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Selected Verse: Daniel 12:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Da 12:13 Strong Concordance But go thou thy way [03212] till the end [07093] be: for thou shalt rest [05117], and stand [05975] in thy lot [01486] at the end [07093] of the days [03117].
  King James But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
rest--in the grave (Job 3:17; Isa 57:2). He, like his people Israel, was to wait patiently and confidently for the blessing till God's time. He "received not the promise," but had to wait until the Christian elect saints should be brought in, at the first resurrection, that he and the older Old Testament saints "without us should not be made perfect" (Heb 11:40).

stand--implying justification unto life, as opposed to condemnation (Psa 1:5).

thy lot--image from the allotment of the earthly Canaan.

5 Therefore the ungodly [07563] shall not stand [06965] in the judgment [04941], nor sinners [02400] in the congregation [05712] of the righteous [06662].
40 God [2316] having provided [4265] some [5100] better [2909] thing [5100] for [4012] us [2257], that [3363] they [5048] without [5565] us [2257] should [5048] not [3363] be made perfect [5048].
2 He shall enter [0935] into peace [07965]: they shall rest [05117] in their beds [04904], each one walking [01980] in his uprightness [05228].
17 There the wicked [07563] cease [02308] from troubling [07267]; and there the weary [03019] [03581] be at rest [05117].
13 But go thou thy way [03212] till the end [07093] be: for thou shalt rest [05117], and stand [05975] in thy lot [01486] at the end [07093] of the days [03117].
13 But go thou thy way [03212] till the end [07093] be: for thou shalt rest [05117], and stand [05975] in thy lot [01486] at the end [07093] of the days [03117].
10 Many [07227] shall be purified [01305], and made white [03835], and tried [06884]; but the wicked [07563] shall do wickedly [07561]: and none of the wicked [07563] shall understand [0995]; but the wise [07919] shall understand [0995].
1 And at that time [06256] shall Michael [04317] stand up [05975], the great [01419] prince [08269] which standeth [05975] for the children [01121] of thy people [05971]: and there shall be [01961] a time [06256] of trouble [06869], such as never was since there was a nation [01471] even to that same time [06256]: and at that time [06256] thy people [05971] shall be delivered [04422], every one that shall be found [04672] written [03789] in the book [05612].
2 And many [07227] of them that sleep [03463] in the dust [06083] of the earth [0127] shall awake [06974], some to everlasting [05769] life [02416], and some to shame [02781] and everlasting [05769] contempt [01860].
3 And they that be wise [07919] shall shine [02094] as the brightness [02096] of the firmament [07549]; and they that turn many [07227] to righteousness [06663] as the stars [03556] for ever [05769] and ever [05703].
4 But thou, O Daniel [01840], shut up [05640] the words [01697], and seal [02856] the book [05612], even to the time [06256] of the end [07093]: many [07227] shall run to and fro [07751], and knowledge [01847] shall be increased [07235].
5 Then I Daniel [01840] looked [07200], and, behold, there stood [05975] other [0312] two [08147], the one [0259] on this side [02008] of the bank [08193] of the river [02975], and the other [0259] on that side of the bank [08193] of the river [02975].
6 And one said [0559] to the man [0376] clothed [03847] in linen [0906], which was upon [04605] the waters [04325] of the river [02975], How long shall it be to the end [07093] of these wonders [06382]?
7 And I heard [08085] the man [0376] clothed [03847] in linen [0906], which was upon [04605] the waters [04325] of the river [02975], when he held up [07311] his right hand [03225] and his left hand [08040] unto heaven [08064], and sware [07650] by him that liveth [02416] for ever [05769] that it shall be for a time [04150], times [04150], and an half [02677]; and when he shall have accomplished [03615] to scatter [05310] the power [03027] of the holy [06944] people [05971], all these things shall be finished [03615].
8 And I heard [08085], but I understood [0995] not: then said [0559] I, O my Lord [0113], what shall be the end [0319] of these things?
9 And he said [0559], Go thy way [03212], Daniel [01840]: for the words [01697] are closed up [05640] and sealed [02856] till the time [06256] of the end [07093].
10 Many [07227] shall be purified [01305], and made white [03835], and tried [06884]; but the wicked [07563] shall do wickedly [07561]: and none of the wicked [07563] shall understand [0995]; but the wise [07919] shall understand [0995].
11 And from the time [06256] that the daily [08548] sacrifice shall be taken away [05493], and the abomination [08251] that maketh desolate [08074] set up [05414], there shall be a thousand [0505] two hundred [03967] and ninety [08673] days [03117].
12 Blessed [0835] is he that waiteth [02442], and cometh [05060] to the thousand [0505] three [07969] hundred [03967] and five [02568] and thirty [07970] days [03117].
13 But go thou thy way [03212] till the end [07093] be: for thou shalt rest [05117], and stand [05975] in thy lot [01486] at the end [07093] of the days [03117].
9 And he said [0559], Go thy way [03212], Daniel [01840]: for the words [01697] are closed up [05640] and sealed [02856] till the time [06256] of the end [07093].
