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Selected Verse: Daniel 8:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Da 8:9 Strong Concordance And out of one [0259] of them came forth [03318] a little [04704] horn [07161], which waxed exceeding [03499] great [01431], toward the south [05045], and toward the east [04217], and toward the pleasant [06643] land.
  King James And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
little horn--not to be confounded with the little horn of the fourth kingdom in Dan 7:8. The little horn in Dan 7:8 comes as an eleventh horn after ten preceding horns. In Dan 8:9 it is not an independent fifth horn, after the four previous ones, but it arises out of one of the four existing horns. This horn is explained (Dan 8:23) to be "a king of fierce countenance," &c. Antiochus Epiphanes is meant. Greece with all its refinement produces the first, that is, the Old Testament Antichrist. Antiochus had an extraordinarly love of art, which expressed itself in grand temples. He wished to substitute Zeus Olympius for Jehovah at Jerusalem. Thus first heathen civilization from below, and revealed religion from above, came into collision. Identifying himself with Jupiter, his aim was to make his own worship universal (compare Dan 8:25 with Dan 11:36); so mad was he in this that he was called Epimanes (maniac) instead of Epiphanes. None of the previous world rulers, Nebuchadnezzar (Dan 4:31-34), Darius (Dan 6:27-28), Cyrus (Ezr 1:2-4), Artaxerxes Longimanus (Ezr 7:12), had systematically opposed the Jews' religious worship. Hence the need of prophecy to prepare them for Antiochus. The struggle of the Maccabees was a fruit of Daniel's prophecy (1 Maccabees 2:59). He is the forerunner of the final Antichrist, standing in the same relation to the first advent of Christ that Antichrist does to His second coming. The sins in Israel which gave rise to the Greek Antichrist were that some Jews adopted Hellenic customs (compare Dan 11:30, Dan 11:32), erecting theaters, and regarding all religions alike, sacrificing to Jehovah, but at the same time sending money for sacrifices to Hercules. Such shall be the state of the world when ripe for Antichrist. At Dan 8:9 and Dan 8:23 the description passes from the literal Antiochus to features which, though partially attributed to him, hold good in their fullest sense only of his antitype, the New Testament Antichrist. The Mohammedan Antichrist may also be included; answering to the Euphratean (Turk) horsemen (Rev 9:14-21), loosed "an hour, a day, a month, a year" (391 years, in the year-day theory), to scourge corrupted, idolatrous Christianity. In A.D. 637 the Saracen Moslem mosque of Omar was founded on the site of the temple, "treading under foot the sanctuary" (Dan 8:11-13); and there it still remains.The first conquest of the Turks over Christians was in A.D. 1281; and 391 years after they reached their zenith of power and began to decline, Sobieski defeating them at Vienna. Mohammed II, called "the conqueror," reigned A.D. 1451-1481, in which period Constantinople fell 391 years after brings us to our own day, in which Turkey's fall is imminent.

waxed . . . great, toward . . . south-- (Dan 11:25). Antiochus fought against PTOLEMY Philometer and Egypt, that is, the south.

toward the east--He fought against those who attempted a change of government in Persia.

toward the pleasant land--Judea, "the glorious land" (Dan 11:16, Dan 11:41, Dan 11:45; compare Psa 48:2; Eze 20:6, Eze 20:15). Its chief pleasantness consists in its being God's chosen land (Psa 132:13; Jer 3:19). Into it Antiochus made his inroad after his return from Egypt.
19 But I said [0559], How shall I put [07896] thee among the children [01121], and give [05414] thee a pleasant [02532] land [0776], a goodly [06643] heritage [05159] of the hosts [06635] of nations [01471]? and I said [0559], Thou shalt call [07121] me, My father [01]; and shalt not turn away [07725] from me [0310].
