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Selected Verse: Numbers 33:50 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Nu 33:50 Strong Concordance And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
  King James And the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho, saying,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you--not, however, by expulsion, but extermination (Deu 7:1).

and destroy all their pictures--obelisks for idolatrous worship (see on Lev 26:1).

and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places--by metonymy for all their groves and altars, and materials of worship on the tops of hills.
1 Ye shall make [06213] you no idols [0457] nor graven image [06459], neither rear you up [06965] a standing image [04676], neither shall ye set up [05414] any image [04906] of stone [068] in your land [0776], to bow down [07812] unto it: for I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430].
1 When the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] shall bring [0935] thee into the land [0776] whither thou goest [0935] to possess [03423] it, and hath cast out [05394] many [07227] nations [01471] before [06440] thee, the Hittites [02850], and the Girgashites [01622], and the Amorites [0567], and the Canaanites [03669], and the Perizzites [06522], and the Hivites [02340], and the Jebusites [02983], seven [07651] nations [01471] greater [07227] and mightier [06099] than thou;
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
13 Know [03045] for a certainty [03045] that the LORD [03068] your God [0430] will no more [03254] drive out [03423] any of these nations [01471] from before [06440] you; but they shall be snares [06341] and traps [04170] unto you, and scourges [07850] in your sides [06654], and thorns [06796] in your eyes [05869], until ye perish [06] from off this good [02896] land [0127] which the LORD [03068] your God [0430] hath given [05414] you.
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
55 Notwithstanding the land [0776] shall be divided [02505] by lot [01486]: according to the names [08034] of the tribes [04294] of their fathers [01] they shall inherit [05157].
53 Unto these the land [0776] shall be divided [02505] for an inheritance [05159] according to the number [04557] of names [08034].
54 To many [07227] thou shalt give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to few [04592] thou shalt give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: to every one [0376] shall his inheritance [05159] be given [05414] according [06310] to those that were numbered [06485] of him.
55 Notwithstanding the land [0776] shall be divided [02505] by lot [01486]: according to the names [08034] of the tribes [04294] of their fathers [01] they shall inherit [05157].
56 According [06310] to the lot [01486] shall the possession [05159] thereof be divided [02505] between many [07227] and few [04592].
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
30 And I will destroy [08045] your high places [01116], and cut down [03772] your images [02553], and cast [05414] your carcases [06297] upon the carcases [06297] of your idols [01544], and my soul [05315] shall abhor [01602] you.
4 And he received [03947] them at their hand [03027], and fashioned [06696] it with a graving tool [02747], after he had made [06213] it a molten [04541] calf [05695]: and they said [0559], These be thy gods [0430], O Israel [03478], which brought [05927] thee up out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
1 Ye shall make [06213] you no idols [0457] nor graven image [06459], neither rear you up [06965] a standing image [04676], neither shall ye set up [05414] any image [04906] of stone [068] in your land [0776], to bow down [07812] unto it: for I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430].
13 But ye shall destroy [05422] their altars [04196], break [07665] their images [04676], and cut down [03772] their groves [0842]:
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
12 I will smite [05221] them with the pestilence [01698], and disinherit [03423] them, and will make [06213] of thee a greater [01419] nation [01471] and mightier [06099] than they.
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
53 And ye shall dispossess [03423] the inhabitants of the land [0776], and dwell [03427] therein: for I have given [05414] you the land [0776] to possess [03423] it.
51 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, When ye are passed over [05674] Jordan [03383] into the land [0776] of Canaan [03667];
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
53 And ye shall dispossess [03423] the inhabitants of the land [0776], and dwell [03427] therein: for I have given [05414] you the land [0776] to possess [03423] it.
50 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
51 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, When ye are passed over [05674] Jordan [03383] into the land [0776] of Canaan [03667];
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
53 And ye shall dispossess [03423] the inhabitants of the land [0776], and dwell [03427] therein: for I have given [05414] you the land [0776] to possess [03423] it.
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
50 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
51 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, When ye are passed over [05674] Jordan [03383] into the land [0776] of Canaan [03667];
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
53 And ye shall dispossess [03423] the inhabitants of the land [0776], and dwell [03427] therein: for I have given [05414] you the land [0776] to possess [03423] it.
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
1 And the chief [07218] fathers [01] of the families [04940] of the children [01121] of Gilead [01568], the son [01121] of Machir [04353], the son [01121] of Manasseh [04519], of the families [04940] of the sons [01121] of Joseph [03130], came near [07126], and spake [01696] before [06440] Moses [04872], and before [06440] the princes [05387], the chief [07218] fathers [01] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478]:
2 And they said [0559], The LORD [03068] commanded [06680] my lord [0113] to give [05414] the land [0776] for an inheritance [05159] by lot [01486] to the children [01121] of Israel [03478]: and my lord [0113] was commanded [06680] by the LORD [03068] to give [05414] the inheritance [05159] of Zelophehad [06765] our brother [0251] unto his daughters [01323].