4 But thou, O Daniel [01840], shut up [05640] the words [01697], and seal [02856] the book [05612], even to the time [06256] of the end [07093]: many [07227] shall run to and fro [07751], and knowledge [01847] shall be increased [07235].
4 But thou, O Daniel [01840], shut up [05640] the words [01697], and seal [02856] the book [05612], even to the time [06256] of the end [07093]: many [07227] shall run to and fro [07751], and knowledge [01847] shall be increased [07235].
24 And the ten [06236] horns [07162] out of [04481] this kingdom [04437] are ten [06236] kings [04430] that shall arise [06966]: and another [0321] shall rise [06966] after [0311] them; and he shall be diverse [08133] from [04481] the first [06933], and he shall subdue [08214] three [08532] kings [04430].
25 And he shall speak [04449] great words [04406] against [06655] the most High [05943], and shall wear out [01080] the saints [06922] of the most High [05946], and think [05452] to change [08133] times [02166] and laws [01882]: and they shall be given [03052] into his hand [03028] until [05705] a time [05732] and times [05732] and the dividing [06387] of time [05732].
26 But the judgment [01780] shall sit [03488], and they shall take away [05709] his dominion [07985], to consume [08046] and to destroy [07] it unto [05705] the end [05491].
27 And the kingdom [04437] and dominion [07985], and the greatness [07238] of the kingdom [04437] under [08460] the whole [03606] heaven [08065], shall be given [03052] to the people [05972] of the saints [06922] of the most High [05946], whose kingdom [04437] is an everlasting [05957] kingdom [04437], and all [03606] dominions [07985] shall serve [06399] and obey [08086] him.
28 Hitherto [05705] [03542] is the end [05491] of the matter [04406]. As for me [0576] Daniel [01841], my cogitations [07476] much [07690] troubled [0927] me, and my countenance [02122] changed [08133] in me [05922]: but I kept [05202] the matter [04406] in my heart [03821].
3 And they that be wise [07919] shall shine [02094] as the brightness [02096] of the firmament [07549]; and they that turn many [07227] to righteousness [06663] as the stars [03556] for ever [05769] and ever [05703].
6 Blessed [3107] and [2532] holy [40] is he that hath [2192] part [3313] in [1722] the first [4413] resurrection [386]: on [1909] such [5130] the second [1208] death [2288] hath [2192] no [3756] power [1849], but [235] they shall be [2071] priests [2409] of God [2316] and [2532] of Christ [5547], and [2532] shall reign [936] with [3326] him [846] a thousand [5507] years [2094].
5 The LORD [03068] is the portion [04490] of mine inheritance [02506] and of my cup [03563]: thou maintainest [08551] my lot [01486].
3 For the rod [07626] of the wicked [07562] shall not rest [05117] upon the lot [01486] of the righteous [06662]; lest [04616] the righteous [06662] put forth [07971] their hands [03027] unto iniquity [05766].
6 Among the smooth [02511] stones of the stream [05158] is thy portion [02506]; they, they are thy lot [01486]: even to them hast thou poured [08210] a drink offering [05262], thou hast offered [05927] a meat offering [04503]. Should I receive comfort [05162] in these?
3 And Judah [03063] said [0559] unto Simeon [08095] his brother [0251], Come up [05927] with me into my lot [01486], that we may fight [03898] against the Canaanites [03669]; and I likewise will go [01980] with thee into thy lot [01486]. So Simeon [08095] went [03212] with him.
17 There the wicked [07563] cease [02308] from troubling [07267]; and there the weary [03019] [03581] be at rest [05117].
13 For now should I have lain still [07901] and been quiet [08252], I should have slept [03462]: then had I been at rest [05117],
2 And many [07227] of them that sleep [03463] in the dust [06083] of the earth [0127] shall awake [06974], some to everlasting [05769] life [02416], and some to shame [02781] and everlasting [05769] contempt [01860].
2 And many [07227] of them that sleep [03463] in the dust [06083] of the earth [0127] shall awake [06974], some to everlasting [05769] life [02416], and some to shame [02781] and everlasting [05769] contempt [01860].
3 And they that be wise [07919] shall shine [02094] as the brightness [02096] of the firmament [07549]; and they that turn many [07227] to righteousness [06663] as the stars [03556] for ever [05769] and ever [05703].
9 And he said [0559], Go thy way [03212], Daniel [01840]: for the words [01697] are closed up [05640] and sealed [02856] till the time [06256] of the end [07093].
4 But thou, O Daniel [01840], shut up [05640] the words [01697], and seal [02856] the book [05612], even to the time [06256] of the end [07093]: many [07227] shall run to and fro [07751], and knowledge [01847] shall be increased [07235].
12 Giving thanks [2168] unto the Father [3962], which [3588] hath made [2427] us [2248] meet [2427] to [1519] be partakers [3310] of the inheritance [2819] of the saints [40] in [1722] light [5457]:
18 And they two [08147] made [03772] a covenant [01285] before [06440] the LORD [03068]: and David [01732] abode [03427] in the wood [02793], and Jonathan [03083] went [01980] to his house [01004].
9 And he said [0559], Go thy way [03212], Daniel [01840]: for the words [01697] are closed up [05640] and sealed [02856] till the time [06256] of the end [07093].
30 In that night [03916] was Belshazzar [01113] the king [04430] of the Chaldeans [03779] slain [06992].