13 For the LORD [03068] hath chosen [0977] Zion [06726]; he hath desired [0183] it for his habitation [04186].
15 Yet also I lifted up [05375] my hand [03027] unto them in the wilderness [04057], that I would not bring [0935] them into the land [0776] which I had given [05414] them, flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], which is the glory [06643] of all lands [0776];
6 In the day [03117] that I lifted up [05375] mine hand [03027] unto them, to bring them forth [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] into a land [0776] that I had espied [08446] for them, flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], which is the glory [06643] of all lands [0776]:
2 Beautiful [03303] for situation [05131], the joy [04885] of the whole earth [0776], is mount [02022] Zion [06726], on the sides [03411] of the north [06828], the city [07151] of the great [07227] King [04428].
45 And he shall plant [05193] the tabernacles [0168] of his palace [0643] between the seas [03220] in the glorious [06643] holy [06944] mountain [02022]; yet he shall come [0935] to his end [07093], and none shall help [05826] him.
41 He shall enter [0935] also into the glorious [06643] land [0776], and many [07227] countries shall be overthrown [03782]: but these shall escape [04422] out of his hand [03027], even Edom [0123], and Moab [04124], and the chief [07225] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983].
16 But he that cometh [0935] against him shall do [06213] according to his own will [07522], and none shall stand [05975] before [06440] him: and he shall stand [05975] in the glorious [06643] land [0776], which by his hand [03027] shall be consumed [03617].
25 And he shall stir up [05782] his power [03581] and his courage [03824] against the king [04428] of the south [05045] with a great [01419] army [02428]; and the king [04428] of the south [05045] shall be stirred up [01624] to battle [04421] with a very [03966] great [01419] and mighty [06099] army [02428]; but he shall not stand [05975]: for they shall forecast [02803] devices [04284] against him.
11 Yea, he magnified [01431] himself even to the prince [08269] of the host [06635], and by him the daily [08548] sacrifice was taken away [07311] [07311], and the place [04349] of his sanctuary [04720] was cast down [07993].
12 And an host [06635] was given [05414] him against the daily [08548] sacrifice by reason of transgression [06588], and it cast down [07993] the truth [0571] to the ground [0776]; and it practised [06213], and prospered [06743].
13 Then I heard [08085] one [0259] saint [06918] speaking [01696], and another [0259] saint [06918] said [0559] unto that certain [06422] saint which spake [01696], How long shall be the vision [02377] concerning the daily [08548] sacrifice, and the transgression [06588] of desolation [08074], to give [05414] both the sanctuary [06944] and the host [06635] to be trodden under foot [04823]?
14 Saying [3004] to the sixth [1623] angel [32] which [3739] had [2192] the trumpet [4536], Loose [3089] the four [5064] angels [32] which [3588] are bound [1210] in [1909] the great [3173] river [4215] Euphrates [2166].
15 And [2532] the four [5064] angels [32] were loosed [3089], which [3588] were prepared [2090] for [1519] an hour [5610], and [2532] a day [2250], and [2532] a month [3376], and [2532] a year [1763], for to [2443] slay [615] the third part [5154] of men [444].
16 And [2532] the number [706] of the army [4753] of the horsemen [2461] were two hundred [1417] thousand [3461] thousand [3461]: and [2532] I heard [191] the number [706] of them [846].
17 And [2532] thus [3779] I saw [1492] the horses [2462] in [1722] the vision [3706], and [2532] them that sat [2521] on [1909] them [846], having [2192] breastplates [2382] of fire [4447], and [2532] of jacinth [5191], and [2532] brimstone [2306]: and [2532] the heads [2776] of the horses [2462] were as [5613] the heads [2776] of lions [3023]; and [2532] out of [1537] their [846] mouths [4750] issued [1607] fire [4442] and [2532] smoke [2586] and [2532] brimstone [2303].
18 By [5259] these [5130] three [5140] was [615] the third part [5154] of men [444] killed [615], by [1537] the fire [4442], and [2532] by [1537] the smoke [2586], and [2532] by [1537] the brimstone [2303], which [3588] issued [1607] out of [1537] their [846] mouths [4750].
