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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 49:23 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 49:23 Strong Concordance Concerning Damascus [01834]. Hamath [02574] is confounded [0954], and Arpad [0774]: for they have heard [08085] evil [07451] tidings [08052]: they are fainthearted [04127]; there is sorrow [01674] on the sea [03220]; it cannot [03201] be quiet [08252].
  King James Concerning Damascus. Hamath is confounded, and Arpad: for they have heard evil tidings: they are fainthearted; there is sorrow on the sea; it cannot be quiet.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Prophecy as to Damascus, &c. (Isa 17:1; Isa 10:9). The kingdom of Damascus was destroyed by Assyria, but the city revived, and it is as to the latter Jeremiah now prophesies. The fulfilment was probably about five years after the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar [JOSEPHUS, Antiquities, 10.9,7].

Hamath is confounded--at the tidings of the overthrow of the neighboring Damascus.

on the sea--that is, at the sea; the dwellers there are alarmed. Other manuscripts read, "like the sea." "There is anxiety (restless) as is the sea: they cannot quiet it," that is, it cannot be quieted (Isa 57:20).

it--Whatever dwellers are there "cannot be quiet."
20 But the wicked [07563] are like the troubled [01644] sea [03220], when it cannot [03201] rest [08252], whose waters [04325] cast up [01644] mire [07516] and dirt [02916].
9 Is not Calno [03641] as Carchemish [03751]? is not Hamath [02574] as Arpad [0774]? is not Samaria [08111] as Damascus [01834]?
1 The burden [04853] of Damascus [01834]. Behold, Damascus [01834] is taken away [05493] from being a city [05892], and it shall be a ruinous [04654] heap [04596].
9 Is not Calno [03641] as Carchemish [03751]? is not Hamath [02574] as Arpad [0774]? is not Samaria [08111] as Damascus [01834]?
14 I have heard [08085] a rumour [08052] from the LORD [03068], and an ambassador [06735] is sent [07971] unto the heathen [01471], saying, Gather ye together [06908], and come [0935] against her, and rise up [06965] to the battle [04421].
4 But I will send [07971] a fire [0784] into the house [01004] of Hazael [02371], which shall devour [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
27 And I will kindle [03341] a fire [0784] in the wall [02346] of Damascus [01834], and it shall consume [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
27 And I will kindle [03341] a fire [0784] in the wall [02346] of Damascus [01834], and it shall consume [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
27 And I will kindle [03341] a fire [0784] in the wall [02346] of Damascus [01834], and it shall consume [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
31 Therefore will I howl [03213] for Moab [04124], and I will cry out [02199] for all Moab [04124]; mine heart shall mourn [01897] for the men [0582] of Kirheres [07025].
25 How is the city [05892] of praise [08416] not left [05800], the city [07151] of my joy [04885]!
24 Damascus [01834] is waxed feeble [07503], and turneth [06437] herself to flee [05127], and fear [07374] hath seized [02388] on her: anguish [06869] and sorrows [02256] have taken [0270] her, as a woman in travail [03205].
29 The whole city [05892] shall flee [01272] for the noise [06963] of the horsemen [06571] and bowmen [07198] [07411]; they shall go [0935] into thickets [05645], and climb up [05927] upon the rocks [03710]: every city [05892] shall be forsaken [05800], and not a man [0376] dwell [03427] therein [02004].
14 And David [01732] said [0559] unto him, How wast thou not afraid [03372] to stretch forth [07971] thine hand [03027] to destroy [07843] the LORD'S [03068] anointed [04899]?
25 How is the city [05892] of praise [08416] not left [05800], the city [07151] of my joy [04885]!
21 For the hurt [07667] of the daughter [01323] of my people [05971] am I hurt [07665]; I am black [06937]; astonishment [08047] hath taken hold [02388] on me.
