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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 33:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 33:2 Strong Concordance Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
  King James Thus saith the LORD the maker thereof, the LORD that formed it, to establish it; the LORD is his name;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
maker thereof--rather, "the doer of it," namely, that which Jeremiah is about to prophesy, the restoration of Israel, an act which is thought now impossible, but which the Almighty will effect.

formed it--namely, Jerusalem (Jer 32:44) [CALVIN]. Rather, "that formed," that is, moulds His purpose into due shape for execution (Isa 37:26).

Lord . . . his name-- (Exo 3:14-15).
14 And God [0430] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], I AM [01961] THAT I AM [01961]: and he said [0559], Thus shalt thou say [0559] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], I AM hath sent [07971] me unto you.
15 And God [0430] said [0559] moreover [05750] unto Moses [04872], Thus shalt thou say [0559] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], The LORD [03068] God [0430] of your fathers [01], the God [0430] of Abraham [085], the God [0430] of Isaac [03327], and the God [0430] of Jacob [03290], hath sent [07971] me unto you: this is my name [08034] for ever [05769], and this is my memorial [02143] unto all [01755] generations [01755].
26 Hast thou not heard [08085] long ago [07350], how I have done [06213] it; and of ancient [06924] times [03117], that I have formed [03335] it? now have I brought [0935] it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste [07582] defenced [01219] cities [05892] into ruinous [05327] heaps [01530].
44 Men shall buy [07069] fields [07704] for money [03701], and subscribe [03789] evidences [05612], and seal [02856] them, and take [05749] witnesses [05707] in the land [0776] of Benjamin [01144], and in the places about [05439] Jerusalem [03389], and in the cities [05892] of Judah [03063], and in the cities [05892] of the mountains [02022], and in the cities [05892] of the valley [08219], and in the cities [05892] of the south [05045]: for I will cause their captivity [07622] to return [07725], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
4 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of Israel [03478], concerning the houses [01004] of this city [05892], and concerning the houses [01004] of the kings [04428] of Judah [03063], which are thrown down [05422] by the mounts [05550], and by the sword [02719];
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
4 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of Israel [03478], concerning the houses [01004] of this city [05892], and concerning the houses [01004] of the kings [04428] of Judah [03063], which are thrown down [05422] by the mounts [05550], and by the sword [02719];
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
7 Hear [08085], O LORD [03068], when I cry [07121] with my voice [06963]: have mercy [02603] also upon me, and answer [06030] me.
7 Then the earth [0776] shook [01607] and trembled [07493]; the foundations [04146] also of the hills [02022] moved [07264] and were shaken [01607], because he was wroth [02734].
4 Stand in awe [07264], and sin [02398] not: commune [0559] with your own heart [03824] upon your bed [04904], and be still [01826]. Selah [05542].
2 O ye sons [01121] of men [0376], how long [05704] will ye turn my glory [03519] into shame [03639]? how long will ye love [0157] vanity [07385], and seek [01245] after leasing [03577]? Selah [05542].
17 Evening [06153], and morning [01242], and at noon [06672], will I pray [07878], and cry aloud [01993]: and he shall hear [08085] my voice [06963].
17 Evening [06153], and morning [01242], and at noon [06672], will I pray [07878], and cry aloud [01993]: and he shall hear [08085] my voice [06963].
9 What profit [01215] is there in my blood [01818], when I go down [03381] to the pit [07845]? Shall the dust [06083] praise [03034] thee? shall it declare [05046] thy truth [0571]?
1 A Psalm of David [01732]. Unto thee will I cry [07121], O LORD [03068] my rock [06697]; be not silent [02814] to me: lest, if thou be silent [02790] to me, I become [04911] like them that go down [03381] into the pit [0953].
5 I laid me down [07901] and slept [03462]; I awaked [06974]; for the LORD [03068] sustained [05564] me.
1 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto Jeremiah [03414] the second [08145] time, while he was yet shut up [06113] in the court [02691] of the prison [04307], saying [0559],
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
1 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto Jeremiah [03414] the second [08145] time, while he was yet shut up [06113] in the court [02691] of the prison [04307], saying [0559],
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
36 And now therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of Israel [03478], concerning this city [05892], whereof ye say [0559], It shall be delivered [05414] into the hand [03027] of the king [04428] of Babylon [0894] by the sword [02719], and by the famine [07458], and by the pestilence [01698];
37 Behold, I will gather them out [06908] of all countries [0776], whither I have driven [05080] them in mine anger [0639], and in my fury [02534], and in great [01419] wrath [07110]; and I will bring them again [07725] unto this place [04725], and I will cause them to dwell [03427] safely [0983]:
38 And they shall be my people [05971], and I will be their God [0430]:
39 And I will give [05414] them one [0259] heart [03820], and one [0259] way [01870], that they may fear [03372] me for ever [03117], for the good [02896] of them, and of their children [01121] after [0310] them:
40 And I will make [03772] an everlasting [05769] covenant [01285] with them, that I will not turn away [07725] from them [0310], to do them good [03190]; but I will put [05414] my fear [03374] in their hearts [03824], that they shall not depart [05493] from me.