19 For [1063] their [846] power [1849] is [1526] [2076] in [1722] their [846] mouth [4750], and [2532] in [1722] their [846] tails [3769]: for [1063] their [846] tails [3769] were like [3664] unto serpents [3789], and had [2192] heads [2776], and [2532] with [1722] them [846] they do hurt [91].
20 And [2532] the rest [3062] of the men [444] which [3739] were [615] not [3756] killed [615] by [1722] these [5025] plagues [4127] yet [3777] repented [3340] not [3777] of [1537] the works [2041] of their [846] hands [5495], that [3363] they should [4352] not [3363] worship [4352] devils [1140], and [2532] idols [1497] of gold [5552], and [2532] silver [693], and [2532] brass [5470], and [2532] stone [3035], and [2532] of wood [3585]: which [3739] neither [3777] can [1410] see [991], nor [3777] hear [191], nor [3777] walk [4043]:
21 Neither [2532] [3756] repented they [3340] of [1537] their [846] murders [5408], nor [3777] of [1537] their [846] sorceries [5331], nor [3777] of [1537] their [846] fornication [4202], nor [3777] of [1537] their [846] thefts [2809].
23 And in the latter time [0319] of their kingdom [04438], when the transgressors [06586] are come to the full [08552], a king [04428] of fierce [05794] countenance [06440], and understanding [0995] dark sentences [02420], shall stand up [05975].
9 And out of one [0259] of them came forth [03318] a little [04704] horn [07161], which waxed exceeding [03499] great [01431], toward the south [05045], and toward the east [04217], and toward the pleasant [06643] land.
32 And such as do wickedly [07561] against the covenant [01285] shall he corrupt [02610] by flatteries [02514]: but the people [05971] that do know [03045] their God [0430] shall be strong [02388], and do [06213] exploits.
30 For the ships [06716] of Chittim [03794] shall come [0935] against him: therefore he shall be grieved [03512], and return [07725], and have indignation [02194] against the holy [06944] covenant [01285]: so shall he do [06213]; he shall even return [07725], and have intelligence [0995] with them that forsake [05800] the holy [06944] covenant [01285].
12 Artaxerxes [0783], king [04430] of kings [04430], unto Ezra [05831] the priest [03549], a scribe [05613] of the law [01882] of the God [0426] of heaven [08065], perfect [01585] peace, and at such a time [03706].
2 Thus saith [0559] Cyrus [03566] king [04428] of Persia [06539], The LORD [03068] God [0430] of heaven [08064] hath given [05414] me all the kingdoms [04467] of the earth [0776]; and he hath charged [06485] me to build [01129] him an house [01004] at Jerusalem [03389], which is in Judah [03063].
3 Who is there among you of all his people [05971]? his God [0430] be with him, and let him go up [05927] to Jerusalem [03389], which is in Judah [03063], and build [01129] the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], (he is the God [0430],) which is in Jerusalem [03389].
4 And whosoever remaineth [07604] in any place [04725] where he sojourneth [01481], let the men [0582] of his place [04725] help [05375] him with silver [03701], and with gold [02091], and with goods [07399], and with beasts [0929], beside the freewill offering [05071] for the house [01004] of God [0430] that is in Jerusalem [03389].
27 He delivereth [07804] and rescueth [05338], and he worketh [05648] signs [0852] and wonders [08540] in heaven [08065] and in earth [0772], who hath delivered [07804] Daniel [01841] from [04481] the power [03028] of the lions [0744].
28 So this [01836] Daniel [01841] prospered [06744] in the reign [04437] of Darius [01868], and in the reign [04437] of Cyrus [03567] the Persian [06543].
31 While [05751] the word [04406] was in the king's [04430] mouth [06433], there fell [05308] a voice [07032] from [04481] heaven [08065], saying, O king [04430] Nebuchadnezzar [05020], to thee it is spoken [0560]; The kingdom [04437] is departed [05709] from [04481] thee.