24 We have heard [08085] the fame [08089] thereof: our hands [03027] wax feeble [07503]: anguish [06869] hath taken hold [02388] of us, and pain [02427], as of a woman in travail [03205].
24 Damascus [01834] is waxed feeble [07503], and turneth [06437] herself to flee [05127], and fear [07374] hath seized [02388] on her: anguish [06869] and sorrows [02256] have taken [0270] her, as a woman in travail [03205].
25 How is the city [05892] of praise [08416] not left [05800], the city [07151] of my joy [04885]!
26 Therefore her young men [0970] shall fall [05307] in her streets [07339], and all the men [0582] of war [04421] shall be cut off [01826] in that day [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
12 A glorious [03519] high [04791] throne [03678] from the beginning [07223] is the place [04725] of our sanctuary [04720].
20 But the wicked [07563] are like the troubled [01644] sea [03220], when it cannot [03201] rest [08252], whose waters [04325] cast up [01644] mire [07516] and dirt [02916].
15 Then [0227] the dukes [0441] of Edom [0123] shall be amazed [0926]; the mighty men [0352] of Moab [04124], trembling [07461] shall take hold [0270] upon them; all the inhabitants [03427] of Canaan [03667] shall melt away [04127].
24 And they said [0559] unto Joshua [03091], Truly [03588] the LORD [03068] hath delivered [05414] into our hands [03027] all the land [0776]; for even all the inhabitants [03427] of the country [0776] do faint [04127] because [06440] of us.
9 And she said [0559] unto the men [0582], I know [03045] that the LORD [03068] hath given [05414] you the land [0776], and that your terror [0367] is fallen [05307] upon us, and that all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] faint [04127] because [06440] of you.
13 O LORD [03068], the hope [04723] of Israel [03478], all that forsake [05800] thee shall be ashamed [0954], and they that depart [03249] from me [05493] shall be written [03789] in the earth [0776], because they have forsaken [05800] the LORD [03068], the fountain [04726] of living [02416] waters [04325].
34 Where are the gods [0430] of Hamath [02574], and of Arpad [0774]? where are the gods [0430] of Sepharvaim [05617], Hena [02012], and Ivah [05755]? have they delivered [05337] Samaria [08111] out of mine hand [03027]?
13 Where is the king [04428] of Hamath [02574], and the king [04428] of Arpad [0774], and the king [04428] of the city [05892] of Sepharvaim [05617], of Hena [02012], and Ivah [05755]?
34 Where are the gods [0430] of Hamath [02574], and of Arpad [0774]? where are the gods [0430] of Sepharvaim [05617], Hena [02012], and Ivah [05755]? have they delivered [05337] Samaria [08111] out of mine hand [03027]?
13 Where is the king [04428] of Hamath [02574], and the king [04428] of Arphad [0774], and the king [04428] of the city [05892] of Sepharvaim [05617], Hena [02012], and Ivah [05755]?
19 Where are the gods [0430] of Hamath [02574] and Arphad [0774]? where are the gods [0430] of Sepharvaim [05617]? and have they delivered [05337] Samaria [08111] out of my hand [03027]?
9 Is not Calno [03641] as Carchemish [03751]? is not Hamath [02574] as Arpad [0774]? is not Samaria [08111] as Damascus [01834]?
8 From mount [02022] Hor [02023] ye shall point out [08376] your border unto the entrance [0935] of Hamath [02574]; and the goings forth [08444] of the border [01366] shall be to Zedad [06657]:
17 And the Hivite [02340], and the Arkite [06208], and the Sinite [05513],
27 And I will kindle [03341] a fire [0784] in the wall [02346] of Damascus [01834], and it shall consume [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
26 Therefore her young men [0970] shall fall [05307] in her streets [07339], and all the men [0582] of war [04421] shall be cut off [01826] in that day [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635].
