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Selected Verse: Ezekiel 16:24 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Eze 16:24 Strong Concordance That thou hast also built [01129] unto thee an eminent place [01354], and hast made [06213] thee an high place [07413] in every street [07339].
  King James That thou hast also built unto thee an eminent place, and hast made thee an high place in every street.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
eminent place--rather, "a fornication-chamber," often connected with the impure rites of idolatry; spiritual fornication, on "an eminent place," answering to "fornication-chamber," is mainly meant, with an allusion also to the literal fornication associated with it (Jer 2:20; Jer 3:2).
2 Lift up [05375] thine eyes [05869] unto the high places [08205], and see [07200] where [0375] thou hast not been lien [07693] [07901] with. In the ways [01870] hast thou sat [03427] for them, as the Arabian [06163] in the wilderness [04057]; and thou hast polluted [02610] the land [0776] with thy whoredoms [02184] and with thy wickedness [07451].
20 For of old time [05769] I have broken [07665] thy yoke [05923], and burst [05423] thy bands [04147]; and thou saidst [0559], I will not transgress [05674] [05647]; when upon every high [01364] hill [01389] and under every green [07488] tree [06086] thou wanderest [06808], playing the harlot [02181].