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Selected Verse: Zephaniah 3:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Zep 3:9 Strong Concordance For then will I turn [02015] to the people [05971] a pure [01305] language [08193], that they may all call [07121] upon the name [08034] of the LORD [03068], to serve [05647] him with one [0259] consent [07926].
  King James For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
For--The blessed things promised in this and Zep 3:10 are the immediate results of the punishment inflicted on the nations, mentioned in Zep 3:8 (compare Zep 3:19).

turn to the people a pure language--that is, changing their impure language I will give to them again a pure language (literally, "lip"). Compare for this Hebrew idiom, Sa1 10:9, Margin. The confusion of languages was of the penalty sin, probably idolatry at Babel (Gen 11:1-6, Margin, where also "lip" expresses language, and perhaps also religion; Zep 3:4, "a tower whose top may reach unto heaven," or rather, points to heaven, namely, dedicated to the heavens idolized, or Bel); certainly, of rebellion against God's will. An earnest of the removal of this penalty was the gift of tongues on pentecost (Act 2:6-13). The full restoration of the earth's unity of language and of worship is yet future, and is connected with the restoration of the Jews, to be followed by the conversion of the world. Compare Isa 19:18; Zac 14:9; Rom 15:6, "with one mind and one mouth glorify God." The Gentiles' lips have been rendered impure through being the instruments of calling on idols and dishonoring God (compare Psa 16:4; Hos 2:17). Whether Hebrew shall be the one universal language or not, the God of the Hebrews shall be the one only object of worship. Until the Holy Ghost purify the lips, we cannot rightly call upon God (Isa 6:5-7).

serve him with one consent--literally, "shoulder" or "back"; metaphor from a yoke, or burden, borne between two (Num 13:23); helping one another with conjoint effort. If one of the two bearers of a burden, laid on both conjointly, give way, the burden must fall to the earth [CALVIN]. Christ's rule is called a burden (Mat 11:30; Act 15:28; Rev 2:24; compare Co2 6:14 for the same image).
14 Be ye [1096] not [3361] unequally yoked together [2086] with unbelievers [571]: for [1063] what [5101] fellowship [3352] hath righteousness [1343] with [2532] unrighteousness [458]? and [1161] what [5101] communion [2842] hath light [5457] with [4314] darkness [4655]?
24 But [1161] unto you [5213] I say [3004], and [2532] unto the rest [3062] in [1722] Thyatira [2363], as many as [3745] have [2192] not [3756] this [5026] doctrine [1322], and [2532] which [3748] have [1097] not [3756] known [1097] the depths [899] of Satan [4567], as [5613] they speak [3004]; I will put [906] upon [1909] you [5209] none [3756] other [243] burden [922].
28 For [1063] it seemed good [1380] to the Holy [40] Ghost [4151], and [2532] to us [2254], to lay upon [2007] you [5213] no [3367] greater [4119] burden [922] than [4133] these [5130] necessary things [1876];
30 For [1063] my [3450] yoke [2218] is easy [5543], and [2532] my [3450] burden [5413] is [2076] light [1645].
23 And they came [0935] unto the brook [05158] of Eshcol [0812], and cut down [03772] from thence a branch [02156] with one [0259] cluster [0811] of grapes [06025], and they bare [05375] it between two [08147] upon a staff [04132]; and they brought of the pomegranates [07416], and of the figs [08384].
5 Then said [0559] I, Woe [0188] is me! for I am undone [01820]; because I am a man [0376] of unclean [02931] lips [08193], and I dwell [03427] in the midst [08432] of a people [05971] of unclean [02931] lips [08193]: for mine eyes [05869] have seen [07200] the King [04428], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
6 Then flew [05774] one [0259] of the seraphims [08314] unto me, having a live coal [07531] in his hand [03027], which he had taken [03947] with the tongs [04457] from off the altar [04196]:
7 And he laid [05060] it upon my mouth [06310], and said [0559], Lo, this hath touched [05060] thy lips [08193]; and thine iniquity [05771] is taken away [05493], and thy sin [02403] purged [03722].
