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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 6:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 6:17 Strong Concordance Also I set [06965] watchmen [06822] over you, saying, Hearken [07181] to the sound [06963] of the trumpet [07782]. But they said [0559], We will not hearken [07181].
  King James Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
watchmen--prophets, whose duty it was to announce impending calamities, so as to lead the people to repentance (Isa 21:11; Isa 58:1; Eze 3:17; Hab 2:1).
1 I will stand [05975] upon my watch [04931], and set [03320] me upon the tower [04692], and will watch [06822] to see [07200] what he will say [01696] unto me, and what I shall answer [07725] when I am reproved [08433].
17 Son [01121] of man [0120], I have made [05414] thee a watchman [06822] unto the house [01004] of Israel [03478]: therefore hear [08085] the word [01697] at my mouth [06310], and give them warning [02094] from me.
1 Cry [07121] aloud [01627], spare [02820] not, lift [07311] up thy voice [06963] like a trumpet [07782], and shew [05046] my people [05971] their transgression [06588], and the house [01004] of Jacob [03290] their sins [02403].
11 The burden [04853] of Dumah [01746]. He calleth [07121] to me out of Seir [08165], Watchman [08104], what of the night [03915]? Watchman [08104], what of the night [03915]?
6 Shall a trumpet [07782] be blown [08628] in the city [05892], and the people [05971] not be afraid [02729]? shall there be evil [07451] in a city [05892], and the LORD [03068] hath not done [06213] it?
1 O ye children [01121] of Benjamin [01144], gather yourselves to flee [05756] out of the midst [07130] of Jerusalem [03389], and blow [08628] the trumpet [07782] in Tekoa [08620], and set up [05375] a sign [04864] of fire in Bethhaccerem [01021]: for evil [07451] appeareth [08259] out of the north [06828], and great [01419] destruction [07667].
8 Thy watchmen [06822] shall lift up [05375] the voice [06963]; with the voice [06963] together [03162] shall they sing [07442]: for they shall see [07200] eye [05869] to eye [05869], when the LORD [03068] shall bring again [07725] Zion [06726].