3 And if they be married [0802] to any [0259] of the sons [01121] of the other tribes [07626] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478], then shall their inheritance [05159] be taken [01639] from the inheritance [05159] of our fathers [01], and shall be put [03254] to the inheritance [05159] of the tribe [04294] whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken [01639] from the lot [01486] of our inheritance [05159].
4 And when the jubile [03104] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478] shall be, then shall their inheritance [05159] be put [03254] unto the inheritance [05159] of the tribe [04294] whereunto they are received: so shall their inheritance [05159] be taken away [01639] from the inheritance [05159] of the tribe [04294] of our fathers [01].
5 And Moses [04872] commanded [06680] the children [01121] of Israel [03478] according to the word [06310] of the LORD [03068], saying [0559], The tribe [04294] of the sons [01121] of Joseph [03130] hath said [01696] well.
6 This is the thing [01697] which the LORD [03068] doth command [06680] concerning the daughters [01323] of Zelophehad [06765], saying [0559], Let them marry [0802] to whom they think [05869] best [02896]; only to the family [04940] of the tribe [04294] of their father [01] shall they marry [0802].
7 So shall not the inheritance [05159] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478] remove [05437] from tribe [04294] to tribe [04294]: for every one [0376] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478] shall keep [01692] himself to the inheritance [05159] of the tribe [04294] of his fathers [01].
8 And every daughter [01323], that possesseth [03423] an inheritance [05159] in any tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478], shall be wife [0802] unto one [0259] of the family [04940] of the tribe [04294] of her father [01], that the children [01121] of Israel [03478] may enjoy [03423] every man [0376] the inheritance [05159] of his fathers [01].
9 Neither shall the inheritance [05159] remove [05437] from one tribe [04294] to another [0312] tribe [04294]; but every one [0376] of the tribes [04294] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478] shall keep [01692] himself to his own inheritance [05159].
10 Even as the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] Moses [04872], so did [06213] the daughters [01323] of Zelophehad [06765]:
11 For Mahlah [04244], Tirzah [08656], and Hoglah [02295], and Milcah [04435], and Noah [05270], the daughters [01323] of Zelophehad [06765], were married [0802] unto their father's [01730] brothers' sons [01121]:
12 And they were married [0802] into the families [04940] of the sons [01121] of Manasseh [04519] the son [01121] of Joseph [03130], and their inheritance [05159] remained in the tribe [04294] of the family [04940] of their father [01].
13 These are the commandments [04687] and the judgments [04941], which the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] by the hand [03027] of Moses [04872] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405].
1 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
2 Command [06680] the children [01121] of Israel [03478], that they give [05414] unto the Levites [03881] of the inheritance [05159] of their possession [0272] cities [05892] to dwell in [03427]; and ye shall give [05414] also unto the Levites [03881] suburbs [04054] for the cities [05892] round about [05439] them.
3 And the cities [05892] shall they have to dwell in [03427]; and the suburbs [04054] of them shall be for their cattle [0929], and for their goods [07399], and for all their beasts [02416].
4 And the suburbs [04054] of the cities [05892], which ye shall give [05414] unto the Levites [03881], shall reach from the wall [07023] of the city [05892] and outward [02351] a thousand [0505] cubits [0520] round about [05439].
5 And ye shall measure [04058] from without [02351] the city [05892] on the east [06924] side [06285] two thousand [0505] cubits [0520], and on the south [05045] side [06285] two thousand [0505] cubits [0520], and on the west [03220] side [06285] two thousand [0505] cubits [0520], and on the north [06828] side [06285] two thousand [0505] cubits [0520]; and the city [05892] shall be in the midst [08432]: this shall be to them the suburbs [04054] of the cities [05892].
6 And among the cities [05892] which ye shall give [05414] unto the Levites [03881] there shall be six [08337] cities [05892] for refuge [04733], which ye shall appoint [05414] for the manslayer [07523], that he may flee [05127] thither: and to them ye shall add [05414] forty [0705] and two [08147] cities [05892].
7 So all the cities [05892] which ye shall give [05414] to the Levites [03881] shall be forty [0705] and eight [08083] cities [05892]: them shall ye give with their suburbs [04054].
8 And the cities [05892] which ye shall give [05414] shall be of the possession [0272] of the children [01121] of Israel [03478]: from them that have many [07227] ye shall give many [07235]; but from them that have few [04592] ye shall give few [04591]: every one [0376] shall give [05414] of his cities [05892] unto the Levites [03881] according [06310] to his inheritance [05159] which he inheriteth [05157].
16 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872], saying [0559],
17 These are the names [08034] of the men [0582] which shall divide [05157] the land [0776] unto you: Eleazar [0499] the priest [03548], and Joshua [03091] the son [01121] of Nun [05126].
18 And ye shall take [03947] one [0259] prince [05387] of every tribe [04294], to divide [05157] the land [0776] by inheritance [05157].
19 And the names [08034] of the men [0582] are these: Of the tribe [04294] of Judah [03063], Caleb [03612] the son [01121] of Jephunneh [03312].
20 And of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Simeon [08095], Shemuel [08050] the son [01121] of Ammihud [05989].
21 Of the tribe [04294] of Benjamin [01144], Elidad [0449] the son [01121] of Chislon [03692].
22 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Dan [01835], Bukki [01231] the son [01121] of Jogli [03020].