17 For I will take away [05493] the names [08034] of Baalim [01168] out of her mouth [06310], and they shall no more be remembered [02142] by their name [08034].
4 Their sorrows [06094] shall be multiplied [07235] that hasten [04116] after another [0312] god: their drink offerings [05262] of blood [01818] will I not offer [05258], nor [01077] take up [05375] their names [08034] into my lips [08193].
6 That [2443] ye may [1392] with one mind [3661] and [1722] one [1520] mouth [4750] glorify [1392] God [2316], even [2532] the Father [3962] of our [2257] Lord [2962] Jesus [2424] Christ [5547].
9 And the LORD [03068] shall be king [04428] over all the earth [0776]: in that day [03117] shall there be one [0259] LORD [03068], and his name [08034] one [0259].
18 In that day [03117] shall five [02568] cities [05892] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] speak [01696] the language [08193] of Canaan [03667], and swear [07650] to the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; one [0259] shall be called [0559], The city [05892] of destruction [02041].
6 Now [1161] when this [5026] was [1096] noised abroad [5456], the multitude [4128] came together [4905], and [2532] were confounded [4797], because [3754] that every [1538] man [1520] heard [191] them [846] speak [2980] in his own [2398] language [1258].
7 And [1161] they were [1839] all [3956] amazed [1839] and [2532] marvelled [2296], saying [3004] one to another [4314] [240], Behold [2400], are [1526] not [3756] all [3956] these [3778] which [3588] speak [2980] Galilaeans [1057]?
8 And [2532] how [4459] hear [191] we [2249] every [1538] man in our [2257] own [2398] tongue [1258], wherein [1722] [3739] we were born [1080]?
9 Parthians [3934], and [2532] Medes [3370], and [2532] Elamites [1639], and [2532] the dwellers [2730] in Mesopotamia [3318], and [5037] in Judaea [2449], and [2532] Cappadocia [2587], in Pontus [4195], and [2532] Asia [773],
10 [5037] Phrygia [5435], and [5037] [2532] Pamphylia [3828], in Egypt [125], and [2532] in the parts [3313] of Libya [3033] about [2596] Cyrene [2957], and [2532] strangers [1927] of Rome [4514], [5037] Jews [2453] and [5037] [2532] proselytes [4339],
11 Cretes [2912] and [2532] Arabians [690], we do hear [191] them [846] speak [2980] in our [2251] tongues [1100] the wonderful works [3167] of God [2316].
12 And [1161] they were [1839] all [3956] amazed [1839], and [2532] were in doubt [1280], saying [3004] one [243] to [4314] another [243], What [5101] meaneth [2309] [302] [1511] this [5124]?
13 [1161] Others [2087] mocking [5512] said [3004], [3754] These men are [1526] full [3325] of new wine [1098].
4 Her prophets [05030] are light [06348] and treacherous [0900] persons [0582]: her priests [03548] have polluted [02490] the sanctuary [06944], they have done violence [02554] to the law [08451].
1 And the whole earth [0776] was of one [0259] language [08193], and of one [0259] speech [01697].
2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed [05265] from the east [06924], that they found [04672] a plain [01237] in the land [0776] of Shinar [08152]; and they dwelt [03427] there.
3 And they said [0559] one [0376] to another [07453], Go to [03051], let us make [03835] brick [03843], and burn [08313] them throughly [08316]. And they had brick [03843] for stone [068], and slime [02564] had [01961] they for morter [02563].
4 And they said [0559], Go to [03051], let us build [01129] us a city [05892] and a tower [04026], whose top [07218] may reach unto heaven [08064]; and let us make [06213] us a name [08034], lest we be scattered abroad [06327] upon the face [06440] of the whole earth [0776].