41 Yea, I will rejoice [07797] over them to do them good [02895], and I will plant [05193] them in this land [0776] assuredly [0571] with my whole heart [03820] and with my whole soul [05315].
42 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Like as I have brought [0935] all this great [01419] evil [07451] upon this people [05971], so will I bring [0935] upon them all the good [02896] that I have promised [01696] them.
43 And fields [07704] shall be bought [07069] in this land [0776], whereof ye say [0559], It is desolate [08077] without man [0120] or beast [0929]; it is given [05414] into the hand [03027] of the Chaldeans [03778].
44 Men shall buy [07069] fields [07704] for money [03701], and subscribe [03789] evidences [05612], and seal [02856] them, and take [05749] witnesses [05707] in the land [0776] of Benjamin [01144], and in the places about [05439] Jerusalem [03389], and in the cities [05892] of Judah [03063], and in the cities [05892] of the mountains [02022], and in the cities [05892] of the valley [08219], and in the cities [05892] of the south [05045]: for I will cause their captivity [07622] to return [07725], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
16 Now when [0310] I had delivered [05414] the evidence [05612] of the purchase [04736] unto Baruch [01263] the son [01121] of Neriah [05374], I prayed [06419] unto the LORD [03068], saying [0559],
17 Ah [0162] Lord [0136] GOD [03069]! behold, thou hast made [06213] the heaven [08064] and the earth [0776] by thy great [01419] power [03581] and stretched out [05186] arm [02220], and there is nothing [01697] too hard [06381] for thee:
18 Thou shewest [06213] lovingkindness [02617] unto thousands [0505], and recompensest [07999] the iniquity [05771] of the fathers [01] into the bosom [02436] of their children [01121] after [0310] them: the Great [01419], the Mighty [01368] God [0410], the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], is his name [08034],
19 Great [01419] in counsel [06098], and mighty [07227] in work [05950]: for thine eyes [05869] are open [06491] upon all the ways [01870] of the sons [01121] of men [0120]: to give [05414] every one [0376] according to his ways [01870], and according to the fruit [06529] of his doings [04611]:
20 Which hast set [07760] signs [0226] and wonders [04159] in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], even unto this day [03117], and in Israel [03478], and among other men [0120]; and hast made [06213] thee a name [08034], as at this day [03117];
21 And hast brought forth [03318] thy people [05971] Israel [03478] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714] with signs [0226], and with wonders [04159], and with a strong [02389] hand [03027], and with a stretched out [05186] arm [0248], and with great [01419] terror [04172];
22 And hast given [05414] them this land [0776], which thou didst swear [07650] to their fathers [01] to give [05414] them, a land [0776] flowing [02100] with milk [02461] and honey [01706];
23 And they came in [0935], and possessed [03423] it; but they obeyed [08085] not thy voice [06963], neither walked [01980] in thy law [08451]; they have done [06213] nothing of all that thou commandedst [06680] them to do [06213]: therefore thou hast caused all this evil [07451] to come [07122] upon them:
24 Behold the mounts [05550], they are come [0935] unto the city [05892] to take [03920] it; and the city [05892] is given [05414] into the hand [03027] of the Chaldeans [03778], that fight [03898] against it, because [06440] of the sword [02719], and of the famine [07458], and of the pestilence [01698]: and what thou hast spoken [01696] is come to pass; and, behold, thou seest [07200] it.
25 And thou hast said [0559] unto me, O Lord [0136] GOD [03069], Buy [07069] thee the field [07704] for money [03701], and take [05749] witnesses [05707]; for the city [05892] is given [05414] into the hand [03027] of the Chaldeans [03778].
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
6 Thou hast heard [08085], see [02372] all this; and will not ye declare [05046] it? I have shewed [08085] thee new things [02319] from this time [06258], even hidden things [05341], and thou didst not know [03045] them.
28 Nevertheless [0657] the people [05971] be strong [05794] that dwell [03427] in the land [0776], and the cities [05892] are walled [01219], and very [03966] great [01419]: and moreover we saw [07200] the children [03211] of Anak [06061] there.
12 Now therefore give [05414] me this mountain [02022], whereof the LORD [03068] spake [01696] in that day [03117]; for thou heardest [08085] in that day [03117] how the Anakims [06062] were there, and that the cities [05892] were great [01419] and fenced [01219]: if so be [0194] the LORD [03068] will be with [0854] me, then I shall be able to drive them out [03423], as the LORD [03068] said [01696].
1 Hear [08085], O Israel [03478]: Thou art to pass over [05674] Jordan [03383] this day [03117], to go in [0935] to possess [03423] nations [01471] greater [01419] and mightier [06099] than thyself, cities [05892] great [01419] and fenced up [01219] to heaven [08064],
28 Whither shall we go up [05927]? our brethren [0251] have discouraged [04549] our heart [03824], saying [0559], The people [05971] is greater [01419] and taller [07311] than we; the cities [05892] are great [01419] and walled up [01219] to heaven [08064]; and moreover we have seen [07200] the sons [01121] of the Anakims [06062] there.
