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Selected Verse: Micah 2:6 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mic 2:6 Strong Concordance Prophesy [05197] ye not, say they to them that prophesy [05197]: they shall not prophesy [05197] to them, that they shall not take [05253] shame [03639].
  King James Prophesy ye not, say they to them that prophesy: they shall not prophesy to them, that they shall not take shame.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Prophesy ye not, say they--namely, the Israelites say to the true prophets, when announcing unwelcome truths. Therefore God judicially abandons them to their own ways: "The prophets, by whose ministry they might have been saved from shame (ignominious captivity), shall not (that is, no longer) prophesy to them" (Isa 30:10; Amo 2:12; Amo 7:16). MAURER translates the latter clause, "they shall not prophesy of such things" (as in Mic 2:3-5, these being rebellious Israel's words); "let them not prophesy"; "they never cease from insult" (from prophesying insults to us). English Version is supported by the parallelism: wherein the similarity of sound and word implies how exactly God makes their punishment answer to their sin, and takes them at their own word. "Prophesy," literally, "drop" (Deu 32:2; Eze 21:2).
2 Son [01121] of man [0120], set [07760] thy face [06440] toward Jerusalem [03389], and drop [05197] thy word toward the holy places [04720], and prophesy [05012] against the land [0127] of Israel [03478],
2 My doctrine [03948] shall drop [06201] as the rain [04306], my speech [0565] shall distil [05140] as the dew [02919], as the small rain [08164] upon the tender herb [01877], and as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212]:
3 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Behold, against this family [04940] do I devise [02803] an evil [07451], from which ye shall not remove [04185] your necks [06677]; neither shall ye go [03212] haughtily [07317]: for this time [06256] is evil [07451].
4 In that day [03117] shall one take up [05375] a parable [04912] against you, and lament [05091] with a doleful [05093] lamentation [05092], and say [0559], We be utterly [07703] spoiled [07703]: he hath changed [04171] the portion [02506] of my people [05971]: how hath he removed [04185] it from me! turning away [07725] he hath divided [02505] our fields [07704].
5 Therefore thou shalt have none that shall cast [07993] a cord [02256] by lot [01486] in the congregation [06951] of the LORD [03068].
16 Now therefore hear [08085] thou the word [01697] of the LORD [03068]: Thou sayest [0559], Prophesy [05012] not against Israel [03478], and drop [05197] not thy word against the house [01004] of Isaac [03446].
12 But ye gave the Nazarites [05139] wine [03196] to drink [08248]; and commanded [06680] the prophets [05030], saying [0559], Prophesy [05012] not.
10 Which say [0559] to the seers [07200], See [07200] not; and to the prophets [02374], Prophesy [02372] not unto us right things [05229], speak [01696] unto us smooth things [02513], prophesy [02372] deceits [04123]:
36 He that believeth [4100] on [1519] the Son [5207] hath [2192] everlasting [166] life [2222]: and [1161] he that believeth not [544] the Son [5207] shall [3700] not [3756] see [3700] life [2222]; but [235] the wrath [3709] of God [2316] abideth [3306] on [1909] him [846].
41 Jesus [2424] said [2036] unto them [846], If [1487] ye were [2258] blind [5185], ye should [302] have [2192] no [3756] sin [266]: but [1161] now [3568] ye say [3004], [3754] We see [991]; therefore [3767] your [5216] sin [266] remaineth [3306].
6 And I will lay [07896] it waste [01326]: it shall not be pruned [02168], nor digged [05737]; but there shall come up [05927] briers [08068] and thorns [07898]: I will also command [06680] the clouds [05645] that they rain [04305] no rain [04306] upon it.
37 Behold, I will put [03322] a fleece [01492] of wool [06785] in the floor [01637]; and if the dew [02919] be on the fleece [01492] only, and it be dry [02721] upon all the earth [0776] beside, then shall I know [03045] that thou wilt save [03467] Israel [03478] by mine hand [03027], as thou hast said [01696].
10 When the princes [08269] of Judah [03063] heard [08085] these things [01697], then they came up [05927] from the king's [04428] house [01004] unto the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and sat down [03427] in the entry [06607] of the new [02319] gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house.
11 Then spake [0559] the priests [03548] and the prophets [05030] unto the princes [08269] and to all the people [05971], saying [0559], This man [0376] is worthy [04941] to die [04194]; for he hath prophesied [05012] against this city [05892], as ye have heard [08085] with your ears [0241].
12 Then spake [0559] Jeremiah [03414] unto all the princes [08269] and to all the people [05971], saying [0559], The LORD [03068] sent [07971] me to prophesy [05012] against this house [01004] and against this city [05892] all the words [01697] that ye have heard [08085].
13 Therefore now amend [03190] your ways [01870] and your doings [04611], and obey [08085] the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] your God [0430]; and the LORD [03068] will repent [05162] him of the evil [07451] that he hath pronounced [01696] against you.
