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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 2:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 2:1 Strong Concordance Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came to me, saying [0559],
  King James Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
Moreover - literally, And. Notice the connection between Jeremiah's call and first prophecy.
1 And it came to pass in the fourth [07243] year [08141] of Jehoiakim [03079] the son [01121] of Josiah [02977] king [04428] of Judah [03063], that this word [01697] came unto Jeremiah [03414] from the LORD [03068], saying [0559],
2 Take [03947] thee a roll [04039] of a book [05612], and write [03789] therein all the words [01697] that I have spoken [01696] unto thee against Israel [03478], and against Judah [03063], and against all the nations [01471], from the day [03117] I spake [01696] unto thee, from the days [03117] of Josiah [02977], even unto this day [03117].
3 It may be that the house [01004] of Judah [03063] will hear [08085] all the evil [07451] which I purpose [02803] to do [06213] unto them; that they may return [07725] every man [0376] from his evil [07451] way [01870]; that I may forgive [05545] their iniquity [05771] and their sin [02403].
4 Then Jeremiah [03414] called [07121] Baruch [01263] the son [01121] of Neriah [05374]: and Baruch [01263] wrote [03789] from the mouth [06310] of Jeremiah [03414] all the words [01697] of the LORD [03068], which he had spoken [01696] unto him, upon a roll [04039] of a book [05612].
5 And Jeremiah [03414] commanded [06680] Baruch [01263], saying [0559], I am shut up [06113]; I cannot [03201] go [0935] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068]:
6 Therefore go [0935] thou, and read [07121] in the roll [04039], which thou hast written [03789] from my mouth [06310], the words [01697] of the LORD [03068] in the ears [0241] of the people [05971] in the LORD'S [03068] house [01004] upon the fasting [06685] day [03117]: and also thou shalt read [07121] them in the ears [0241] of all Judah [03063] that come out [0935] of their cities [05892].
7 It may be they will present [05307] their supplication [08467] before [06440] the LORD [03068], and will return [07725] every one [0376] from his evil [07451] way [01870]: for great [01419] is the anger [0639] and the fury [02534] that the LORD [03068] hath pronounced [01696] against this people [05971].
8 And Baruch [01263] the son [01121] of Neriah [05374] did [06213] according to all that Jeremiah [03414] the prophet [05030] commanded [06680] him, reading [07121] in the book [05612] the words [01697] of the LORD [03068] in the LORD'S [03068] house [01004].
9 And it came to pass in the fifth [02549] year [08141] of Jehoiakim [03079] the son [01121] of Josiah [02977] king [04428] of Judah [03063], in the ninth [08671] month [02320], that they proclaimed [07121] a fast [06685] before [06440] the LORD [03068] to all the people [05971] in Jerusalem [03389], and to all the people [05971] that came [0935] from the cities [05892] of Judah [03063] unto Jerusalem [03389].
10 Then read [07121] Baruch [01263] in the book [05612] the words [01697] of Jeremiah [03414] in the house [01004] of the LORD [03068], in the chamber [03957] of Gemariah [01587] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227] the scribe [05608], in the higher [05945] court [02691], at the entry [06607] of the new [02319] gate [08179] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004], in the ears [0241] of all the people [05971].
11 When Michaiah [04321] the son [01121] of Gemariah [01587], the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227], had heard [08085] out of the book [05612] all the words [01697] of the LORD [03068],
12 Then he went down [03381] into the king's [04428] house [01004], into the scribe's [05608] chamber [03957]: and, lo, all the princes [08269] sat [03427] there, even Elishama [0476] the scribe [05608], and Delaiah [01806] the son [01121] of Shemaiah [08098], and Elnathan [0494] the son [01121] of Achbor [05907], and Gemariah [01587] the son [01121] of Shaphan [08227], and Zedekiah [06667] the son [01121] of Hananiah [02608], and all the princes [08269].
13 Then Michaiah [04321] declared [05046] unto them all the words [01697] that he had heard [08085], when Baruch [01263] read [07121] the book [05612] in the ears [0241] of the people [05971].
14 Therefore all the princes [08269] sent [07971] Jehudi [03065] the son [01121] of Nethaniah [05418], the son [01121] of Shelemiah [08018], the son [01121] of Cushi [03570], unto Baruch [01263], saying [0559], Take [03947] in thine hand [03027] the roll [04039] wherein thou hast read [07121] in the ears [0241] of the people [05971], and come [03212]. So Baruch [01263] the son [01121] of Neriah [05374] took [03947] the roll [04039] in his hand [03027], and came [0935] unto them.
15 And they said [0559] unto him, Sit down [03427] now, and read [07121] it in our ears [0241]. So Baruch [01263] read [07121] it in their ears [0241].
16 Now it came to pass, when they had heard [08085] all the words [01697], they were afraid [06342] both [0413] one [0376] and other [07453], and said [0559] unto Baruch [01263], We will surely [05046] tell [05046] the king [04428] of all these words [01697].