5 And the LORD [03068] came down [03381] to see [07200] the city [05892] and the tower [04026], which the children [01121] of men [0120] builded [01129].
6 And the LORD [03068] said [0559], Behold, the people [05971] is one [0259], and they have all one [0259] language [08193]; and this they begin [02490] to do [06213]: and now nothing [03808] [03605] will be restrained [01219] from them, which they have imagined [02161] to do [06213].
9 And it was so, that when he had turned [06437] his back [07926] to go [03212] from Samuel [08050], God [0430] gave [02015] him another [0312] heart [03820]: and all those signs [0226] came [0935] to pass that day [03117].
19 Behold, at that time [06256] I will undo [06213] all that afflict [06031] thee: and I will save [03467] her that halteth [06760], and gather [06908] her that was driven out [05080]; and I will get [07760] them praise [08416] and fame [08034] in every land [0776] where they have been put to shame [01322].
8 Therefore wait [02442] ye upon me, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], until the day [03117] that I rise up [06965] to the prey [05706]: for my determination [04941] is to gather [0622] the nations [01471], that I may assemble [06908] the kingdoms [04467], to pour [08210] upon them mine indignation [02195], even all my fierce [02740] anger [0639]: for all the earth [0776] shall be devoured [0398] with the fire [0784] of my jealousy [07068].
10 From beyond [05676] the rivers [05104] of Ethiopia [03568] my suppliants [06282], even the daughter [01323] of my dispersed [06327], shall bring [02986] mine offering [04503].
14 And [2532] I said [2046] unto him [846], Sir [2962], thou [4771] knowest [1492]. And [2532] he said [2036] to me [3427], These [3778] are they [1526] which came [2064] out of [1537] great [3173] tribulation [2347], and [2532] have washed [4150] their [846] robes [4749], and [2532] made [3021] them [4749] [846] white [3021] in [1722] the blood [129] of the Lamb [721].
15 Therefore [1223] [5124] are they [1526] before [1799] the throne [2362] of God [2316], and [2532] serve [3000] him [846] day [2250] and [2532] night [3571] in [1722] his [846] temple [3485]: and [2532] he that sitteth [2521] on [1909] the throne [2362] shall dwell [4637] among [1909] them [846].
12 Saying [3004], Amen [281]: Blessing [2129], and [2532] glory [1391], and [2532] wisdom [4678], and [2532] thanksgiving [2169], and [2532] honour [5092], and [2532] power [1411], and [2532] might [2479], be unto our [2257] God [2316] for [1519] ever [165] and ever [165]. Amen [281].
10 And [2532] cried [2896] with a loud [3173] voice [5456], saying [3004], Salvation [4991] to our [2257] God [2316] which [3588] sitteth [2521] upon [1909] the throne [2362], and [2532] unto the Lamb [721].
3 Endeavouring [4704] to keep [5083] the unity [1775] of the Spirit [4151] in [1722] the bond [4886] of peace [1515].
4 There is one [1520] body [4983], and [2532] one [1520] Spirit [4151], even as [2531] [2532] ye are called [2564] in [1722] one [3391] hope [1680] of your [5216] calling [2821];
5 One [1520] Lord [2962], one [1520] faith [4102], one [3391] baptism [908],
6 One [1520] God [2316] and [2532] Father [3962] of all [3956], who [3588] is above [1909] all [3956], and [2532] through [1223] all [3956], and [2532] in [1722] you [5213] all [3956].
11 Cretes [2912] and [2532] Arabians [690], we do hear [191] them [846] speak [2980] in our [2251] tongues [1100] the wonderful works [3167] of God [2316].
8 And [2532] how [4459] hear [191] we [2249] every [1538] man in our [2257] own [2398] tongue [1258], wherein [1722] [3739] we were born [1080]?