32 And they shall drive [02957] thee from [04481] men [0606], and thy dwelling [04070] shall be with [05974] the beasts [02423] of the field [01251]: they shall make thee to eat [02939] grass [06211] as oxen [08450], and seven [07655] times [05732] shall pass [02499] over [05922] thee, until [05705] thou know [03046] that the most High [05943] ruleth [07990] in the kingdom [04437] of men [0606], and giveth [05415] it to whomsoever [04479] he will [06634].
33 The same hour [08160] was the thing [04406] fulfilled [05487] upon [05922] Nebuchadnezzar [05020]: and he was driven [02957] from [04481] men [0606], and did eat [0399] grass [06211] as oxen [08450], and his body [01655] was wet [06647] with the dew [02920] of heaven [08065], till [05705] his hairs [08177] were grown [07236] like eagles [05403]' feathers, and his nails [02953] like birds [06853]' claws.
34 And at the end [07118] of the days [03118] I [0576] Nebuchadnezzar [05020] lifted up [05191] mine eyes [05870] unto heaven [08065], and mine understanding [04486] returned [08421] unto me [05922], and I blessed [01289] the most High [05943], and I praised [07624] and honoured [01922] him that liveth [02417] for ever [05957], whose dominion [07985] is an everlasting [05957] dominion [07985], and his kingdom [04437] is from [05974] generation [01859] to generation [01859]:
36 And the king [04428] shall do [06213] according to his will [07522]; and he shall exalt [07311] himself, and magnify [01431] himself above every god [0410], and shall speak [01696] marvellous things [06381] against the God [0410] of gods [0410], and shall prosper [06743] till the indignation [02195] be accomplished [03615]: for that that is determined [02782] shall be done [06213].
25 And through his policy [07922] also he shall cause craft [04820] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027]; and he shall magnify [01431] himself in his heart [03824], and by peace [07962] shall destroy [07843] many [07227]: he shall also stand up [05975] against the Prince [08269] of princes [08269]; but he shall be broken [07665] without [0657] hand [03027].
23 And in the latter time [0319] of their kingdom [04438], when the transgressors [06586] are come to the full [08552], a king [04428] of fierce [05794] countenance [06440], and understanding [0995] dark sentences [02420], shall stand up [05975].
9 And out of one [0259] of them came forth [03318] a little [04704] horn [07161], which waxed exceeding [03499] great [01431], toward the south [05045], and toward the east [04217], and toward the pleasant [06643] land.
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
19 And Babylon [0894], the glory [06643] of kingdoms [04467], the beauty [08597] of the Chaldees [03778]' excellency [01347], shall be as when God [0430] overthrew [04114] Sodom [05467] and Gomorrah [06017].
4 And the glorious [06643] beauty [08597], which is on the head [07218] of the fat [08081] valley [01516], shall be a fading [05034] flower [06733], and as the hasty fruit [01061] before the summer [07019]; which when he that looketh [07200] upon it seeth [07200], while it is yet in his hand [03709] he eateth it up [01104].
5 In that day [03117] shall the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] be for a crown [05850] of glory [06643], and for a diadem [06843] of beauty [08597], unto the residue [07605] of his people [05971],
1 Woe [01945] to the crown [05850] of pride [01348], to the drunkards [07910] of Ephraim [0669], whose glorious [06643] beauty [08597] is a fading [05034] flower [06731], which are on the head [07218] of the fat [08081] valleys [01516] of them that are overcome [01986] with wine [03196]!
16 From the uttermost part [03671] of the earth [0776] have we heard [08085] songs [02158], even glory [06643] to the righteous [06662]. But I said [0559], My leanness [07334], my leanness [07334], woe [0188] unto me! the treacherous dealers [0898] have dealt treacherously [0898]; yea, the treacherous dealers [0898] have dealt very [0899] treacherously [0898].
