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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 22:19 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 22:19 Strong Concordance He shall be buried [06912] with the burial [06900] of an ass [02543], drawn [05498] and cast forth [07993] beyond [01973] the gates [08179] of Jerusalem [03389].
  King James He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
burial of an ass--that is, he shall have the same burial as an ass would get, namely, he shall be left a prey for beasts and birds [JEROME]. This is not formally narrated. But Ch2 36:6 states that "Nebuchadnezzar bound him in fetters to carry him to Babylon"; his treatment there is nowhere mentioned. The prophecy here, and in Jer 36:30, harmonizes these two facts. He was slain by Nebuchadnezzar, who changed his purpose of taking him to Babylon, on the way thither, and left him unburied outside Jerusalem. Kg2 24:6, "Jehoiakim slept with his fathers," does not contradict this; it simply expresses his being gathered to his fathers by death, not his being buried with his fathers (Psa 49:19). The two phrases are found together, as expressing two distinct ideas (Kg2 15:38; Kg2 16:20).
20 And Ahaz [0271] slept [07901] with his fathers [01], and was buried [06912] with his fathers [01] in the city [05892] of David [01732]: and Hezekiah [02396] his son [01121] reigned [04427] in his stead.
38 And Jotham [03147] slept [07901] with his fathers [01], and was buried [06912] with his fathers [01] in the city [05892] of David [01732] his father [01]: and Ahaz [0271] his son [01121] reigned [04427] in his stead.
19 He shall go [0935] to the generation [01755] of his fathers [01]; they shall never [03808] [05331] see [07200] light [0216].
6 So Jehoiakim [03079] slept [07901] with his fathers [01]: and Jehoiachin [03078] his son [01121] reigned [04427] in his stead.
30 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of Jehoiakim [03079] king [04428] of Judah [03063]; He shall have none to sit [03427] upon the throne [03678] of David [01732]: and his dead body [05038] shall be cast out [07993] in the day [03117] to the heat [02721], and in the night [03915] to the frost [07140].
6 Against him came up [05927] Nebuchadnezzar [05019] king [04428] of Babylon [0894], and bound [0631] him in fetters [05178], to carry [03212] him to Babylon [0894].