13 Howbeit [1161] when [3752] he [1565], the Spirit [4151] of truth [225], is come [2064], he will guide [3594] you [5209] into [1519] all [3956] truth [225]: for [1063] he shall [2980] not [3756] speak [2980] of [575] himself [1438]; but [235] whatsoever [3745] [302] he shall hear [191], that shall he speak [2980]: and [2532] he will shew [312] you [5213] things to come [2064].
15 By [1223] him [846] therefore [3767] let us offer [399] the sacrifice [2378] of praise [133] to God [2316] continually [1275], that is [5123], the fruit [2590] of our lips [5491] giving thanks [3670] to his [846] name [3686].
2 Unto the church [1577] of God [2316] which [3588] is [5607] at [1722] Corinth [2882], to them that are sanctified [37] in [1722] Christ [5547] Jesus [2424], called [2822] to be saints [40], with [4862] all [3956] that in [1722] every [3956] place [5117] call upon [1941] the name [3686] of Jesus [2424] Christ [5547] our [2257] Lord [2962], both [5037] theirs [846] and [2532] ours [2257]:
21 But [1161] all [3956] that heard [191] him were amazed [1839], and [2532] said [3004]; Is [2076] not [3756] this [3778] he that destroyed [4199] them which [3588] called on [1941] this [5124] name [3686] in [1722] Jerusalem [2419], and [2532] came [2064] hither [5602] for [1519] that [5124] intent [1519], that [2443] he might bring [71] them [846] bound [1210] unto [1909] the chief priests [749]?
14 And [2532] here [5602] he hath [2192] authority [1849] from [3844] the chief priests [749] to bind [1210] all [3956] that call [1941] on thy [4675] name [3686].
13 For [3956] [1063] whosoever [3739] [302] shall call upon [1941] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962] shall be saved [4982].
16 And [2532] now [3568] why [5101] tarriest thou [3195]? arise [450], and be baptized [907], and [2532] wash away [628] thy [4675] sins [266], calling on [1941] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962].
9 And it was so, that when he had turned [06437] his back [07926] to go [03212] from Samuel [08050], God [0430] gave [02015] him another [0312] heart [03820]: and all those signs [0226] came [0935] to pass that day [03117].
6 And [2532] I heard [191] as it were [5613] the voice [5456] of a great [4183] multitude [3793], and [2532] as [5613] the voice [5456] of many [4183] waters [5204], and [2532] as [5613] the voice [5456] of mighty [2478] thunderings [1027], saying [3004], Alleluia [239]: for [3754] the Lord [2962] God [2316] omnipotent [3841] reigneth [936].
19 And [2532] I saw [1492] the beast [2342], and [2532] the kings [935] of the earth [1093], and [2532] their [846] armies [4753], gathered together [4863] to make [4160] war [4171] against [3326] him that sat [2521] on [1909] the horse [2462], and [2532] against [3326] his [846] army [4753].
20 And [2532] the beast [2342] was taken [4084], and [2532] with [3326] him [5127] the false prophet [5578] that wrought [4160] miracles [4592] before [1799] him [846], with [1722] which [3739] he deceived [4105] them that had received [2983] the mark [5480] of the beast [2342], and [2532] them that worshipped [4352] his [846] image [1504]. These both [1417] were cast [906] alive [2198] into [1519] a lake [3041] of fire [4442] burning [2545] with [1722] brimstone [2303].
15 And [2532] to this [5129] agree [4856] the words [3056] of the prophets [4396]; as [2531] it is written [1125],
16 After [3326] this [5023] I will return [390], and [2532] will build again [456] the tabernacle [4633] of David [1138], which [3588] is fallen down [4098]; and [2532] I will build again [456] the ruins [2679] thereof [846], and [2532] I will set [461] it [846] up [461]:
17 That [3704] [302] the residue [2645] of men [444] might seek after [1567] the Lord [2962], and [2532] all [3956] the Gentiles [1484], upon [1909] whom [3739] my [3450] name [3686] is called [1941] [1909] [846], saith [3004] the Lord [2962], who [3588] doeth [4160] all [3956] these things [5023].