2 In that day [03117] shall the branch [06780] of the LORD [03068] be beautiful [06643] and glorious [03519], and the fruit [06529] of the earth [0776] shall be excellent [01347] and comely for [08597] them that are escaped [06413] of Israel [03478].
21 And in his estate [03653] shall stand up [05975] a vile person [0959], to whom they shall not give [05414] the honour [01935] of the kingdom [04438]: but he shall come [0935] in peaceably [07962], and obtain [02388] the kingdom [04438] by flatteries [02519].
8 Therefore the he [06842] goat [05795] waxed very [03966] great [01431]: and when he was strong [06105], the great [01419] horn [07161] was broken [07665]; and for it came up [05927] four [0702] notable ones [02380] toward the four [0702] winds [07307] of heaven [08064].
24 And the ten [06236] horns [07162] out of [04481] this kingdom [04437] are ten [06236] kings [04430] that shall arise [06966]: and another [0321] shall rise [06966] after [0311] them; and he shall be diverse [08133] from [04481] the first [06933], and he shall subdue [08214] three [08532] kings [04430].
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
10 And it waxed great [01431], even to the host [06635] of heaven [08064]; and it cast down [05307] some of the host [06635] and of the stars [03556] to the ground [0776], and stamped [07429] upon them.
11 Yea, he magnified [01431] himself even to the prince [08269] of the host [06635], and by him the daily [08548] sacrifice was taken away [07311] [07311], and the place [04349] of his sanctuary [04720] was cast down [07993].
12 And an host [06635] was given [05414] him against the daily [08548] sacrifice by reason of transgression [06588], and it cast down [07993] the truth [0571] to the ground [0776]; and it practised [06213], and prospered [06743].
25 And he shall speak [04449] great words [04406] against [06655] the most High [05943], and shall wear out [01080] the saints [06922] of the most High [05946], and think [05452] to change [08133] times [02166] and laws [01882]: and they shall be given [03052] into his hand [03028] until [05705] a time [05732] and times [05732] and the dividing [06387] of time [05732].
23 And in the latter time [0319] of their kingdom [04438], when the transgressors [06586] are come to the full [08552], a king [04428] of fierce [05794] countenance [06440], and understanding [0995] dark sentences [02420], shall stand up [05975].
22 Now that being broken [07665], whereas four [0702] stood up [05975] for it, four [0702] kingdoms [04438] shall stand up [05975] out of the nation [01471], but not in his power [03581].
23 And in the latter time [0319] of their kingdom [04438], when the transgressors [06586] are come to the full [08552], a king [04428] of fierce [05794] countenance [06440], and understanding [0995] dark sentences [02420], shall stand up [05975].
23 And in the latter time [0319] of their kingdom [04438], when the transgressors [06586] are come to the full [08552], a king [04428] of fierce [05794] countenance [06440], and understanding [0995] dark sentences [02420], shall stand up [05975].
9 And out of one [0259] of them came forth [03318] a little [04704] horn [07161], which waxed exceeding [03499] great [01431], toward the south [05045], and toward the east [04217], and toward the pleasant [06643] land.
10 And it waxed great [01431], even to the host [06635] of heaven [08064]; and it cast down [05307] some of the host [06635] and of the stars [03556] to the ground [0776], and stamped [07429] upon them.
11 Yea, he magnified [01431] himself even to the prince [08269] of the host [06635], and by him the daily [08548] sacrifice was taken away [07311] [07311], and the place [04349] of his sanctuary [04720] was cast down [07993].
12 And an host [06635] was given [05414] him against the daily [08548] sacrifice by reason of transgression [06588], and it cast down [07993] the truth [0571] to the ground [0776]; and it practised [06213], and prospered [06743].
13 Then I heard [08085] one [0259] saint [06918] speaking [01696], and another [0259] saint [06918] said [0559] unto that certain [06422] saint which spake [01696], How long shall be the vision [02377] concerning the daily [08548] sacrifice, and the transgression [06588] of desolation [08074], to give [05414] both the sanctuary [06944] and the host [06635] to be trodden under foot [04823]?