23 The prince [05387] of the children [01121] of Joseph [03130], for the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Manasseh [04519], Hanniel [02592] the son [01121] of Ephod [0641].
24 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Ephraim [0669], Kemuel [07055] the son [01121] of Shiphtan [08204].
25 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Zebulun [02074], Elizaphan [0469] the son [01121] of Parnach [06535].
26 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Issachar [03485], Paltiel [06409] the son [01121] of Azzan [05821].
27 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Asher [0836], Ahihud [0282] the son [01121] of Shelomi [08015].
28 And the prince [05387] of the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Naphtali [05321], Pedahel [06300] the son [01121] of Ammihud [05989].
29 These are they whom the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] to divide the inheritance [05157] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478] in the land [0776] of Canaan [03667].
1 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872], saying [0559],
2 Command [06680] the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, When ye come [0935] into the land [0776] of Canaan [03667]; (this is the land [0776] that shall fall [05307] unto you for an inheritance [05159], even the land [0776] of Canaan [03667] with the coasts [01367] thereof:)
3 Then your south [05045] quarter [06285] shall be from the wilderness [04057] of Zin [06790] along by the coast [03027] of Edom [0123], and your south [05045] border [01366] shall be the outmost coast [07097] of the salt [04417] sea [03220] eastward [06924]:
4 And your border [01366] shall turn [05437] from the south [05045] to the ascent [04608] of Akrabbim [04610], and pass on [05674] to Zin [06790]: and the going forth [08444] thereof shall be from the south [05045] to Kadeshbarnea [06947], and shall go on [03318] to Hazaraddar [02692], and pass on [05674] to Azmon [06111]:
5 And the border [01366] shall fetch a compass [05437] from Azmon [06111] unto the river [05158] of Egypt [04714], and the goings out [08444] of it shall be at the sea [03220].
6 And as for the western [03220] border [01366], ye shall even have the great [01419] sea [03220] for a border [01366]: this shall be your west [03220] border [01366].
7 And this shall be your north [06828] border [01366]: from the great [01419] sea [03220] ye shall point out [08376] for you mount [02022] Hor [02023]:
8 From mount [02022] Hor [02023] ye shall point out [08376] your border unto the entrance [0935] of Hamath [02574]; and the goings forth [08444] of the border [01366] shall be to Zedad [06657]:
9 And the border [01366] shall go on [03318] to Ziphron [02202], and the goings out [08444] of it shall be at Hazarenan [02704]: this shall be your north [06828] border [01366].
10 And ye shall point out [0184] your east [06924] border [01366] from Hazarenan [02704] to Shepham [08221]:
11 And the coast [01366] shall go down [03381] from Shepham [08221] to Riblah [07247], on the east side [06924] of Ain [05871]; and the border [01366] shall descend [03381], and shall reach [04229] unto the side [03802] of the sea [03220] of Chinnereth [03672] eastward [06924]:
12 And the border [01366] shall go down [03381] to Jordan [03383], and the goings out [08444] of it shall be at the salt [04417] sea [03220]: this shall be your land [0776] with the coasts [01367] thereof round about [05439].
13 And Moses [04872] commanded [06680] the children [01121] of Israel [03478], saying [0559], This is the land [0776] which ye shall inherit [05157] by lot [01486], which the LORD [03068] commanded [06680] to give [05414] unto the nine [08672] tribes [04294], and to the half [02677] tribe [04294]:
14 For the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Reuben [07206] according to the house [01004] of their fathers [01], and the tribe [04294] of the children [01121] of Gad [01425] according to the house [01004] of their fathers [01], have received [03947] their inheritance; and half [02677] the tribe [04294] of Manasseh [04519] have received [03947] their inheritance [05159]:
15 The two [08147] tribes [04294] and the half [02677] tribe [04294] have received [03947] their inheritance [05159] on this side [05676] Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405] eastward [06924], toward the sunrising [04217].
50 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
51 Speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], and say [0559] unto them, When ye are passed over [05674] Jordan [03383] into the land [0776] of Canaan [03667];
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
53 And ye shall dispossess [03423] the inhabitants of the land [0776], and dwell [03427] therein: for I have given [05414] you the land [0776] to possess [03423] it.
54 And ye shall divide [05157] the land [0776] by lot [01486] for an inheritance [05157] among your families [04940]: and to the more [07227] ye shall give the more [07235] inheritance [05159], and to the fewer [04592] ye shall give the less [04591] inheritance [05159]: every man's inheritance shall be in the place where his lot [01486] falleth [03318]; according to the tribes [04294] of your fathers [01] ye shall inherit [05157].
55 But if ye will not drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain [03498] of them shall be pricks [07899] in your eyes [05869], and thorns [06796] in your sides [06654], and shall vex [06887] you in the land [0776] wherein ye dwell [03427].
56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do [06213] unto you, as I thought [01819] to do [06213] unto them.
1 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],
50 And the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto Moses [04872] in the plains [06160] of Moab [04124] by Jordan [03383] near Jericho [03405], saying [0559],