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Selected Verse: Lamentations 3:34 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
La 3:34 Strong Concordance To crush [01792] under his feet [07272] all the prisoners [0615] of the earth [0776],
  King James To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
This triplet has an infinitive in the beginning of each verse, the governing finite verb being in the end of Lam 3:36, "the Lord approveth not," which is to be repeated in each verse. Jeremiah here anticipates and answers the objections which the Jews might start, that it was by His connivance they were "crushed under the feet" of those who "turned aside the right of a man." God approves (literally, "seeth," Hab 1:13; so "behold," "look on," that is, look on with approval) not of such unrighteous acts; and so the Jews may look for deliverance and the punishment of their foes.
13 Thou art of purer [02889] eyes [05869] than to behold [07200] evil [07451], and canst [03201] not look [05027] on iniquity [05999]: wherefore lookest [05027] thou upon them that deal treacherously [0898], and holdest thy tongue [02790] when the wicked [07563] devoureth [01104] the man that is more righteous [06662] than he?
36 To subvert [05791] a man [0120] in his cause [07379], the Lord [0136] approveth [07200] not.
6 Then his master [0113] shall bring [05066] him unto the judges [0430]; he shall also bring [05066] him to the door [01817], or unto the door post [04201]; and his master [0113] shall bore [07527] his ear [0241] through with an aul [04836]; and he shall serve [05647] him for ever [05769].
36 To subvert [05791] a man [0120] in his cause [07379], the Lord [0136] approveth [07200] not.
35 To turn aside [05186] the right [04941] of a man [01397] before the face [06440] of the most High [05945],
34 To crush [01792] under his feet [07272] all the prisoners [0615] of the earth [0776],