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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 4:27 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 4:27 Strong Concordance For thus hath the LORD [03068] said [0559], The whole land [0776] shall be desolate [08077]; yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617].
  King James For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
full end--utter destruction: I will leave some hope of restoration (Jer 5:10, Jer 5:18; Jer 30:11; Jer 46:28; compare Lev 26:44).
44 And yet [0637] for all that [02063], when they be [01571] in the land [0776] of their enemies [0341], I will not cast them away [03988], neither will I abhor [01602] them, to destroy them utterly [03615], and to break [06565] my covenant [01285] with them: for I am the LORD [03068] their God [0430].
28 Fear [03372] thou not, O Jacob [03290] my servant [05650], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: for I am with thee; for I will make [06213] a full end [03617] of all the nations [01471] whither I have driven [05080] thee: but I will not make [06213] a full end [03617] of thee, but correct [03256] thee in measure [04941]; yet will I not leave thee wholly [05352] unpunished [05352].
11 For I am with thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], to save [03467] thee: though I make [06213] a full end [03617] of all nations [01471] whither I have scattered [06327] thee, yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617] of thee: but I will correct [03256] thee in measure [04941], and will not leave thee altogether [05352] unpunished [05352].
18 Nevertheless in those days [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], I will not make [06213] a full end [03617] with you.
10 Go ye up [05927] upon her walls [08284], and destroy [07843]; but make [06213] not a full end [03617]: take away [05493] her battlements [05189]; for they are not the LORD'S [03068].
14 Turn [07725], O backsliding [07726] children [01121], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]; for I am married [01166] unto you: and I will take [03947] you one [0259] of a city [05892], and two [08147] of a family [04940], and I will bring [0935] you to Zion [06726]:
6 When the men [0376] of Israel [03478] saw [07200] that they were in a strait [06887], (for the people [05971] were distressed [05065] then the people [05971] did hide [02244] themselves in caves [04631], and in thickets [02337], and in rocks [05553], and in high places [06877], and in pits [0953].
2 And the hand [03027] of Midian [04080] prevailed [05810] against Israel [03478]: and because [06440] of the Midianites [04080] the children [01121] of Israel [03478] made [06213] them the dens [04492] which are in the mountains [02022], and caves [04631], and strong holds [04679].
21 To go [0935] into the clefts [05366] of the rocks [06697], and into the tops [05585] of the ragged rocks [05553], for [06440] fear [06343] of the LORD [03068], and for the glory [01926] of his majesty [01347], when he ariseth [06965] to shake terribly [06206] the earth [0776].
19 And they shall go [0935] into the holes [04631] of the rocks [06697], and into the caves [04247] of the earth [06083], for [06440] fear [06343] of the LORD [03068], and for the glory [01926] of his majesty [01347], when he ariseth [06965] to shake terribly [06206] the earth [0776].
17 And he said [0559], What is the thing [01697] that the LORD hath said [01696] unto thee? I pray thee hide [03582] it not from me: God [0430] do so [06213] to thee, and more also [03254], if thou hide [03582] any thing [01697] from me of all the things [01697] that he said [01696] unto thee.
3 Your eyes [05869] have seen [07200] what the LORD [03068] did [06213] because of Baalpeor [01187]: for all the men [0376] that followed [0310] [01980] Baalpeor [01187], the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] hath destroyed [08045] them from among [07130] you.
22 And Pharaoh [06547] charged [06680] all his people [05971], saying [0559], Every son [01121] that is born [03209] ye shall cast [07993] into the river [02975], and every daughter [01323] ye shall save alive [02421].
9 The children [01121] of Ephraim [0669], being armed [05401], and carrying [07411] bows [07198], turned back [02015] in the day [03117] of battle [07128].
