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Selected Verse: Hosea 9:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ho 9:14 Strong Concordance Give [05414] them, O LORD [03068]: what wilt thou give [05414]? give [05414] them a miscarrying [07921] womb [07358] and dry [06784] breasts [07699].
  King James Give them, O LORD: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
what wilt thou give?--As if overwhelmed by feeling, he deliberates with God what is most desirable.

give . . . a miscarrying womb--Of two evils he chooses the least. So great will be the calamity, that barrenness will be a blessing, though usually counted a great misfortune (Job 3:3; Jer 20:14; Luk 23:29).
29 For [3754], behold [2400], the days [2250] are coming [2064], in [1722] the which [3739] they shall say [2046], Blessed [3107] are the barren [4723], and [2532] the wombs [2836] that [3739] never [3756] bare [1080], and [2532] the paps [3149] which [3739] never [3756] gave suck [2337].
14 Cursed [0779] be the day [03117] wherein I was born [03205]: let not the day [03117] wherein my mother [0517] bare [03205] me be blessed [01288].
3 Let the day [03117] perish [06] wherein I was born [03205], and the night [03915] in which it was said [0559], There is a man child [01397] conceived [02029].
29 For [3754], behold [2400], the days [2250] are coming [2064], in [1722] the which [3739] they shall say [2046], Blessed [3107] are the barren [4723], and [2532] the wombs [2836] that [3739] never [3756] bare [1080], and [2532] the paps [3149] which [3739] never [3756] gave suck [2337].