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Selected Verse: Ezekiel 35:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Eze 35:12 Strong Concordance And thou shalt know [03045] that I am the LORD [03068], and that I have heard [08085] all thy blasphemies [05007] which thou hast spoken [0559] against the mountains [02022] of Israel [03478], saying [0559], They are laid desolate [08074] [08077], they are given [05414] us to consume [0402].
  King James And thou shalt know that I am the LORD, and that I have heard all thy blasphemies which thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they are given us to consume.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
blasphemies . . . against . . . Israel . . . against me--God regards what is done against His people as done against Himself (Mat 25:45; Act 9:2, Act 9:4-5). Edom implied, if he did not express it, in his taunts against Israel, that God had not sufficient power to protect His people. A type of the spirit of all the foes of God and His people (Sa1 2:3; Rev 13:6).
6 And [2532] he opened [455] his [846] mouth [4750] in [1519] blasphemy [988] against [4314] God [2316], to blaspheme [987] his [846] name [3686], and [2532] his [846] tabernacle [4633], and [2532] them that dwell [4637] in [1722] heaven [3772].
3 Talk [01696] no more [07235] so exceeding [01364] proudly [01364]; let not arrogancy [06277] come [03318] out of your mouth [06310]: for the LORD [03068] is a God [0410] of knowledge [01844], and by him actions [05949] are weighed [08505].
4 And [2532] he fell [4098] to [1909] the earth [1093], and heard [191] a voice [5456] saying [3004] unto him [846], Saul [4549], Saul [4549], why [5101] persecutest thou [1377] me [3165]?
5 And [1161] he said [2036], Who [5101] art thou [1488], Lord [2962]? And [1161] the Lord [2962] said [2036], I [1473] am [1510] Jesus [2424] whom [3739] thou [4771] persecutest [1377]: it is hard [4642] for thee [4671] to kick [2979] against [4314] the pricks [2759].
2 And desired [154] of [3844] him [846] letters [1992] to [1519] Damascus [1154] to [4314] the synagogues [4864], that [3704] if [1437] he found [2147] any [5100] of this way [3598], whether [5037] they were [5607] men [435] or [2532] women [1135], he might bring them [71] bound [1210] unto [1519] Jerusalem [2419].
45 Then [5119] shall he answer [611] them [846], saying [3004], Verily [281] I say [3004] unto you [5213], Inasmuch [1909] as [3745] ye did [4160] it not [3756] to one [1520] of the least [1646] of these [5130], ye did [4160] it not [3761] to me [1698].