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Selected Verse: Hosea 12:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Ho 12:7 Strong Concordance He is a merchant [03667], the balances [03976] of deceit [04820] are in his hand [03027]: he loveth [0157] to oppress [06231].
  King James He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
merchant--a play on the double sense of the Hebrew, "Canaan," that is, a Canaanite and a "merchant" Eze 16:3 : "Thy birth is . . . of Canaan." They who naturally were descendants of pious Jacob had become virtually Canaanites, who were proverbial as cheating merchants (compare Isa 23:11, Margin), the greatest reproach to Israel, who despised Canaan. The Phœnicians called themselves Canaanites or merchants (Isa 23:8).

oppress--open violence: as the "balances of deceit" imply fraud.
8 Who hath taken this counsel [03289] against Tyre [06865], the crowning [05849] city, whose merchants [05503] are princes [08269], whose traffickers [03667] are the honourable [03513] of the earth [0776]?
11 He stretched out [05186] his hand [03027] over the sea [03220], he shook [07264] the kingdoms [04467]: the LORD [03068] hath given a commandment [06680] against the merchant [03667] city, to destroy [08045] the strong [04581] holds [04581] thereof.
3 And say [0559], Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] unto Jerusalem [03389]; Thy birth [04351] and thy nativity [04138] is of the land [0776] of Canaan [03669]; thy father [01] was an Amorite [0567], and thy mother [0517] an Hittite [02850].
3 And say [0559], Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] unto Jerusalem [03389]; Thy birth [04351] and thy nativity [04138] is of the land [0776] of Canaan [03669]; thy father [01] was an Amorite [0567], and thy mother [0517] an Hittite [02850].
8 And if she be not able to bring [04672] [01767] [03027] a lamb [07716], then she shall bring [03947] two [08147] turtles [08449], or two young [01121] pigeons [03123]; the one [0259] for the burnt offering [05930], and the other [0259] for a sin offering [02403]: and the priest [03548] shall make an atonement [03722] for her, and she shall be clean [02891].
7 And if he [03027] be not able [01767] to bring [05060] a lamb [07716], then he shall bring [0935] for [0854] his trespass [0817], which he hath committed [02398], two [08147] turtledoves [08449], or two [08147] young [01121] pigeons [03123], unto the LORD [03068]; one [0259] for a sin offering [02403], and the other [0259] for a burnt offering [05930].
14 Thou shalt not oppress [06231] an hired servant [07916] that is poor [06041] and needy [034], whether he be of thy brethren [0251], or of thy strangers [01616] that are in thy land [0776] within thy gates [08179]:
2 If a soul [05315] sin [02398], and commit [04603] a trespass [04604] against the LORD [03068], and lie [03584] unto his neighbour [05997] in that which was delivered [06487] him to keep, or in fellowship [08667] [03027], or in a thing taken away by violence [01498], or hath deceived [06231] his neighbour [05997];
3 Or have found [04672] that which was lost [09], and lieth [03584] concerning it, and sweareth [07650] falsely [08267]; in any [0259] of all these that a man [0120] doeth [06213], sinning [02398] therein [02007]:
4 Then it shall be, because he hath sinned [02398], and is guilty [0816], that he shall restore [07725] that [01500] which he took violently away [01497], or the thing [06233] which he hath deceitfully gotten [06231], or that which was delivered [06487] [0853] him to keep [06485], or the lost thing [09] which he found [04672],
13 In any case [07725] thou shalt deliver [07725] him the pledge [05667] again [07725] when the sun [08121] goeth down [0935], that he may sleep [07901] in his own raiment [08008], and bless [01288] thee: and it shall be righteousness [06666] unto thee before [06440] the LORD [03068] thy God [0430].
14 Thou shalt not oppress [06231] an hired servant [07916] that is poor [06041] and needy [034], whether he be of thy brethren [0251], or of thy strangers [01616] that are in thy land [0776] within thy gates [08179]:
15 At his day [03117] thou shalt give [05414] him his hire [07939], neither shall the sun [08121] go down [0935] upon it; for he is poor [06041], and setteth [05375] his heart [05315] upon it: lest he cry [07121] against thee unto the LORD [03068], and it be sin [02399] unto thee.
16 The fathers [01] shall not be put to death [04191] for the children [01121], neither shall the children [01121] be put to death [04191] for the fathers [01]: every man [0376] shall be put to death [04191] for his own sin [02399].
36 Just [06664] balances [03976], just [06664] weights [068], a just [06664] ephah [0374], and a just [06664] hin [01969], shall ye have: I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430], which brought you out [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
8 Who hath taken this counsel [03289] against Tyre [06865], the crowning [05849] city, whose merchants [05503] are princes [08269], whose traffickers [03667] are the honourable [03513] of the earth [0776]?
3 And say [0559], Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] unto Jerusalem [03389]; Thy birth [04351] and thy nativity [04138] is of the land [0776] of Canaan [03669]; thy father [01] was an Amorite [0567], and thy mother [0517] an Hittite [02850].
8 And Ephraim [0669] said [0559], Yet I am become rich [06238], I have found me out [04672] substance [0202]: in all my labours [03018] they shall find [04672] none iniquity [05771] in me that were sin [02399].