14 As for me, behold, I am in your hand [03027]: do [06213] with me as seemeth [05869] good [02896] and meet [03477] unto you.
15 But know [03045] ye for certain [03045], that if ye put me to death [04191], ye shall surely bring [05414] innocent [05355] blood [01818] upon yourselves, and upon this city [05892], and upon the inhabitants [03427] thereof: for of a truth [0571] the LORD [03068] hath sent [07971] me unto you to speak [01696] all these words [01697] in your ears [0241].
17 Thou therefore gird up [0247] thy loins [04975], and arise [06965], and speak [01696] unto them all that I command [06680] thee: be not dismayed [02865] at their faces [06440], lest I confound [02865] thee before [06440] them.
7 But the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Say [0559] not, I am a child [05288]: for thou shalt go [03212] to all that I shall send [07971] thee, and whatsoever I command [06680] thee thou shalt speak [01696].
22 Now therefore be ye not mockers [03887], lest your bands [04147] be made strong [02388]: for I have heard [08085] from the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635] a consumption [03617], even determined [02782] upon the whole earth [0776].
9 Whom shall he teach [03384] knowledge [01844]? and whom shall he make to understand [0995] doctrine [08052]? them that are weaned [01580] from the milk [02461], and drawn [06267] from the breasts [07699].
10 For precept [06673] must be upon precept [06673], precept [06673] upon precept [06673]; line [06957] upon line [06957], line [06957] upon line [06957]; here a little [02191], and there a little [02191]:
11 For with stammering [03934] lips [08193] and another [0312] tongue [03956] will he speak [01696] to this people [05971].
12 To whom he said [0559], This is the rest [04496] wherewith ye may cause the weary [05889] to rest [05117]; and this is the refreshing [04774]: yet they would [014] not hear [08085].
13 But the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] was unto them precept [06673] upon precept [06673], precept [06673] upon precept [06673]; line [06957] upon line [06957], line [06957] upon line [06957]; here a little [02191], and there a little [02191]; that they might go [03212], and fall [03782] backward [0268], and be broken [07665], and snared [03369], and taken [03920].
14 Wherefore hear [08085] the word [01697] of the LORD [03068], ye scornful [03944] men [0582], that rule [04910] this people [05971] which is in Jerusalem [03389].
7 And thou shalt speak [01696] my words [01697] unto them, whether they will hear [08085], or whether they will forbear [02308]: for they are most rebellious [04805].
5 And they, whether they will hear [08085], or whether they will forbear [02308], (for they are a rebellious [04805] house [01004],) yet shall know [03045] that there hath been a prophet [05030] among [08432] them.
13 And [5037] set up [2476] false [5571] witnesses [3144], which said [3004], This [5127] man [444] ceaseth [3973] not [3756] to speak [2980] blasphemous [989] words [4487] against [2596] this [3778] holy [40] place [5117], and [2532] the law [3551]:
28 Saying [3004], Did [3853] not [3756] we straitly [3852] command [3853] you [5213] that ye should [1321] not [3361] teach [1321] in [1909] this [5129] name [3686]? and [2532], behold [2400], ye have filled [4137] Jerusalem [2419] with your [5216] doctrine [1322], and [2532] intend [1014] to bring [1863] this [5127] man's [444] blood [129] upon [1909] us [2248].
40 And [1161] to him [846] they agreed [3982]: and [2532] when they had called [4341] the apostles [652], and beaten [1194] them, they commanded [3853] that they should [2980] not [3361] speak [2980] in [1909] the name [3686] of Jesus [2424], and [2532] let [630] them [846] go [630].
18 And [2532] they called [2564] them [846], and commanded [3853] them [846] not [3361] to speak [5350] at all [2527] nor [3366] teach [1321] in [1909] the name [3686] of Jesus [2424].
18 And the king [04428] of Israel [03478] said [0559] unto Jehoshaphat [03092], Did I not tell [0559] thee that he would prophesy [05012] no good [02896] concerning me, but evil [07451]?
10 And he spread [06566] it before [06440] me; and it was written [03789] within [06440] and without [0268]: and there was written [03789] therein lamentations [07015], and mourning [01899], and woe [01958].
27 The fear [03374] of the LORD [03068] is a fountain [04726] of life [02416], to depart [05493] from the snares [04170] of death [04194].
9 And Moses [04872] spake [01696] so unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478]: but they hearkened [08085] not unto Moses [04872] for anguish [07115] of spirit [07307], and for cruel [07186] bondage [05656].
1 Hear [08085] ye this, O house [01004] of Jacob [03290], which are called [07121] by the name [08034] of Israel [03478], and are come forth [03318] out of the waters [04325] of Judah [03063], which swear [07650] by the name [08034] of the LORD [03068], and make mention [02142] of the God [0430] of Israel [03478], but not in truth [0571], nor in righteousness [06666].
