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Selected Verse: Zechariah 9:15 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Zec 9:15 Strong Concordance The LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] shall defend [01598] them; and they shall devour [0398], and subdue [03533] with sling [07050] stones [068]; and they shall drink [08354], and make a noise [01993] as through wine [03196]; and they shall be filled [04390] like bowls [04219], and as the corners [02106] of the altar [04196].
  King James The LORD of hosts shall defend them; and they shall devour, and subdue with sling stones; and they shall drink, and make a noise as through wine; and they shall be filled like bowls, and as the corners of the altar.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
devour--the flesh of their foes.

drink--the blood of their foes; that is, utterly destroy them. Image (as Jer 46:10) from a sacrifice, wherein part of the flesh was eaten, and the blood poured in libation (compare Isa 63:1, &c.).

subdue with sling-stones--or, "tread under foot the sling-stones" hurled by the foe at them; that is, will contemptuously trample on the hostile missiles which shall fall harmless under their feet (compare Job 41:28). Probably, too, it is implied that their foes are as impotent as the common stones used in slinging when they have fallen under foot: in contrast to the people of God (Zac 9:16), "the (precious) stones of a crown" (compare Sa1 25:29) [MAURER]. English Version is good sense: The Jews shall subdue the foe at the first onset, with the mere slingers who stood in front of the line of battle and began the engagement. Though armed with but sling-stones, like David against Goliath, they shall subdue the foe (Jdg 20:16; Ch1 12:2) [GROTIUS].

noise--the battle shout.

through wine-- (Zac 10:7). The Spirit of God fills them with triumph (Eph 5:18).

filled--with blood.

like bowls--the bowls used to receive the blood of the sacrifices.

as . . . corners--or "horns" of the altar, which used to be sprinkled with blood from the bowls (Exo 29:12; Lev 4:18).
18 And he shall put [05414] some of the blood [01818] upon the horns [07161] of the altar [04196] which is before [06440] the LORD [03068], that is in the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150], and shall pour out [08210] all the blood [01818] at the bottom [03247] of the altar [04196] of the burnt offering [05930], which is at the door [06607] of the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150].
12 And thou shalt take [03947] of the blood [01818] of the bullock [06499], and put [05414] it upon the horns [07161] of the altar [04196] with thy finger [0676], and pour [08210] all the blood [01818] beside [0413] the bottom [03247] of the altar [04196].
18 And [2532] be [3182] not [3361] drunk [3182] with wine [3631], wherein [1722] [3739] is [2076] excess [810]; but [235] be filled [4137] with [1722] the Spirit [4151];
7 And they of Ephraim [0669] shall be like a mighty [01368] man, and their heart [03820] shall rejoice [08055] as through wine [03196]: yea, their children [01121] shall see [07200] it, and be glad [08055]; their heart [03820] shall rejoice [01523] in the LORD [03068].
2 They were armed [05401] with bows [07198], and could use both the right hand [03231] and the left [08041] in hurling stones [068] and shooting arrows [02671] out of a bow [07198], even of Saul's [07586] brethren [0251] of Benjamin [01144].
16 Among all this people [05971] there were seven [07651] hundred [03967] chosen [0977] men [0376] lefthanded [0334] [03027] [03225]; every one could sling [07049] stones [068] at an hair [08185] breadth, and not miss [02398].
29 Yet a man [0120] is risen [06965] to pursue [07291] thee, and to seek [01245] thy soul [05315]: but the soul [05315] of my lord [0113] shall be bound [06887] in the bundle [06872] of life [02416] with the LORD [03068] thy God [0430]; and the souls [05315] of thine enemies [0341], them shall he sling out [07049], as out of the middle [08432] [03709] of a sling [07050].
16 And the LORD [03068] their God [0430] shall save [03467] them in that day [03117] as the flock [06629] of his people [05971]: for they shall be as the stones [068] of a crown [05145], lifted up as an ensign [05264] upon his land [0127].
28 The arrow [01121] [07198] cannot make him flee [01272]: slingstones [068] [07050] are turned [02015] with him into stubble [07179].
1 Who is this that cometh [0935] from Edom [0123], with dyed [02556] garments [0899] from Bozrah [01224]? this that is glorious [01921] in his apparel [03830], travelling [06808] in the greatness [07230] of his strength [03581]? I that speak [01696] in righteousness [06666], mighty [07227] to save [03467].
10 For this is the day [03117] of the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635], a day [03117] of vengeance [05360], that he may avenge [05358] him of his adversaries [06862]: and the sword [02719] shall devour [0398], and it shall be satiate [07646] and made drunk [07301] with their blood [01818]: for the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635] hath a sacrifice [02077] in the north [06828] country [0776] by the river [05104] Euphrates [06578].
6 In that day [03117] will I make [07760] the governors [0441] of Judah [03063] like an hearth [03595] of fire [0784] among the wood [06086], and like a torch [03940] of fire [0784] in a sheaf [05995]; and they shall devour [0398] all the people [05971] round about [05439], on the right hand [03225] and on the left [08040]: and Jerusalem [03389] shall be inhabited [03427] again in her own place, even in Jerusalem [03389].
9 Only rebel [04775] not ye against the LORD [03068], neither fear [03372] ye the people [05971] of the land [0776]; for they are bread [03899] for us: their defence [06738] is departed [05493] from them, and the LORD [03068] is with us: fear [03372] them not.
16 And thou shalt consume [0398] all the people [05971] which the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] shall deliver [05414] thee; thine eye [05869] shall have no pity [02347] upon them: neither shalt thou serve [05647] their gods [0430]; for that will be a snare [04170] unto thee.
20 Out of his nostrils [05156] goeth [03318] smoke [06227], as out of a seething [05301] pot [01731] or caldron [0100].
21 His breath [05315] kindleth [03857] coals [01513], and a flame [03851] goeth out [03318] of his mouth [06310].
3 But thou, O LORD [03068], art a shield [04043] for me; my glory [03519], and the lifter up [07311] of mine head [07218].
4 I cried [07121] unto the LORD [03068] with my voice [06963], and he heard [06030] me out of his holy [06944] hill [02022]. Selah [05542].
1 After [0310] these things [01697] the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came [01961] unto Abram [087] in a vision [04236], saying [0559], Fear [03372] not, Abram [087]: I am thy shield [04043], and thy exceeding [03966] great [07235] reward [07939].
16 Among all this people [05971] there were seven [07651] hundred [03967] chosen [0977] men [0376] lefthanded [0334] [03027] [03225]; every one could sling [07049] stones [068] at an hair [08185] breadth, and not miss [02398].