25 How is the city [05892] of praise [08416] not left [05800], the city [07151] of my joy [04885]!
24 Damascus [01834] is waxed feeble [07503], and turneth [06437] herself to flee [05127], and fear [07374] hath seized [02388] on her: anguish [06869] and sorrows [02256] have taken [0270] her, as a woman in travail [03205].
23 Concerning Damascus [01834]. Hamath [02574] is confounded [0954], and Arpad [0774]: for they have heard [08085] evil [07451] tidings [08052]: they are fainthearted [04127]; there is sorrow [01674] on the sea [03220]; it cannot [03201] be quiet [08252].
13 Where is the king [04428] of Hamath [02574], and the king [04428] of Arphad [0774], and the king [04428] of the city [05892] of Sepharvaim [05617], Hena [02012], and Ivah [05755]?
1 The burden [04853] of Damascus [01834]. Behold, Damascus [01834] is taken away [05493] from being a city [05892], and it shall be a ruinous [04654] heap [04596].
3 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; For three [07969] transgressions [06588] of Damascus [01834], and for four [0702], I will not turn away [07725] the punishment thereof; because they have threshed [01758] Gilead [01568] with threshing instruments [02742] of iron [01270]:
4 But I will send [07971] a fire [0784] into the house [01004] of Hazael [02371], which shall devour [0398] the palaces [0759] of Benhadad [01130].
5 I will break [07665] also the bar [01280] of Damascus [01834], and cut off [03772] the inhabitant [03427] from the plain [01237] of Aven [0206], and him that holdeth [08551] the sceptre [07626] from the house [01004] of Eden [05731] [01040]: and the people [05971] of Syria [0758] shall go into captivity [01540] unto Kir [07024], saith [0559] the LORD [03068].
5 Then Rezin [07526] king [04428] of Syria [0758] and Pekah [06492] son [01121] of Remaliah [07425] king [04428] of Israel [03478] came up [05927] to Jerusalem [03389] to war [04421]: and they besieged [06696] Ahaz [0271], but could [03201] not overcome [03898] him.
6 At that time [06256] Rezin [07526] king [04428] of Syria [0758] recovered [07725] Elath [0359] to Syria [0758] [0130], and drave [05394] the Jews [03064] from Elath [0359]: and the Syrians [0726] came [0935] to Elath [0359], and dwelt [03427] there unto this day [03117].
7 So Ahaz [0271] sent [07971] messengers [04397] to Tiglathpileser [08407] king [04428] of Assyria [0804], saying [0559], I am thy servant [05650] and thy son [01121]: come up [05927], and save [03467] me out of the hand [03709] of the king [04428] of Syria [0758], and out of the hand [03709] of the king [04428] of Israel [03478], which rise up [06965] against me.
8 And Ahaz [0271] took [03947] the silver [03701] and gold [02091] that was found [04672] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and in the treasures [0214] of the king's [04428] house [01004], and sent [07971] it for a present [07810] to the king [04428] of Assyria [0804].
9 And the king [04428] of Assyria [0804] hearkened [08085] unto him: for the king [04428] of Assyria [0804] went up [05927] against Damascus [01834], and took [08610] it, and carried the people of it captive [01540] to Kir [07024], and slew [04191] Rezin [07526].
37 In those days [03117] the LORD [03068] began [02490] to send [07971] against Judah [03063] Rezin [07526] the king [04428] of Syria [0758], and Pekah [06492] the son [01121] of Remaliah [07425].
25 He restored [07725] the coast [01366] of Israel [03478] from the entering [0935] of Hamath [02574] unto the sea [03220] of the plain [06160], according to the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478], which he spake [01696] by the hand [03027] of his servant [05650] Jonah [03124], the son [01121] of Amittai [0573], the prophet [05030], which was of Gathhepher [01662].
19 And the man [0376] of God [0430] was wroth [07107] with him, and said [0559], Thou shouldest have smitten [05221] five [02568] or six [08337] times [06471]; then hadst thou smitten [05221] Syria [0758] till thou hadst consumed [03615] it: whereas now thou shalt smite [05221] Syria [0758] but thrice [07969] [06471].