13 And the rest [03499] of Gilead [01568], and all Bashan [01316], being the kingdom [04467] of Og [05747], gave [05414] I unto the half [02677] tribe [07626] of Manasseh [04519]; all the region [02256] of Argob [0709], with all Bashan [01316], which [01931] was called [07121] the land [0776] of giants [07497].
5 For thy Maker [06213] is thine husband [01166]; the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] is his name [08034]; and thy Redeemer [01350] the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478]; The God [0430] of the whole earth [0776] shall he be called [07121].
7 Even them will I bring [0935] to my holy [06944] mountain [02022], and make them joyful [08055] in my house [01004] of prayer [08605]: their burnt offerings [05930] and their sacrifices [02077] shall be accepted [07522] upon mine altar [04196]; for mine house [01004] shall be called [07121] an house [01004] of prayer [08605] for all people [05971].
47 To make a difference [0914] between the unclean [02931] and the clean [02889], and between the beast [02416] that may be eaten [0398] and the beast [02416] that may not be eaten [0398].
9 Wilt thou yet [0559] say [0559] before [06440] him that slayeth [02026] thee, I am God [0430]? but thou shalt be a man [0120], and no God [0410], in the hand [03027] of him that slayeth [02490] thee.
16 Surely your turning of things upside down [02017] shall be esteemed [02803] as the potter's [03335] clay [02563]: for shall the work [04639] say [0559] of him that made [06213] it, He made [06213] me not? or shall the thing framed [03336] say [0559] of him that framed [03335] it, He had no understanding [0995]?
7 O thou that art named [0559] the house [01004] of Jacob [03290], is the spirit [07307] of the LORD [03068] straitened [07114]? are these his doings [04611]? do not my words [01697] do good [03190] to him that walketh [01980] uprightly [03477]?
2 And they covet [02530] fields [07704], and take them by violence [01497]; and houses [01004], and take them away [05375]: so they oppress [06231] a man [01397] and his house [01004], even a man [0376] and his heritage [05159].
1 Woe [01945] to them that devise [02803] iniquity [0205], and work [06466] evil [07451] upon their beds [04904]! when the morning [01242] is light [0216], they practise [06213] it, because it is [03426] in the power [0410] of their hand [03027].
11 If [03863] a man [0376] walking [01980] in the spirit [07307] and falsehood [08267] do lie [03576], saying, I will prophesy [05197] unto thee of wine [03196] and of strong drink [07941]; he shall even be the prophet [05197] of this people [05971].
2 My doctrine [03948] shall drop [06201] as the rain [04306], my speech [0565] shall distil [05140] as the dew [02919], as the small rain [08164] upon the tender herb [01877], and as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212]:
11 If [03863] a man [0376] walking [01980] in the spirit [07307] and falsehood [08267] do lie [03576], saying, I will prophesy [05197] unto thee of wine [03196] and of strong drink [07941]; he shall even be the prophet [05197] of this people [05971].
6 Prophesy [05197] ye not, say they to them that prophesy [05197]: they shall not prophesy [05197] to them, that they shall not take [05253] shame [03639].
16 Now therefore hear [08085] thou the word [01697] of the LORD [03068]: Thou sayest [0559], Prophesy [05012] not against Israel [03478], and drop [05197] not thy word against the house [01004] of Isaac [03446].
7 O thou that art named [0559] the house [01004] of Jacob [03290], is the spirit [07307] of the LORD [03068] straitened [07114]? are these his doings [04611]? do not my words [01697] do good [03190] to him that walketh [01980] uprightly [03477]?
6 Prophesy [05197] ye not, say they to them that prophesy [05197]: they shall not prophesy [05197] to them, that they shall not take [05253] shame [03639].
3 For the lips [08193] of a strange woman [02114] drop [05197] as an honeycomb [05317], and her mouth [02441] is smoother [02509] than oil [08081]:
22 After [0310] my words [01697] they spake not again [08138]; and my speech [04405] dropped [05197] upon them.
2 My doctrine [03948] shall drop [06201] as the rain [04306], my speech [0565] shall distil [05140] as the dew [02919], as the small rain [08164] upon the tender herb [01877], and as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212]:
16 Now therefore hear [08085] thou the word [01697] of the LORD [03068]: Thou sayest [0559], Prophesy [05012] not against Israel [03478], and drop [05197] not thy word against the house [01004] of Isaac [03446].
2 Son [01121] of man [0120], set [07760] thy face [06440] toward Jerusalem [03389], and drop [05197] thy word toward the holy places [04720], and prophesy [05012] against the land [0127] of Israel [03478],
46 Son [01121] of man [0120], set [07760] thy face [06440] toward [01870] the south [08486], and drop [05197] thy word toward the south [01864], and prophesy [05012] against the forest [03293] of the south [05045] field [07704];