5 Then shall he speak [01696] unto them in his wrath [0639], and vex [0926] them in his sore displeasure [02740].
6 Yet have I set [05258] my king [04428] upon my holy [06944] hill [02022] of Zion [06726].
7 I will declare [05608] the decree [02706]: the LORD [03068] hath said [0559] unto me, Thou art my Son [01121]; this day [03117] have I begotten [03205] thee.
8 Ask [07592] of me, and I shall give [05414] thee the heathen [01471] for thine inheritance [05159], and the uttermost parts [0657] of the earth [0776] for thy possession [0272].
35 Then [0116] was the iron [06523], the clay [02635], the brass [05174], the silver [03702], and the gold [01722], broken to pieces [01855] [01751] together [02298], and became [01934] like the chaff [05784] of [04481] the summer [07007] threshingfloors [0147]; and the wind [07308] carried [05376] them [01994] away [05376], that [03606] no [03809] place [0870] was found [07912] for them: and the stone [069] that smote [04223] the image [06755] became [01934] a great [07229] mountain [02906], and filled [04391] the whole [03606] earth [0772].
34 Thou sawest [02370] [01934] till [05705] that a stone [069] was cut out [01505] without [03809] hands [03028], which smote [04223] the image [06755] upon [05922] his feet [07271] that were of iron [06523] and clay [02635], and brake [01855] them [01994] to pieces [01855].
9 They shall not hurt [07489] nor destroy [07843] in all my holy [06944] mountain [02022]: for the earth [0776] shall be full [04390] of the knowledge [01844] of the LORD [03068], as the waters [04325] cover [03680] the sea [03220].
8 In that day [03117] shall the LORD [03068] defend [01598] the inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389]; and he that is feeble [03782] among them at that day [03117] shall be as David [01732]; and the house [01004] of David [01732] shall be as God [0430], as the angel [04397] of the LORD [03068] before [06440] them.
1 The burden [04853] of the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] for Israel [03478], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], which stretcheth [05186] forth the heavens [08064], and layeth the foundation [03245] of the earth [0776], and formeth [03335] the spirit [07307] of man [0120] within [07130] him.
8 Therefore wait [02442] ye upon me, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], until the day [03117] that I rise up [06965] to the prey [05706]: for my determination [04941] is to gather [0622] the nations [01471], that I may assemble [06908] the kingdoms [04467], to pour [08210] upon them mine indignation [02195], even all my fierce [02740] anger [0639]: for all the earth [0776] shall be devoured [0398] with the fire [0784] of my jealousy [07068].
11 In that day [03117] shalt thou not be ashamed [0954] for all thy doings [05949], wherein thou hast transgressed [06586] against me: for then I will take away [05493] out of the midst [07130] of thee them that rejoice [05947] in thy pride [01346], and thou shalt no more [03254] be haughty [01361] because of my holy [06944] mountain [02022].
20 And they shall bring [0935] all your brethren [0251] for an offering [04503] unto the LORD [03068] out of all nations [01471] upon horses [05483], and in chariots [07393], and in litters [06632], and upon mules [06505], and upon swift beasts [03753], to my holy [06944] mountain [02022] Jerusalem [03389], saith [0559] the LORD [03068], as the children [01121] of Israel [03478] bring [0935] an offering [04503] in a clean [02889] vessel [03627] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
25 For [1063] I would [2309] not [3756], brethren [80], that ye [5209] should be ignorant [50] of this [5124] mystery [3466], lest [3363] ye should be [5600] wise [5429] in [3844] your own conceits [1438]; that [3754] blindness [4457] in [575] part [3313] is happened [1096] to Israel [2474], until [891] [3739] the fulness [4138] of the Gentiles [1484] be come in [1525].