24 And his power [03581] shall be mighty [06105], but not by his own power [03581]: and he shall destroy [07843] wonderfully [06381], and shall prosper [06743], and practise [06213], and shall destroy [07843] the mighty [06099] and the holy [06918] people [05971].
25 And through his policy [07922] also he shall cause craft [04820] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027]; and he shall magnify [01431] himself in his heart [03824], and by peace [07962] shall destroy [07843] many [07227]: he shall also stand up [05975] against the Prince [08269] of princes [08269]; but he shall be broken [07665] without [0657] hand [03027].
24 And his power [03581] shall be mighty [06105], but not by his own power [03581]: and he shall destroy [07843] wonderfully [06381], and shall prosper [06743], and practise [06213], and shall destroy [07843] the mighty [06099] and the holy [06918] people [05971].
25 And through his policy [07922] also he shall cause craft [04820] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027]; and he shall magnify [01431] himself in his heart [03824], and by peace [07962] shall destroy [07843] many [07227]: he shall also stand up [05975] against the Prince [08269] of princes [08269]; but he shall be broken [07665] without [0657] hand [03027].
14 And [2532] I said [2046] unto him [846], Sir [2962], thou [4771] knowest [1492]. And [2532] he said [2036] to me [3427], These [3778] are they [1526] which came [2064] out of [1537] great [3173] tribulation [2347], and [2532] have washed [4150] their [846] robes [4749], and [2532] made [3021] them [4749] [846] white [3021] in [1722] the blood [129] of the Lamb [721].
5 Then shall he speak [01696] unto them in his wrath [0639], and vex [0926] them in his sore displeasure [02740].
20 And [2532] the beast [2342] was taken [4084], and [2532] with [3326] him [5127] the false prophet [5578] that wrought [4160] miracles [4592] before [1799] him [846], with [1722] which [3739] he deceived [4105] them that had received [2983] the mark [5480] of the beast [2342], and [2532] them that worshipped [4352] his [846] image [1504]. These both [1417] were cast [906] alive [2198] into [1519] a lake [3041] of fire [4442] burning [2545] with [1722] brimstone [2303].
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
8 He shall slay [02026] with the sword [02719] thy daughters [01323] in the field [07704]: and he shall make [05414] a fort [01785] against thee, and cast [08210] a mount [05550] against thee, and lift up [06965] the buckler [06793] against thee.
23 Whose graves [06913] are set [05414] in the sides [03411] of the pit [0953], and her company [06951] is round about [05439] her grave [06900]: all of them slain [02491], fallen [05307] by the sword [02719], which caused [05414] terror [02851] in the land [0776] of the living [02416].
13 Then I heard [08085] one [0259] saint [06918] speaking [01696], and another [0259] saint [06918] said [0559] unto that certain [06422] saint which spake [01696], How long shall be the vision [02377] concerning the daily [08548] sacrifice, and the transgression [06588] of desolation [08074], to give [05414] both the sanctuary [06944] and the host [06635] to be trodden under foot [04823]?
13 Then I heard [08085] one [0259] saint [06918] speaking [01696], and another [0259] saint [06918] said [0559] unto that certain [06422] saint which spake [01696], How long shall be the vision [02377] concerning the daily [08548] sacrifice, and the transgression [06588] of desolation [08074], to give [05414] both the sanctuary [06944] and the host [06635] to be trodden under foot [04823]?
10 And it waxed great [01431], even to the host [06635] of heaven [08064]; and it cast down [05307] some of the host [06635] and of the stars [03556] to the ground [0776], and stamped [07429] upon them.
12 And an host [06635] was given [05414] him against the daily [08548] sacrifice by reason of transgression [06588], and it cast down [07993] the truth [0571] to the ground [0776]; and it practised [06213], and prospered [06743].
