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Selected Verse: Micah 1:10 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Mic 1:10 Strong Concordance Declare [05046] ye it not at Gath [01661], weep [01058] ye not at all [01058]: in the house of Aphrah [01036] roll [06428] [06428] thyself in the dust [06083].
  King James Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah roll thyself in the dust.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Declare ye it not at Gath--on the borders of Judea, one of the five cities of the Philistines, who would exult at the calamity of the Hebrews (Sa2 1:20). Gratify not those who exult over the falls of the Israel of God.

weep ye not at all--Do not betray your inward sorrow by outward weeping, within the cognizance of the enemy, lest they should exult at it. RELAND translates, "Weep not in Acco," that is, Ptolemais, now St. Jean d'Acre, near the foot of Mount Carmel; allotted to Asher, but never occupied by that tribe (Jdg 1:31); Acco's inhabitants would, therefore, like Gath's, rejoice at Israel's disaster. Thus the parallelism is best carried out in all the three clauses of the verse, and there is a similar play on sounds in each, in the Hebrew Gath, resembling in sound the Hebrew for "declare"; Acco, resembling the Hebrew for "weep"; and Aphrah, meaning "dust." While the Hebrews were not to expose their misery to foreigners, they ought to bewail it in their own cities, for example, Aphrah or Ophrah (Jos 18:23; Sa1 13:17), in the tribe of Benjamin. To "roll in the dust" marked deep sorrow (Jer 6:26; Eze 27:30).
30 And shall cause their voice [06963] to be heard [08085] against thee, and shall cry [02199] bitterly [04751], and shall cast up [05927] dust [06083] upon their heads [07218], they shall wallow [06428] themselves in the ashes [0665]:
26 O daughter [01323] of my people [05971], gird [02296] thee with sackcloth [08242], and wallow [06428] thyself in ashes [0665]: make [06213] thee mourning [060], as for an only son [03173], most bitter [08563] lamentation [04553]: for the spoiler [07703] shall suddenly [06597] come [0935] upon us.
17 And the spoilers [07843] came out [03318] of the camp [04264] of the Philistines [06430] in three [07969] companies [07218]: one [0259] company [07218] turned [06437] unto the way [01870] that leadeth to Ophrah [06084], unto the land [0776] of Shual [07777]:
23 And Avim [05761], and Parah [06511], and Ophrah [06084],
31 Neither did Asher [0836] drive out [03423] the inhabitants [03427] of Accho [05910], nor the inhabitants [03427] of Zidon [06721], nor of Ahlab [0303], nor of Achzib [0392], nor of Helbah [02462], nor of Aphik [0663], nor of Rehob [07340]:
20 Tell [05046] it not in Gath [01661], publish [01319] it not in the streets [02351] of Askelon [0831]; lest the daughters [01323] of the Philistines [06430] rejoice [08055], lest the daughters [01323] of the uncircumcised [06189] triumph [05937].
17 And the spoilers [07843] came out [03318] of the camp [04264] of the Philistines [06430] in three [07969] companies [07218]: one [0259] company [07218] turned [06437] unto the way [01870] that leadeth to Ophrah [06084], unto the land [0776] of Shual [07777]:
23 And Avim [05761], and Parah [06511], and Ophrah [06084],
50 Remember [02142], Lord [0136], the reproach [02781] of thy servants [05650]; how I do bear [05375] in my bosom [02436] the reproach of all the mighty [07227] people [05971];
42 Thou hast set up [07311] the right hand [03225] of his adversaries [06862]; thou hast made all his enemies [0341] to rejoice [08055].
10 As with a sword [07524] in my bones [06106], mine enemies [06887] reproach [02778] me; while they say [0559] daily [03117] unto me, Where is thy God [0430]?
2 O my God [0430], I trust [0982] in thee: let me not be ashamed [0954], let not mine enemies [0341] triumph [05970] over me.
23 And Avim [05761], and Parah [06511], and Ophrah [06084],