31 For I have heard [08085] a voice [06963] as of a woman in travail [02470], and the anguish [06869] as of her that bringeth forth her first child [01069], the voice [06963] of the daughter [01323] of Zion [06726], that bewaileth [03306] herself, that spreadeth [06566] her hands [03709], saying, Woe [0188] is me now! for my soul [05315] is wearied [05888] because of murderers [02026].
30 And when thou art spoiled [07703], what wilt thou do [06213]? Though thou clothest [03847] thyself with crimson [08144], though thou deckest [05710] thee with ornaments [05716] of gold [02091], though thou rentest [07167] thy face [05869] with painting [06320], in vain [07723] shalt thou make thyself fair [03302]; thy lovers [05689] will despise [03988] thee, they will seek [01245] thy life [05315].
29 The whole city [05892] shall flee [01272] for the noise [06963] of the horsemen [06571] and bowmen [07198] [07411]; they shall go [0935] into thickets [05645], and climb up [05927] upon the rocks [03710]: every city [05892] shall be forsaken [05800], and not a man [0376] dwell [03427] therein [02004].
45 And it came to pass in the mean while [03541], that the heaven [08064] was black [06937] with clouds [05645] and wind [07307], and there was a great [01419] rain [01653]. And Ahab [0256] rode [07392], and went [03212] to Jezreel [03157].
3 Therefore shall the land [0776] mourn [056], and every one that dwelleth [03427] therein shall languish [0535], with the beasts [02416] of the field [07704], and with the fowls [05775] of heaven [08064]; yea, the fishes [01709] of the sea [03220] also shall be taken away [0622].
27 For thus hath the LORD [03068] said [0559], The whole land [0776] shall be desolate [08077]; yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617].
13 The remnant [07611] of Israel [03478] shall not do [06213] iniquity [05766], nor speak [01696] lies [03577]; neither shall a deceitful [08649] tongue [03956] be found [04672] in their mouth [06310]: for they shall feed [07462] and lie down [07257], and none shall make them afraid [02729].
6 And they shall waste [07462] the land [0776] of Assyria [0804] with the sword [02719], and the land [0776] of Nimrod [05248] in the entrances [06607] thereof: thus shall he deliver [05337] us from the Assyrian [0804], when he cometh [0935] into our land [0776], and when he treadeth [01869] within our borders [01366].
12 I will surely [0622] assemble [0622], O Jacob [03290], all of thee; I will surely [06908] gather [06908] the remnant [07611] of Israel [03478]; I will put [07760] them together [03162] as the sheep [06629] of Bozrah [01223] [01224], as the flock [05739] in the midst [08432] of their fold [01699]: they shall make great noise [01949] by reason of the multitude of men [0120].
20 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the remnant [07605] of Israel [03478], and such as are escaped [06413] of the house [01004] of Jacob [03290], shall no more again [03254] stay [08172] upon him that smote [05221] them; but shall stay [08172] upon the LORD [03068], the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], in truth [0571].
16 And there shall be an highway [04546] for the remnant [07605] of his people [05971], which [0834] shall be left [07604], from Assyria [0804]; like as it was to Israel [03478] in the day [03117] that he came up [05927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
11 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the Lord [0136] shall set [03254] his hand [03027] again [03254] the second time [08145] to recover [07069] the remnant [07605] of his people [05971], which shall be left [07604], from Assyria [0804], and from Egypt [04714], and from Pathros [06624], and from Cush [03568], and from Elam [05867], and from Shinar [08152], and from Hamath [02574], and from the islands [0339] of the sea [03220].
13 But yet in it shall be a tenth [06224], and it shall return [07725], and shall be eaten [01197]: as a teil tree [0424], and as an oak [0437], whose substance [04678] is in them, when they cast [07995] their leaves: so the holy [06944] seed [02233] shall be the substance [04678] thereof.