3 And the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me the second time [08145], saying [0559],
8 Be thou instructed [03256], O Jerusalem [03389], lest my soul [05315] depart [03363] from thee; lest I make [07760] thee desolate [08077], a land [0776] not inhabited [03427].
1 Now Naaman [05283], captain [08269] of the host [06635] of the king [04428] of Syria [0758], was a great [01419] man [0376] with [06440] his master [0113], and honourable [05375], because by him the LORD [03068] had given [05414] deliverance [08668] unto Syria [0758]: he was also a mighty [01368] man [0376] in valour [02428], but he was a leper [06879].
3 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Execute [06213] ye judgment [04941] and righteousness [06666], and deliver [05337] the spoiled [01497] out of the hand [03027] of the oppressor [06216]: and do no wrong [03238], do no violence [02554] to the stranger [01616], the fatherless [03490], nor the widow [0490], neither shed [08210] innocent [05355] blood [01818] in this place [04725].
1 Now Pashur [06583] the son [01121] of Immer [0564] the priest [03548], who was also chief [06496] governor [05057] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], heard [08085] that Jeremiah [03414] prophesied [05012] these things [01697].
18 Then Asa [0609] took [03947] all the silver [03701] and the gold [02091] that were left [03498] in the treasures [0214] of the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], and the treasures [0214] of the king's [04428] house [01004], and delivered [05414] them into the hand [03027] of his servants [05650]: and king [04428] Asa [0609] sent [07971] them to Benhadad [01130], the son [01121] of Tabrimon [02886], the son [01121] of Hezion [02383], king [04428] of Syria [0758], that dwelt [03427] at Damascus [01834], saying [0559],
1 And Benhadad [01130] the king [04428] of Syria [0758] gathered [06908] all his host [02428] together [06908]: and there were thirty [07970] and two [08147] kings [04428] with him, and horses [05483], and chariots [07393]: and he went up [05927] and besieged [06696] Samaria [08111], and warred [03898] against it.
23 And God [0430] stirred him up [06965] another adversary [07854], Rezon [07331] the son [01121] of Eliadah [0450], which fled [01272] from his lord [0113] Hadadezer [01909] king [04428] of Zobah [06678]:
24 And he gathered [06908] men [0582] unto him, and became captain [08269] over a band [01416], when David [01732] slew [02026] them of Zobah: and they went [03212] to Damascus [01834], and dwelt [03427] therein, and reigned [04427] in Damascus [01834].
25 And he was an adversary [07854] to Israel [03478] all the days [03117] of Solomon [08010], beside the mischief [07451] that Hadad [01908] did: and he abhorred [06973] Israel [03478], and reigned [04427] over Syria [0758].
47 So Saul [07586] took [03920] the kingdom [04410] over Israel [03478], and fought [03898] against all his enemies [0341] on every side [05439], against Moab [04124], and against the children [01121] of Ammon [05983], and against Edom [0123], and against the kings [04428] of Zobah [06678], and against the Philistines [06430]: and whithersoever he turned [06437] himself, he vexed [07561] them.
3 David [01732] smote [05221] also Hadadezer [01909], the son [01121] of Rehob [07340], king [04428] of Zobah [06678], as he went [03212] to recover [07725] his border [03027] at the river [05104] Euphrates [06578].
24 And he gathered [06908] men [0582] unto him, and became captain [08269] over a band [01416], when David [01732] slew [02026] them of Zobah: and they went [03212] to Damascus [01834], and dwelt [03427] therein, and reigned [04427] in Damascus [01834].
6 Then David [01732] put [07760] garrisons [05333] in Syria [0758] of Damascus [01834]: and the Syrians [0758] became servants [05650] to David [01732], and brought [05375] gifts [04503]. And the LORD [03068] preserved [03467] David [01732] whithersoever he went [01980].