6 Thou hast heard [08085], see [02372] all this; and will not ye declare [05046] it? I have shewed [08085] thee new things [02319] from this time [06258], even hidden things [05341], and thou didst not know [03045] them.
14 Therefore pray [06419] not thou for this people [05971], neither lift up [05375] a cry [07440] or prayer [08605] for them: for I will not hear [08085] them in the time [06256] that they cry [07121] unto me for their trouble [07451].
27 Therefore thou shalt speak [01696] all these words [01697] unto them; but they will not hearken [08085] to thee: thou shalt also call [07121] unto them; but they will not answer [06030] thee.
9 But they shall serve [05647] the LORD [03068] their God [0430], and David [01732] their king [04428], whom I will raise up [06965] unto them.
1 And it came to pass the same year [08141], in the beginning [07225] of the reign [04467] of Zedekiah [06667] king [04428] of Judah [03063], in the fourth [07243] year [08141], and in the fifth [02549] month [02320], that Hananiah [02608] the son [01121] of Azur [05809] the prophet [05030], which was of Gibeon [01391], spake [0559] unto me in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], in the presence [05869] of the priests [03548] and of all the people [05971], saying [0559],
4 Circumcise [04135] yourselves to the LORD [03068], and take away [05493] the foreskins [06190] of your heart [03824], ye men [0376] of Judah [03063] and inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389]: lest my fury [02534] come forth [03318] like fire [0784], and burn [01197] that none can quench [03518] it, because [06440] of the evil [07455] of your doings [04611].
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
11 Calling [07121] a ravenous bird [05861] from the east [04217], the man [0376] that executeth my counsel [06098] from a far [04801] country [0776]: yea, I have spoken [01696] it, I will also bring [0935] it to pass; I have purposed [03335] it, I will also do [06213] it.
26 Hast thou not heard [08085] long ago [07350], how I have done [06213] it; and of ancient [06924] times [03117], that I have formed [03335] it? now have I brought [0935] it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste [07582] defenced [01219] cities [05892] into ruinous [05327] heaps [01530].
11 Ye made [06213] also a ditch [04724] between the two walls [02346] for the water [04325] of the old [03465] pool [01295]: but ye have not looked [05027] unto the maker [06213] thereof, neither had respect [07200] unto him that fashioned [03335] it long ago [07350].
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];
35 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], which giveth [05414] the sun [08121] for a light [0216] by day [03119], and the ordinances [02708] of the moon [03394] and of the stars [03556] for a light [0216] by night [03915], which divideth [07280] the sea [03220] when the waves [01530] thereof roar [01993]; The LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] is his name [08034]:
15 He hath made [06213] the earth [0776] by his power [03581], he hath established [03559] the world [08398] by his wisdom [02451], and hath stretched out [05186] the heaven [08064] by his understanding [08394].
12 Set up [05375] the standard [05251] upon the walls [02346] of Babylon [0894], make the watch [04929] strong [02388], set up [06965] the watchmen [08104], prepare [03559] the ambushes [0693]: for the LORD [03068] hath both devised [02161] and done [06213] that which he spake [01696] against the inhabitants [03427] of Babylon [0894].
12 He hath made [06213] the earth [0776] by his power [03581], he hath established [03559] the world [08398] by his wisdom [02451], and hath stretched out [05186] the heavens [08064] by his discretion [08394].
20 He that is so impoverished [05533] [05534] that he hath no oblation [08641] chooseth [0977] a tree [06086] that will not rot [07537]; he seeketh [01245] unto him a cunning [02450] workman [02796] to prepare [03559] a graven image [06459], that shall not be moved [04131].
6 For unto us a child [03206] is born [03205], unto us a son [01121] is given [05414]: and the government [04951] shall be upon his shoulder [07926]: and his name [08034] shall be called [07121] Wonderful [06382], Counsellor [03289], The mighty [01368] God [0410], The everlasting [05703] Father [01], The Prince [08269] of Peace [07965].
11 Calling [07121] a ravenous bird [05861] from the east [04217], the man [0376] that executeth my counsel [06098] from a far [04801] country [0776]: yea, I have spoken [01696] it, I will also bring [0935] it to pass; I have purposed [03335] it, I will also do [06213] it.
11 Now therefore go to, speak [0559] to the men [0376] of Judah [03063], and to the inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389], saying [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Behold, I frame [03335] evil [07451] against you, and devise [02803] a device [04284] against you: return [07725] ye now every one [0376] from his evil [07451] way [01870], and make your ways [01870] and your doings [04611] good [03190].
3 Call [07121] unto me, and I will answer [06030] thee, and shew [05046] thee great [01419] and mighty things [01219], which thou knowest [03045] not.
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] the maker [06213] thereof, the LORD [03068] that formed [03335] it, to establish [03559] it; the LORD [03068] is his name [08034];