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Selected Verse: Ezekiel 8:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Eze 8:7 Strong Concordance And he brought [0935] me to the door [06607] of the court [02691]; and when I looked [07200], behold a [0259] hole [02356] in the wall [07023].
  King James And he brought me to the door of the court; and when I looked, behold a hole in the wall.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
door of the court--that is, of the inner court (Eze 8:3); the court of the priests and Levites, into which now others were admitted in violation of the law [GROTIUS].

hole in . . . wall--that is, an aperture or window in the wall of the priests' chambers, through which he could see into the various apartments, wherein was the idolatrous shrine.
3 And he put forth [07971] the form [08403] of an hand [03027], and took [03947] me by a lock [06734] of mine head [07218]; and the spirit [07307] lifted me up [05375] between the earth [0776] and the heaven [08064], and brought [0935] me in the visions [04759] of God [0430] to Jerusalem [03389], to the door [06607] of the inner [06442] gate [08179] that looketh [06437] toward the north [06828]; where was the seat [04186] of the image [05566] of jealousy [07068], which provoketh to jealousy [07069].
9 Then said [0559] he unto me, The iniquity [05771] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478] and Judah [03063] is exceeding [03966] [03966] great [01419], and the land [0776] is full [04390] of blood [01818], and the city [05892] full [04390] of perverseness [04297]: for they say [0559], The LORD [03068] hath forsaken [05800] the earth [0776], and the LORD [03068] seeth [07200] not.
15 Woe [01945] unto them that seek deep [06009] to hide [05641] their counsel [06098] from the LORD [03068], and their works [04639] are in the dark [04285], and they say [0559], Who seeth [07200] us? and who knoweth [03045] us?
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
1 Ye shall make [06213] you no idols [0457] nor graven image [06459], neither rear you up [06965] a standing image [04676], neither shall ye set up [05414] any image [04906] of stone [068] in your land [0776], to bow down [07812] unto it: for I am the LORD [03068] your God [0430].
12 For thou didst [06213] it secretly [05643]: but I will do [06213] this thing [01697] before all Israel [03478], and before the sun [08121].
24 And God [0430] said [0559], Let the earth [0776] bring forth [03318] the living [02416] creature [05315] after his kind [04327], cattle [0929], and creeping thing [07431], and beast [02416] of the earth [0776] after his kind [04327]: and it was so.
14 Even they sent [07971], and took [03947] Jeremiah [03414] out of the court [02691] of the prison [04307], and committed [05414] him unto Gedaliah [01436] the son [01121] of Ahikam [0296] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227], that he should carry [03318] him home [01004]: so he dwelt [03427] among [08432] the people [05971].
10 Then read [07121] Baruch [01263] in the book [05612] the words [01697] of Jeremiah [03414] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], in the chamber [03957] of Gemariah [01587] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227] the scribe [05608], in the higher [05945] court [02691], at the entry [06607] of the new [02319] gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004], in the ears [0241] of all the people [05971].
3 By the hand [03027] of Elasah [0501] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227], and Gemariah [01587] the son [01121] of Hilkiah [02518], (whom Zedekiah [06667] king [04428] of Judah [03063] sent [07971] unto Babylon [0894] to Nebuchadnezzar [05019] king [04428] of Babylon [0894]) saying [0559],
3 And it came to pass in the eighteenth [08083] [06240] year [08141] of king [04428] Josiah [02977], that the king [04428] sent [07971] Shaphan [08227] the son [01121] of Azaliah [0683], the son [01121] of Meshullam [04918], the scribe [05608], to the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], saying [0559],
1 Moreover the spirit [07307] lifted me up [05375], and brought [0935] me unto the east [06931] gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004], which looketh [06437] eastward [06921]: and behold at the door [06607] of the gate [08179] five [02568] and twenty [06242] men [0376]; among [08432] whom I saw [07200] Jaazaniah [02970] the son [01121] of Azur [05809], and Pelatiah [06410] the son [01121] of Benaiah [01141], princes [08269] of the people [05971].
25 And Balaam [01109] rose up [06965], and went [03212] and returned [07725] to his place [04725]: and Balak [01111] also went [01980] his way [01870].
16 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], Gather [0622] unto me seventy [07657] men [0376] of the elders [02205] of Israel [03478], whom thou knowest [03045] to be the elders [02205] of the people [05971], and officers [07860] over them; and bring [03947] them unto the tabernacle [0168] of the congregation [04150], that they may stand [03320] there with thee.
1 And he said [0559] unto Moses [04872], Come up [05927] unto the LORD [03068], thou, and Aaron [0175], Nadab [05070], and Abihu [030], and seventy [07657] of the elders [02205] of Israel [03478]; and worship [07812] ye afar off [07350].
12 And the pattern [08403] of all that he had by the spirit [07307], of the courts [02691] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and of all the chambers [03957] round about [05439], of the treasuries [0214] of the house [01004] of God [0430], and of the treasuries [0214] of the dedicated things [06944]:
11 And he took away [07673] the horses [05483] that the kings [04428] of Judah [03063] had given [05414] to the sun [08121], at the entering in [0935] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], by the chamber [03957] of Nathanmelech [05419] the chamberlain [05631], which was in the suburbs [06503], and burned [08313] the chariots [04818] of the sun [08121] with fire [0784].
4 And I brought [0935] them into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], into the chamber [03957] of the sons [01121] of Hanan [02605], the son [01121] of Igdaliah [03012], a man [0376] of God [0430], which was by [0681] the chamber [03957] of the princes [08269], which was above [04605] the chamber [03957] of Maaseiah [04641] the son [01121] of Shallum [07967], the keeper [08104] of the door [05592]:
12 Then said [0559] he unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], hast thou seen [07200] what the ancients [02205] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478] do [06213] in the dark [02822], every man [0376] in the chambers [02315] of his imagery [04906]? for they say [0559], The LORD [03068] seeth [07200] us not; the LORD [03068] hath forsaken [05800] the earth [0776].
14 Then he brought [0935] me to the door [06607] of the gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004] which was toward the north [06828]; and, behold, there sat [03427] women [0802] weeping [01058] for Tammuz [08542].
3 And he put forth [07971] the form [08403] of an hand [03027], and took [03947] me by a lock [06734] of mine head [07218]; and the spirit [07307] lifted me up [05375] between the earth [0776] and the heaven [08064], and brought [0935] me in the visions [04759] of God [0430] to Jerusalem [03389], to the door [06607] of the inner [06442] gate [08179] that looketh [06437] toward the north [06828]; where was the seat [04186] of the image [05566] of jealousy [07068], which provoketh to jealousy [07069].
14 Then he brought [0935] me to the door [06607] of the gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004] which was toward the north [06828]; and, behold, there sat [03427] women [0802] weeping [01058] for Tammuz [08542].
5 Then said [0559] he unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], lift up [05375] thine eyes [05869] now the way [01870] toward the north [06828]. So I lifted up [05375] mine eyes [05869] the way [01870] toward the north [06828], and behold northward [06828] at the gate [08179] of the altar [04196] this image [05566] of jealousy [07068] in the entry [0872].
3 And he put forth [07971] the form [08403] of an hand [03027], and took [03947] me by a lock [06734] of mine head [07218]; and the spirit [07307] lifted me up [05375] between the earth [0776] and the heaven [08064], and brought [0935] me in the visions [04759] of God [0430] to Jerusalem [03389], to the door [06607] of the inner [06442] gate [08179] that looketh [06437] toward the north [06828]; where was the seat [04186] of the image [05566] of jealousy [07068], which provoketh to jealousy [07069].
12 Then said [0559] he unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], hast thou seen [07200] what the ancients [02205] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478] do [06213] in the dark [02822], every man [0376] in the chambers [02315] of his imagery [04906]? for they say [0559], The LORD [03068] seeth [07200] us not; the LORD [03068] hath forsaken [05800] the earth [0776].
11 And there stood [05975] before [06440] them seventy [07657] men [0376] of the ancients [02205] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478], and in the midst [08432] of them stood [05975] Jaazaniah [02970] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227], with every man [0376] his censer [04730] in his hand [03027]; and a thick [06282] cloud [06051] of incense [07004] went up [05927].
10 So I went in [0935] and saw [07200]; and behold every form [08403] of creeping things [07431], and abominable [08263] beasts [0929], and all the idols [01544] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478], pourtrayed [02707] upon the wall [07023] round about [05439].
9 And he said [0559] unto me, Go in [0935], and behold [07200] the wicked [07451] abominations [08441] that they do [06213] here.
8 Then said [0559] he unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], dig [02864] now in the wall [07023]: and when I had digged [02864] in the wall [07023], behold a [0259] door [06607].
7 And he brought [0935] me to the door [06607] of the court [02691]; and when I looked [07200], behold a [0259] hole [02356] in the wall [07023].
8 Then said [0559] he unto me, Son [01121] of man [0120], dig [02864] now in the wall [07023]: and when I had digged [02864] in the wall [07023], behold a [0259] door [06607].