43 Hear [08085] thou in heaven [08064] thy dwelling [03427] place [04349], and do [06213] according to all that the stranger [05237] calleth [07121] to thee for: that all people [05971] of the earth [0776] may know [03045] thy name [08034], to fear [03372] thee, as do thy people [05971] Israel [03478]; and that they may know [03045] that this house [01004], which I have builded [01129], is called [07121] by thy name [08034].
39 Then hear [08085] thou in heaven [08064] thy dwelling [03427] place [04349], and forgive [05545], and do [06213], and give [05414] to every man [0376] according to his ways [01870], whose heart [03824] thou knowest [03045]; (for thou, even thou only, knowest [03045] the hearts [03824] of all the children [01121] of men [0120];)
13 I have surely [01129] built [01129] thee an house [01004] to dwell in [02073], a settled place [04349] for thee to abide in [03427] for ever [05769].
17 Thou shalt bring [0935] them in, and plant [05193] them in the mountain [02022] of thine inheritance [05159], in the place [04349], O LORD [03068], which thou hast made [06466] for thee to dwell in [03427], in the Sanctuary [04720], O Lord [0136], which thy hands [03027] have established [03559].
18 And let them make haste [04116], and take up [05375] a wailing [05092] for us, that our eyes [05869] may run down [03381] with tears [01832], and our eyelids [06079] gush out [05140] with waters [04325].
25 And through his policy [07922] also he shall cause craft [04820] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027]; and he shall magnify [01431] himself in his heart [03824], and by peace [07962] shall destroy [07843] many [07227]: he shall also stand up [05975] against the Prince [08269] of princes [08269]; but he shall be broken [07665] without [0657] hand [03027].
25 And through his policy [07922] also he shall cause craft [04820] to prosper [06743] in his hand [03027]; and he shall magnify [01431] himself in his heart [03824], and by peace [07962] shall destroy [07843] many [07227]: he shall also stand up [05975] against the Prince [08269] of princes [08269]; but he shall be broken [07665] without [0657] hand [03027].
11 Yea, he magnified [01431] himself even to the prince [08269] of the host [06635], and by him the daily [08548] sacrifice was taken away [07311] [07311], and the place [04349] of his sanctuary [04720] was cast down [07993].
41 And it came to pass at the end [07093] of the four [0702] hundred [03967] [08141] and thirty [07970] years [08141], even the selfsame [06106] day [03117] it came to pass, that all the hosts [06635] of the LORD [03068] went out [03318] from the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
4 But Pharaoh [06547] shall not hearken [08085] unto you, that I may lay [05414] my hand [03027] upon Egypt [04714], and bring forth [03318] mine armies [06635], and my people [05971] the children [01121] of Israel [03478], out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] by great [01419] judgments [08201].
6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom [04467] of priests [03548], and an holy [06918] nation [01471]. These are the words [01697] which thou shalt speak [01696] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478].
24 Considerest [07200] thou not what this people [05971] have spoken [01696], saying [0559], The two [08147] families [04940] which the LORD [03068] hath chosen [0977], he hath even cast them off [03988]? thus they have despised [05006] my people [05971], that they should be no more a nation [01471] before [06440] them.
22 As the host [06635] of heaven [08064] cannot be numbered [05608], neither the sand [02344] of the sea [03220] measured [04058]: so will I multiply [07235] the seed [02233] of David [01732] my servant [05650], and the Levites [03881] that minister [08334] unto me.
10 And it waxed great [01431], even to the host [06635] of heaven [08064]; and it cast down [05307] some of the host [06635] and of the stars [03556] to the ground [0776], and stamped [07429] upon them.
23 In that day [03117] shall there be a highway [04546] out of Egypt [04714] to Assyria [0804], and the Assyrian [0804] shall come [0935] into Egypt [04714], and the Egyptian [04714] into Assyria [0804], and the Egyptians [04714] shall serve [05647] with the Assyrians [0804].
