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Selected Verse: Hosea 7:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ho 7:13 Strong Concordance Woe [0188] unto them! for they have fled [05074] from me: destruction [07701] unto them! because they have transgressed [06586] against me: though I have redeemed [06299] them, yet they have spoken [01696] lies [03577] against me.
  King James Woe unto them! for they have fled from me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
fled--as birds from their nest (Pro 27:8; Isa 16:2).

me--who both could and would have healed them (Hos 7:1), had they applied to Me.

redeemed them--from Egypt and their other enemies (Mic 6:4).

lies-- (Psa 78:36; Jer 3:10). Pretending to be My worshippers, when they all the while worshipped idols (Hos 7:14; Hos 12:1); also defrauding Me of the glory of their deliverance, and ascribing it and their other blessings to idols [CALVIN].
1 Ephraim [0669] feedeth [07462] on wind [07307], and followeth [07291] after the east wind [06921]: he daily [03117] increaseth [07235] lies [03577] and desolation [07701]; and they do make [03772] a covenant [01285] with the Assyrians [0804], and oil [08081] is carried [02986] into Egypt [04714].
14 And they have not cried [02199] unto me with their heart [03820], when they howled [03213] upon their beds [04904]: they assemble [01481] themselves for corn [01715] and wine [08492], and they rebel [05493] against me.
10 And yet for all this her treacherous [0901] sister [0269] Judah [03063] hath not turned [07725] unto me with her whole heart [03820], but feignedly [08267], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
36 Nevertheless they did flatter [06601] him with their mouth [06310], and they lied [03576] unto him with their tongues [03956].
4 For I brought thee up [05927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], and redeemed [06299] thee out of the house [01004] of servants [05650]; and I sent [07971] before [06440] thee Moses [04872], Aaron [0175], and Miriam [04813].
1 When I would have healed [07495] Israel [03478], then the iniquity [05771] of Ephraim [0669] was discovered [01540], and the wickedness [07451] of Samaria [08111]: for they commit [06466] falsehood [08267]; and the thief [01590] cometh in [0935], and the troop [01416] of robbers spoileth [06584] without [02351].
2 For it shall be, that, as a wandering [05074] bird [05775] cast out [07971] of the nest [07064], so the daughters [01323] of Moab [04124] shall be at the fords [04569] of Arnon [0769].
8 As a bird [06833] that wandereth [05074] from her nest [07064], so is a man [0376] that wandereth [05074] from his place [04725].
12 And I will destroy [08074] her vines [01612] and her fig trees [08384], whereof she hath said [0559], These are my rewards [0866] that my lovers [0157] have given [05414] me: and I will make [07760] them a forest [03293], and the beasts [02416] of the field [07704] shall eat [0398] them.
18 But thou shalt remember [02142] that thou wast a bondman [05650] in Egypt [04714], and the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] redeemed [06299] thee thence: therefore I command [06680] thee to do [06213] this thing [01697].
15 And thou shalt remember [02142] that thou wast a bondman [05650] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], and the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] redeemed [06299] thee: therefore I command [06680] thee this thing [01697] to day [03117].
5 And that prophet [05030], or that dreamer [02492] of dreams [02472], shall be put to death [04191]; because he hath spoken [01696] to turn [05627] you away from the LORD [03068] your God [0430], which brought you out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], and redeemed [06299] you out of the house [01004] of bondage [05650], to thrust [05080] thee out of the way [01870] which the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] commanded [06680] thee to walk in [03212]. So shalt thou put [01197] the evil [07451] away [01197] from the midst [07130] of thee.
8 But because the LORD [03068] loved [0160] you, and because he would keep [08104] the oath [07621] which he had sworn [07650] unto your fathers [01], hath the LORD [03068] brought you out [03318] with a mighty [02389] hand [03027], and redeemed [06299] you out of the house [01004] of bondmen [05650], from the hand [03027] of Pharaoh [06547] king [04428] of Egypt [04714].
15 And remember [02142] that thou wast a servant [05650] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], and that the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] brought [03318] thee out thence through a mighty [02389] hand [03027] and by a stretched out [05186] arm [02220]: therefore the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] commanded [06680] thee to keep [06213] the sabbath [07676] day [03117].
6 I am the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], which brought thee out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], from the house [01004] of bondage [05650].
41 I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430], which brought you out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], to be your God [0430]: I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430].
43 That your generations [01755] may know [03045] that I made the children [01121] of Israel [03478] to dwell [03427] in booths [05521], when I brought them out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714]: I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430].
36 Just [06664] balances [03976], just [06664] weights [068], a just [06664] ephah [0374], and a just [06664] hin [01969], shall ye have: I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430], which brought you out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
2 I am the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], which have brought [03318] thee out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], out of the house [01004] of bondage [05650].
25 He restored [07725] the coast [01366] of Israel [03478] from the entering [0935] of Hamath [02574] unto the sea [03220] of the plain [06160], according to the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], which he spake [01696] by the hand [03027] of his servant [05650] Jonah [03124], the son [01121] of Amittai [0573], the prophet [05030], which was of Gathhepher [01662].
26 For the LORD [03068] saw [07200] the affliction [06040] of Israel [03478], that it was very [03966] bitter [04784]: for there was not [0657] any shut up [06113], nor any left [05800], nor any helper [05826] for Israel [03478].
27 And the LORD [03068] said [01696] not that he would blot out [04229] the name [08034] of Israel [03478] from under heaven [08064]: but he saved [03467] them by the hand [03027] of Jeroboam [03379] the son [01121] of Joash [03101].
8 They that observe [08104] lying [07723] vanities [01892] forsake [05800] their own mercy [02617].
1 He that dwelleth [03427] in the secret [05643] place of the most High [05945] shall abide [03885] under the shadow [06738] of the Almighty [07706].
2 I will say [0559] of the LORD [03068], He is my refuge [04268] and my fortress [04686]: my God [0430]; in him will I trust [0982].
8 Salvation [03444] belongeth unto the LORD [03068]: thy blessing [01293] is upon thy people [05971]. Selah [05542].
30 Thus the LORD [03068] saved [03467] Israel [03478] that day [03117] out of the hand [03027] of the Egyptians [04714]; and Israel [03478] saw [07200] the Egyptians [04714] dead [04191] upon the sea [03220] shore [08193].
20 And the Redeemer [01350] shall come [0935] to Zion [06726], and unto them that turn [07725] from transgression [06588] in Jacob [03290], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
15 Behold, they shall surely [01481] gather together [01481], but not [0657] by me: whosoever [04310] shall gather together [01481] against thee shall fall [05307] for thy sake.
4 They run [07323] and prepare [03559] themselves without my fault [05771]: awake [05782] to help [07125] me, and behold [07200].
7 Shall they escape [06405] by iniquity [0205]? in thine anger [0639] cast down [03381] the people [05971], O God [0430].
14 And they have not cried [02199] unto me with their heart [03820], when they howled [03213] upon their beds [04904]: they assemble [01481] themselves for corn [01715] and wine [08492], and they rebel [05493] against me.
12 When they shall go [03212], I will spread [06566] my net [07568] upon them; I will bring them down [03381] as the fowls [05775] of the heaven [08064]; I will chastise [03256] them, as their congregation [05712] hath heard [08088].
11 Ephraim [0669] also is like a silly [06601] dove [03123] without heart [03820]: they call [07121] to Egypt [04714], they go [01980] to Assyria [0804].
14 And they have not cried [02199] unto me with their heart [03820], when they howled [03213] upon their beds [04904]: they assemble [01481] themselves for corn [01715] and wine [08492], and they rebel [05493] against me.