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Selected Verse: Malachi 2:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mal 2:12 Strong Concordance The LORD [03068] will cut off [03772] the man [0376] that doeth [06213] this, the master [05782] and the scholar [06030], out of the tabernacles [0168] of Jacob [03290], and him that offereth [05066] an offering [04503] unto the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
  King James The LORD will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
master and . . . scholar--literally, "him that watcheth and him that answereth." So "wakeneth" is used of the teacher or "master" (Isa 50:4); masters are watchful in guarding their scholars. The reference is to the priests, who ought to have taught the people piety, but who led them into evil. "Him that answereth" is the scholar who has to answer the questions of his teacher (Luk 2:47) [GROTIUS]. The Arabs have a proverb, "None calling and none answering," that is, there being not one alive. So GESENIUS explains it of the Levite watches in the temple (Psa 134:1), one watchman calling and another answering. But the scholar is rather the people, the pupils of the priests "in doing this," namely, forming unions with foreign wives. "Out of the tabernacles of Jacob" proves it is not the priests alone. God will spare neither priests nor people who act so.

him that offereth--His offerings will not avail to shield him from the penalty of his sin in repudiating his Jewish wife and taking a foreign one.
1 A Song [07892] of degrees [04609]. Behold, bless [01288] ye the LORD [03068], all ye servants [05650] of the LORD [03068], which by night [03915] stand [05975] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
47 And [1161] all [3956] that heard [191] him [846] were astonished [1839] at [1909] his [846] understanding [4907] and [2532] answers [612].
4 The Lord [0136] GOD [03069] hath given [05414] me the tongue [03956] of the learned [03928], that I should know [03045] how to speak [05790] a word [01697] in season to him that is weary [03287]: he wakeneth [05782] morning [01242] by morning [01242], he wakeneth [05782] mine ear [0241] to hear [08085] as the learned [03928].
9 He that turneth away [05493] his ear [0241] from hearing [08085] the law [08451], even his prayer [08605] shall be abomination [08441].
8 The sacrifice [02077] of the wicked [07563] is an abomination [08441] to the LORD [03068]: but the prayer [08605] of the upright [03477] is his delight [07522].
8 For I the LORD [03068] love [0157] judgment [04941], I hate [08130] robbery [01498] for burnt offering [05930]; and I will direct [05414] their work [06468] in truth [0571], and I will make [03772] an everlasting [05769] covenant [01285] with them.
13 Bring [0935] no more [03254] vain [07723] oblations [04503]; incense [07004] is an abomination [08441] unto me; the new moons [02320] and sabbaths [07676], the calling [07121] of assemblies [04744], I cannot away with [03201]; it is iniquity [0205], even the solemn meeting [06116].