26 And [2532] so [3779] all [3956] Israel [2474] shall be saved [4982]: as [2531] it is written [1125], There shall come [2240] out of [1537] Sion [4622] the Deliverer [4506], and [2532] shall turn away [654] ungodliness [763] from [575] Jacob [2384]:
20 And they shall bring [0935] all your brethren [0251] for an offering [04503] unto the LORD [03068] out of all nations [01471] upon horses [05483], and in chariots [07393], and in litters [06632], and upon mules [06505], and upon swift beasts [03753], to my holy [06944] mountain [02022] Jerusalem [03389], saith [0559] the LORD [03068], as the children [01121] of Israel [03478] bring [0935] an offering [04503] in a clean [02889] vessel [03627] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
1 Woe [01945] to the land [0776] shadowing [06767] with wings [03671], which is beyond [05676] the rivers [05104] of Ethiopia [03568]:
20 And they shall bring [0935] all your brethren [0251] for an offering [04503] unto the LORD [03068] out of all nations [01471] upon horses [05483], and in chariots [07393], and in litters [06632], and upon mules [06505], and upon swift beasts [03753], to my holy [06944] mountain [02022] Jerusalem [03389], saith [0559] the LORD [03068], as the children [01121] of Israel [03478] bring [0935] an offering [04503] in a clean [02889] vessel [03627] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
10 From beyond [05676] the rivers [05104] of Ethiopia [03568] my suppliants [06282], even the daughter [01323] of my dispersed [06327], shall bring [02986] mine offering [04503].
39 And I will give [05414] them one [0259] heart [03820], and one [0259] way [01870], that they may fear [03372] me for ever [03117], for the good [02896] of them, and of their children [01121] after [0310] them:
4 Their sorrows [06094] shall be multiplied [07235] that hasten [04116] after another [0312] god: their drink offerings [05262] of blood [01818] will I not offer [05258], nor [01077] take up [05375] their names [08034] into my lips [08193].
19 And I will betroth [0781] thee unto me for ever [05769]; yea, I will betroth [0781] thee unto me in righteousness [06664], and in judgment [04941], and in lovingkindness [02617], and in mercies [07356].
9 And it was so, that when he had turned [06437] his back [07926] to go [03212] from Samuel [08050], God [0430] gave [02015] him another [0312] heart [03820]: and all those signs [0226] came [0935] to pass that day [03117].
5 Then said [0559] I, Woe [0188] is me! for I am undone [01820]; because I am a man [0376] of unclean [02931] lips [08193], and I dwell [03427] in the midst [08432] of a people [05971] of unclean [02931] lips [08193]: for mine eyes [05869] have seen [07200] the King [04428], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
3 My words [0561] shall be of the uprightness [03476] of my heart [03820]: and my lips [08193] shall utter [04448] knowledge [01847] clearly [01305].
9 For then will I turn [02015] to the people [05971] a pure [01305] language [08193], that they may all call [07121] upon the name [08034] of the LORD [03068], to serve [05647] him with one [0259] consent [07926].
10 From beyond [05676] the rivers [05104] of Ethiopia [03568] my suppliants [06282], even the daughter [01323] of my dispersed [06327], shall bring [02986] mine offering [04503].
28 And it shall come to pass afterward [0310], that I will pour out [08210] my spirit [07307] upon all flesh [01320]; and your sons [01121] and your daughters [01323] shall prophesy [05012], your old men [02205] shall dream [02492] dreams [02472], your young men [0970] shall see [07200] visions [02384]:
3 Asshur [0804] shall not save [03467] us; we will not ride [07392] upon horses [05483]: neither will we say [0559] any more to the work [04639] of our hands [03027], Ye are our gods [0430]: for in thee the fatherless [03490] findeth mercy [07355].
18 In that day [03117] shall five [02568] cities [05892] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] speak [01696] the language [08193] of Canaan [03667], and swear [07650] to the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635]; one [0259] shall be called [0559], The city [05892] of destruction [02041].
6 I removed [05493] his shoulder [07926] from the burden [05447]: his hands [03709] were delivered [05674] from the pots [01731].