8 Behold, the eyes [05869] of the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] are upon the sinful [02403] kingdom [04467], and I will destroy [08045] it from off the face [06440] of the earth [0127]; saving [0657] that I will not utterly [08045] destroy [08045] the house [01004] of Jacob [03290], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
44 And yet [0637] for all that [02063], when they be [01571] in the land [0776] of their enemies [0341], I will not cast them away [03988], neither will I abhor [01602] them, to destroy them utterly [03615], and to break [06565] my covenant [01285] with them: for I am the LORD [03068] their God [0430].
18 Nevertheless in those days [03117], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], I will not make [06213] a full end [03617] with you.
10 Go ye up [05927] upon her walls [08284], and destroy [07843]; but make [06213] not a full end [03617]: take away [05493] her battlements [05189]; for they are not the LORD'S [03068].
23 For the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635] shall make [06213] a consumption [03617], even determined [02782], in the midst [07130] of all the land [0776].
8 But with an overrunning [05674] flood [07858] he will make [06213] an utter end [03617] of the place [04725] thereof, and darkness [02822] shall pursue [07291] his enemies [0341].
23 I beheld [07200] the earth [0776], and, lo, it was without form [08414], and void [0922]; and the heavens [08064], and they had no light [0216].
24 I beheld [07200] the mountains [02022], and, lo, they trembled [07493], and all the hills [01389] moved lightly [07043].
25 I beheld [07200], and, lo, there was no man [0120], and all the birds [05775] of the heavens [08064] were fled [05074].
26 I beheld [07200], and, lo, the fruitful place [03759] was a wilderness [04057], and all the cities [05892] thereof were broken down [05422] at the presence [06440] of the LORD [03068], and by his fierce [02740] anger [0639].
28 For this shall the earth [0776] mourn [056], and the heavens [08064] above [04605] be black [06937]: because I have spoken [01696] it, I have purposed [02161] it, and will not repent [05162], neither will I turn back [07725] from it.
27 For thus hath the LORD [03068] said [0559], The whole land [0776] shall be desolate [08077]; yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617].
27 For thus hath the LORD [03068] said [0559], The whole land [0776] shall be desolate [08077]; yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617].
28 For this shall the earth [0776] mourn [056], and the heavens [08064] above [04605] be black [06937]: because I have spoken [01696] it, I have purposed [02161] it, and will not repent [05162], neither will I turn back [07725] from it.
29 The whole city [05892] shall flee [01272] for the noise [06963] of the horsemen [06571] and bowmen [07198] [07411]; they shall go [0935] into thickets [05645], and climb up [05927] upon the rocks [03710]: every city [05892] shall be forsaken [05800], and not a man [0376] dwell [03427] therein [02004].
31 For I have heard [08085] a voice [06963] as of a woman in travail [02470], and the anguish [06869] as of her that bringeth forth her first child [01069], the voice [06963] of the daughter [01323] of Zion [06726], that bewaileth [03306] herself, that spreadeth [06566] her hands [03709], saying, Woe [0188] is me now! for my soul [05315] is wearied [05888] because of murderers [02026].
30 And when thou art spoiled [07703], what wilt thou do [06213]? Though thou clothest [03847] thyself with crimson [08144], though thou deckest [05710] thee with ornaments [05716] of gold [02091], though thou rentest [07167] thy face [05869] with painting [06320], in vain [07723] shalt thou make thyself fair [03302]; thy lovers [05689] will despise [03988] thee, they will seek [01245] thy life [05315].
29 The whole city [05892] shall flee [01272] for the noise [06963] of the horsemen [06571] and bowmen [07198] [07411]; they shall go [0935] into thickets [05645], and climb up [05927] upon the rocks [03710]: every city [05892] shall be forsaken [05800], and not a man [0376] dwell [03427] therein [02004].
28 For this shall the earth [0776] mourn [056], and the heavens [08064] above [04605] be black [06937]: because I have spoken [01696] it, I have purposed [02161] it, and will not repent [05162], neither will I turn back [07725] from it.
27 For thus hath the LORD [03068] said [0559], The whole land [0776] shall be desolate [08077]; yet will I not make [06213] a full end [03617].