5 And the king [04428] of the south [05045] shall be strong [02388], and one of his princes [08269]; and he shall be strong [02388] above him, and have dominion [04910]; his dominion [04475] shall be a great [07227] dominion [04474].
6 In the day [03117] that I lifted up [05375] mine hand [03027] unto them, to bring them forth [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] into a land [0776] that I had espied [08446] for them, flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], which is the glory [06643] of all lands [0776]:
24 Yea, they despised [03988] the pleasant [02532] land [0776], they believed [0539] not his word [01697]:
14 But I scattered them with a whirlwind [05590] among all the nations [01471] whom they knew [03045] not. Thus the land [0776] was desolate [08074] after [0310] them, that no man passed through [05674] nor returned [07725]: for they laid [07760] the pleasant [02532] land [0776] desolate [08047].
19 But I said [0559], How shall I put [07896] thee among the children [01121], and give [05414] thee a pleasant [02532] land [0776], a goodly [06643] heritage [05159] of the hosts [06635] of nations [01471]? and I said [0559], Thou shalt call [07121] me, My father [01]; and shalt not turn away [07725] from me [0310].
15 Yet also I lifted up [05375] my hand [03027] unto them in the wilderness [04057], that I would not bring [0935] them into the land [0776] which I had given [05414] them, flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], which is the glory [06643] of all lands [0776];
6 In the day [03117] that I lifted up [05375] mine hand [03027] unto them, to bring them forth [03318] of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] into a land [0776] that I had espied [08446] for them, flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706], which is the glory [06643] of all lands [0776]:
19 But I said [0559], How shall I put [07896] thee among the children [01121], and give [05414] thee a pleasant [02532] land [0776], a goodly [06643] heritage [05159] of the hosts [06635] of nations [01471]? and I said [0559], Thou shalt call [07121] me, My father [01]; and shalt not turn away [07725] from me [0310].
41 He shall enter [0935] also into the glorious [06643] land [0776], and many [07227] countries shall be overthrown [03782]: but these shall escape [04422] out of his hand [03027], even Edom [0123], and Moab [04124], and the chief [07225] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983].
16 But he that cometh [0935] against him shall do [06213] according to his own will [07522], and none shall stand [05975] before [06440] him: and he shall stand [05975] in the glorious [06643] land [0776], which by his hand [03027] shall be consumed [03617].
8 I considered [01934] [07920] the horns [07162], and, behold [0431], there came up [05559] among [0997] them another [0317] little [02192] horn [07162], before [06925] [04481] whom there were three [08532] of [04481] the first [06933] horns [07162] plucked up by the roots [06132]: and, behold [0431], in this [01668] horn [07162] were eyes [05870] like the eyes [05870] of man [0606], and a mouth [06433] speaking [04449] great things [07260].
9 And out of one [0259] of them came forth [03318] a little [04704] horn [07161], which waxed exceeding [03499] great [01431], toward the south [05045], and toward the east [04217], and toward the pleasant [06643] land.
41 He shall enter [0935] also into the glorious [06643] land [0776], and many [07227] countries shall be overthrown [03782]: but these shall escape [04422] out of his hand [03027], even Edom [0123], and Moab [04124], and the chief [07225] of the children [01121] of Ammon [05983].
16 But he that cometh [0935] against him shall do [06213] according to his own will [07522], and none shall stand [05975] before [06440] him: and he shall stand [05975] in the glorious [06643] land [0776], which by his hand [03027] shall be consumed [03617].
19 But I said [0559], How shall I put [07896] thee among the children [01121], and give [05414] thee a pleasant [02532] land [0776], a goodly [06643] heritage [05159] of the hosts [06635] of nations [01471]? and I said [0559], Thou shalt call [07121] me, My father [01]; and shalt not turn away [07725] from me [0310].
24 Yea, they despised [03988] the pleasant [02532] land [0776], they believed [0539] not his word [01697]: