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Selected Verse: Ezekiel 39:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Eze 39:11 Strong Concordance And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that I will give [05414] unto Gog [01463] a place [04725] there of graves [06913] in Israel [03478], the valley [01516] of the passengers [05674] on the east [06926] of the sea [03220]: and it shall stop [02629] the noses of the passengers [05674]: and there shall they bury [06912] Gog [01463] and all his multitude [01995]: and they shall call [07121] it The valley [01516] of Hamongog [01996].
  King James And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
place . . . of graves--Gog found only a grave where he had expected the spoils of conquest.

valley--So vast were to be the masses that nothing but a deep valley would suffice for their corpses.

the passengers on the east of the sea--those travelling on the high road, east of the Dead Sea, from Syria to Petra and Egypt. The publicity of the road would cause many to observe God's judgments, as the stench (as English Version translates) or the multitude of graves (as HENDERSON translates, "it shall stop the passengers") would arrest the attention of passers-by. Their grave would be close to that of their ancient prototypes, Sodom and Gomorrah in the Dead Sea, both alike being signal instances of God's judgments.
16 And also the name [08034] of the city [05892] shall be Hamonah [01997]. Thus shall they cleanse [02891] the land [0776].
3 Their slain [02491] also shall be cast out [07993], and their stink [0889] shall come up [05927] out of their carcases [06297], and the mountains [02022] shall be melted [04549] with their blood [01818].
4 Thou shalt not muzzle [02629] the ox [07794] when he treadeth out [01778] the corn.
11 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that I will give [05414] unto Gog [01463] a place [04725] there of graves [06913] in Israel [03478], the valley [01516] of the passengers [05674] on the east [06926] of the sea [03220]: and it shall stop [02629] the noses of the passengers [05674]: and there shall they bury [06912] Gog [01463] and all his multitude [01995]: and they shall call [07121] it The valley [01516] of Hamongog [01996].
12 And seven [07651] months [02320] shall the house [01004] of Israel [03478] be burying [06912] of them, that they may cleanse [02891] the land [0776].
13 Yea, all the people [05971] of the land [0776] shall bury [06912] them; and it shall be to them a renown [08034] the day [03117] that I shall be glorified [03513], saith [05002] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069].
14 And they shall sever out [0914] men [0582] of continual employment [08548], passing through [05674] the land [0776] to bury [06912] with the passengers [05674] those that remain [03498] upon the face [06440] of the earth [0776], to cleanse [02891] it: after the end [07097] of seven [07651] months [02320] shall they search [02713].
15 And the passengers [05674] that pass through [05674] the land [0776], when any seeth [07200] a man's [0120] bone [06106], then shall he set up [01129] a sign [06725] by [0681] it, till the buriers [06912] have buried [06912] it in the valley [01516] of Hamongog [01996].
5 And ye shall flee [05127] to the valley [01516] of the mountains [02022]; for the valley [01516] of the mountains [02022] shall reach [05060] unto Azal [0682]: yea, ye shall flee [05127], like as ye fled [05127] from before [06440] the earthquake [07494] in the days [03117] of Uzziah [05818] king [04428] of Judah [03063]: and the LORD [03068] my God [0430] shall come [0935], and all the saints [06918] with thee.
2 Son [01121] of man [0120], set [07760] thy face [06440] against Gog [01463], the land [0776] of Magog [04031], the chief [07218] prince [05387] of Meshech [04902] and Tubal [08422], and prophesy [05012] against him,
25 And they sat down [03427] to eat [0398] bread [03899]: and they lifted up [05375] their eyes [05869] and looked [07200], and, behold, a company [0736] of Ishmeelites [03459] came [0935] from Gilead [01568] with their camels [01581] bearing [05375] spicery [05219] and balm [06875] and myrrh [03910], going [01980] to carry it down [03381] to Egypt [04714].
17 And the man [0376] said [0559], They are departed [05265] hence [02088]; for I heard [08085] them say [0559], Let us go [03212] to Dothan [01886]. And Joseph [03130] went [03212] after [0310] his brethren [0251], and found [04672] them in Dothan [01886].