [1135]: for [1063] that which is conceived [1080] in [1722] her [846] is [2076] of [1537] the Holy [40] Ghost [4151].
21 And [1161] she shall bring forth [5088] a son [5207], and [2532] thou shalt call [2564] his [846] name [3686] JESUS [2424]: for [1063] he [846] shall save [4982] his [846] people [2992] from [575] their [846] sins [266].
22 Now [1161] all [3650] this [5124] was done [1096], that [2443] it might be fulfilled [4137] which [3588] was spoken [4483] of [5259] the Lord [2962] by [1223] the prophet [4396], saying [3004],
23 Behold [2400], a virgin [3933] shall be with child [1722] [1064] [2192], and [2532] shall bring forth [5088] a son [5207], and [2532] they shall call [2564] his [846] name [3686] Emmanuel [1694], which [3739] being interpreted [3177] is [2076], God [2316] with [3326] us [2257].
24 Then [1161] Joseph [2501] being raised [1326] from [575] sleep [5258] did [4160] as [5613] the angel [32] of the Lord [2962] had bidden [4367] him [846], and [2532] took [3880] unto him [846] his wife [1135]:
25 And [2532] knew [1097] her [846] not [3756] till [2193] [3739] she had brought forth [5088] her [846] firstborn [4416] son [5207]: and [2532] he called [2564] his [846] name [3686] JESUS [2424].
35 And [2532] the angel [32] answered [611] and said [2036] unto her [846], The Holy [40] Ghost [4151] shall come [1904] upon [1909] thee [4571], and [2532] the power [1411] of the Highest [5310] shall overshadow [1982] thee [4671]: therefore [1352] also [2532] that holy thing [40] which shall be born [1080] of [1537] thee [4675] shall be called [2564] the Son [5207] of God [2316].
28 If a man [0376] find [04672] a damsel [05291] that is a virgin [01330], which is not betrothed [0781], and lay hold [08610] on her, and lie [07901] with her, and they be found [04672];
25 But if a man [0376] find [04672] a betrothed [0781] damsel [05291] in the field [07704], and the man [0376] force [02388] her, and lie [07901] with her: then the man [0376] only that lay [07901] with her shall die [04191]:
7 And what man [0376] is there that hath betrothed [0781] a wife [0802], and hath not taken [03947] her? let him go [03212] and return [07725] unto his house [01004], lest he die [04191] in the battle [04421], and another [0312] man [0376] take [03947] her.
8 And after a time [03117] he returned [07725] to take [03947] her, and he turned aside [05493] to see [07200] the carcase [04658] of the lion [0738]: and, behold, there was a swarm [05712] of bees [01682] and honey [01706] in the carcase [01472] of the lion [0738].
55 And her brother [0251] and her mother [0517] said [0559], Let the damsel [05291] abide [03427] with us a few days [03117], at the least [0176] ten [06218]; after [0310] that she shall go [03212].
24 Then ye shall bring [03318] them both [08147] out unto the gate [08179] of that city [05892], and ye shall stone [05619] them with stones [068] that they die [04191]; the damsel [05291], because [0834] [01697] she cried [06817] not, being in the city [05892]; and the man [0376], because [0834] [01697] he hath humbled [06031] his neighbour's [07453] wife [0802]: so thou shalt put away [01197] evil [07451] from among [07130] you.
23 If a damsel [05291] that is a virgin [01330] be betrothed [0781] unto an husband [0376], and a man [0376] find [04672] her in the city [05892], and lie [07901] with her;
24 Then ye shall bring [03318] them both [08147] out unto the gate [08179] of that city [05892], and ye shall stone [05619] them with stones [068] that they die [04191]; the damsel [05291], because [0834] [01697] she cried [06817] not, being in the city [05892]; and the man [0376], because [0834] [01697] he hath humbled [06031] his neighbour's [07453] wife [0802]: so thou shalt put away [01197] evil [07451] from among [07130] you.
23 If a damsel [05291] that is a virgin [01330] be betrothed [0781] unto an husband [0376], and a man [0376] find [04672] her in the city [05892], and lie [07901] with her;
28 If a man [0376] find [04672] a damsel [05291] that is a virgin [01330], which is not betrothed [0781], and lay hold [08610] on her, and lie [07901] with her, and they be found [04672];
25 But if a man [0376] find [04672] a betrothed [0781] damsel [05291] in the field [07704], and the man [0376] force [02388] her, and lie [07901] with her: then the man [0376] only that lay [07901] with her shall die [04191]:
8 And after a time [03117] he returned [07725] to take [03947] her, and he turned aside [05493] to see [07200] the carcase [04658] of the lion [0738]: and, behold, there was a swarm [05712] of bees [01682] and honey [01706] in the carcase [01472] of the lion [0738].
7 And he went down [03381], and talked [01696] with the woman [0802]; and she pleased [03474] Samson [08123] well [03474] [05869].
7 And what man [0376] is there that hath betrothed [0781] a wife [0802], and hath not taken [03947] her? let him go [03212] and return [07725] unto his house [01004], lest he die [04191] in the battle [04421], and another [0312] man [0376] take [03947] her.