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Selected Verse: Malachi 2:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mal 2:11 Strong Concordance Judah [03063] hath dealt treacherously [0898], and an abomination [08441] is committed [06213] in Israel [03478] and in Jerusalem [03389]; for Judah [03063] hath profaned [02490] the holiness [06944] of the LORD [03068] which he loved [0157], and hath married [01166] the daughter [01323] of a strange [05236] god [0410].
  King James Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
dealt treacherously--namely, in respect to the Jewish wives who were put away (Mal 2:14; also Mal 2:10, Mal 2:15-16).

profaned the holiness of . . . Lord--by ill-treating the Israelites (namely, the wives), who were set apart as a people holy unto the Lord: "the holy seed" (Ezr 9:2; compare Jer 2:3). Or, "the holiness of the Lord" means His holy ordinance and covenant (Deu 7:3). But "which He loved," seems to refer to the holy people, Israel, whom God so gratuitously loved (Mal 1:2), without merit on their part (Psa 47:4).

married, &c.-- (Ezr 9:1-2; Ezr 10:2; Neh 13:23, &c.).

daughter of a strange god--women worshipping idols: as the worshipper in Scripture is regarded in the relation of a child to a father (Jer 2:27).
27 Saying [0559] to a stock [06086], Thou art my father [01]; and to a stone [068], Thou hast brought me forth [03205]: for they have turned [06437] their back [06203] unto me, and not their face [06440]: but in the time [06256] of their trouble [07451] they will say [0559], Arise [06965], and save [03467] us.
23 In those days [03117] also saw [07200] I Jews [03064] that had married [03427] wives [0802] of Ashdod [0796], of Ammon [05984], and of Moab [04125]:
2 And Shechaniah [07935] the son [01121] of Jehiel [03171], one of the sons [01121] of Elam [05867], answered [06030] and said [0559] unto Ezra [05830], We have trespassed [04603] against our God [0430], and have taken [03427] strange [05237] wives [0802] of the people [05971] of the land [0776]: yet now there is [03426] hope [04723] in Israel [03478] concerning this thing.
1 Now when these things were done [03615], the princes [08269] came [05066] to me, saying [0559], The people [05971] of Israel [03478], and the priests [03548], and the Levites [03881], have not separated [0914] themselves from the people [05971] of the lands [0776], doing according to their abominations [08441], even of the Canaanites [03669], the Hittites [02850], the Perizzites [06522], the Jebusites [02983], the Ammonites [05984], the Moabites [04125], the Egyptians [04713], and the Amorites [0567].
2 For they have taken [05375] of their daughters [01323] for themselves, and for their sons [01121]: so that the holy [06944] seed [02233] have mingled [06148] themselves with the people [05971] of those lands [0776]: yea, the hand [03027] of the princes [08269] and rulers [05461] hath been chief [07223] in this trespass [04604].
4 He shall choose [0977] our inheritance [05159] for us, the excellency [01347] of Jacob [03290] whom he loved [0157]. Selah [05542].
2 I have loved [0157] you, saith [05002] the LORD [03068]. Yet ye say [0559], Wherein hast thou loved [0157] us? Was not Esau [06215] Jacob's [03290] brother [0251]? saith [0559] the LORD [03068]: yet I loved [0157] Jacob [03290],
3 Neither shalt thou make marriages [02859] with them; thy daughter [01323] thou shalt not give [05414] unto his son [01121], nor his daughter [01323] shalt thou take [03947] unto thy son [01121].
3 Israel [03478] was holiness [06944] unto the LORD [03068], and the firstfruits [07225] of his increase [08393]: all that devour [0398] him shall offend [0816]; evil [07451] shall come [0935] upon them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
2 For they have taken [05375] of their daughters [01323] for themselves, and for their sons [01121]: so that the holy [06944] seed [02233] have mingled [06148] themselves with the people [05971] of those lands [0776]: yea, the hand [03027] of the princes [08269] and rulers [05461] hath been chief [07223] in this trespass [04604].
15 And did not he make [06213] one [0259]? Yet had he the residue [07605] of the spirit [07307]. And wherefore one [0259]? That he might seek [01245] a godly [0430] seed [02233]. Therefore take heed [08104] to your spirit [07307], and let none deal treacherously [0898] against the wife [0802] of his youth [05271].
16 For the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of Israel [03478], saith [0559] that he hateth [08130] putting away [07971]: for one covereth [03680] violence [02555] with his garment [03830], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]: therefore take heed [08104] to your spirit [07307], that ye deal not treacherously [0898].
10 Have we not all one [0259] father [01]? hath not one [0259] God [0410] created [01254] us? why do we deal treacherously [0898] every man [0376] against his brother [0251], by profaning [02490] the covenant [01285] of our fathers [01]?
14 Yet ye say [0559], Wherefore [04100]? Because the LORD [03068] hath been witness [05749] between thee and the wife [0802] of thy youth [05271], against whom thou hast dealt treacherously [0898]: yet is she thy companion [02278], and the wife [0802] of thy covenant [01285].
18 And [2532] will be [2071] [1519] a Father [3962] unto you [5213], and [2532] ye [5210] shall be [2071] my [3427] sons [5207] [1519] and [2532] daughters [2364], saith [3004] the Lord [2962] Almighty [3841].
19 And when the LORD [03068] saw [07200] it, he abhorred [05006] them, because of the provoking [03708] of his sons [01121], and of his daughters [01323].
15 Know ye [1492] not [3756] that [3754] your [5216] bodies [4983] are [2076] the members [3196] of Christ [5547]? shall I [142] then [3767] take [142] the members [3196] of Christ [5547], and make [4160] them the members [3196] of an harlot [4204]? God forbid [3361] [1096].
16 What [2228]? know ye [1492] not [3756] that [3754] he which is joined [2853] to an harlot [4204] is [2076] one [1520] body [4983]? for [1063] two [1417], saith he [5346], shall be [2071] one [1519] [3391] flesh [4561].
17 But [1161] he that is joined [2853] unto the Lord [2962] is [2076] one [1520] spirit [4151].
18 Flee [5343] fornication [4202]. Every [3956] sin [265] that [3739] [1437] a man [444] doeth [4160] is [2076] without [1622] the body [4983]; but [1161] he that committeth fornication [4203] sinneth [264] against [1519] his own [2398] body [4983].
19 What [2228]? know ye [1492] not [3756] that [3754] your [5216] body [4983] is [2076] the temple [3485] of the Holy [40] Ghost [4151] which is in [1722] you [5213], which [3739] ye have [2192] of [575] God [2316], and [2532] ye are [2075] not [3756] your own [1438]?
20 For [1063] ye are bought [59] with a price [5092]: therefore [1211] glorify [1392] God [2316] in [1722] your [5216] body [4983], and [2532] in [1722] your [5216] spirit [4151], which [3748] are [2076] God's [2316].
29 Remember [02142] them, O my God [0430], because they have defiled [01352] the priesthood [03550], and the covenant [01285] of the priesthood [03550], and of the Levites [03881].
14 A widow [0490], or a divorced woman [01644], or profane [02491], or an harlot [02181], these shall he not take [03947]: but he shall take [03947] a virgin [01330] of his own people [05971] to wife [0802].
15 Neither shall he profane [02490] his seed [02233] among his people [05971]: for I the LORD [03068] do sanctify [06942] him.
3 Israel [03478] was holiness [06944] unto the LORD [03068], and the firstfruits [07225] of his increase [08393]: all that devour [0398] him shall offend [0816]; evil [07451] shall come [0935] upon them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom [04467] of priests [03548], and an holy [06918] nation [01471]. These are the words [01697] which thou shalt speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].