17 And they asked [07592] Baruch [01263], saying [0559], Tell [05046] us now, How didst thou write [03789] all these words [01697] at his mouth [06310]?
18 Then Baruch [01263] answered [0559] them, He pronounced [07121] all these words [01697] unto me with his mouth [06310], and I wrote [03789] them with ink [01773] in the book [05612].
19 Then said [0559] the princes [08269] unto Baruch [01263], Go [03212], hide [05641] thee, thou and Jeremiah [03414]; and let no man [0376] know [03045] where [0375] ye be.
20 And they went in [0935] to the king [04428] into the court [02691], but they laid up [06485] the roll [04039] in the chamber [03957] of Elishama [0476] the scribe [05608], and told [05046] all the words [01697] in the ears [0241] of the king [04428].
21 So the king [04428] sent [07971] Jehudi [03065] to fetch [03947] the roll [04039]: and he took [03947] it out of Elishama [0476] the scribe's [05608] chamber [03957]. And Jehudi [03065] read [07121] it in the ears [0241] of the king [04428], and in the ears [0241] of all the princes [08269] which stood [05975] beside [05921] the king [04428].
22 Now the king [04428] sat [03427] in the winterhouse [01004] [02779] in the ninth [08671] month [02320]: and there was a fire on the hearth [0254] burning [01197] before [06440] him.
23 And it came to pass, that when Jehudi [03065] had read [07121] three [07969] or four [0702] leaves [01817], he cut [07167] it with the penknife [08593] [05608], and cast [07993] it into the fire [0784] that was on the hearth [0254], until all the roll [04039] was consumed [08552] in the fire [0784] that was on the hearth [0254].
24 Yet they were not afraid [06342], nor rent [07167] their garments [0899], neither the king [04428], nor any of his servants [05650] that heard [08085] all these words [01697].
25 Nevertheless Elnathan [0494] and Delaiah [01806] and Gemariah [01587] had made intercession [06293] to the king [04428] that he would not burn [08313] the roll [04039]: but he would not hear [08085] them.
26 But the king [04428] commanded [06680] Jerahmeel [03396] the son [01121] of Hammelech [04429], and Seraiah [08304] the son [01121] of Azriel [05837], and Shelemiah [08018] the son [01121] of Abdeel [05655], to take [03947] Baruch [01263] the scribe [05608] and Jeremiah [03414] the prophet [05030]: but the LORD [03068] hid [05641] them.
27 Then the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came to Jeremiah [03414], after [0310] that the king [04428] had burned [08313] the roll [04039], and the words [01697] which Baruch [01263] wrote [03789] at the mouth [06310] of Jeremiah [03414], saying [0559],
28 Take [03947] thee again [07725] another [0312] roll [04039], and write [03789] in it all the former [07223] words [01697] that were in the first [07223] roll [04039], which Jehoiakim [03079] the king [04428] of Judah [03063] hath burned [08313].
29 And thou shalt say [0559] to Jehoiakim [03079] king [04428] of Judah [03063], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Thou hast burned [08313] this roll [04039], saying [0559], Why hast thou written [03789] therein, saying [0559], The king [04428] of Babylon [0894] shall certainly [0935] come [0935] and destroy [07843] this land [0776], and shall cause to cease [07673] from thence man [0120] and beast [0929]?
30 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of Jehoiakim [03079] king [04428] of Judah [03063]; He shall have none to sit [03427] upon the throne [03678] of David [01732]: and his dead body [05038] shall be cast out [07993] in the day [03117] to the heat [02721], and in the night [03915] to the frost [07140].
31 And I will punish [06485] him and his seed [02233] and his servants [05650] for their iniquity [05771]; and I will bring [0935] upon them, and upon the inhabitants [03427] of Jerusalem [03389], and upon the men [0376] of Judah [03063], all the evil [07451] that I have pronounced [01696] against them; but they hearkened [08085] not.
32 Then took [03947] Jeremiah [03414] another [0312] roll [04039], and gave [05414] it to Baruch [01263] the scribe [05608], the son [01121] of Neriah [05374]; who wrote [03789] therein from the mouth [06310] of Jeremiah [03414] all the words [01697] of the book [05612] which Jehoiakim [03079] king [04428] of Judah [03063] had burned [08313] in the fire [0784]: and there were added [03254] besides unto them many [07227] like [01992] words [01697].
26 As the thief [01590] is ashamed [01322] when he is found [04672], so is the house [01004] of Israel [03478] ashamed [03001]; they, their kings [04428], their princes [08269], and their priests [03548], and their prophets [05030],
27 Saying [0559] to a stock [06086], Thou art my father [01]; and to a stone [068], Thou hast brought me forth [03205]: for they have turned [06437] their back [06203] unto me, and not their face [06440]: but in the time [06256] of their trouble [07451] they will say [0559], Arise [06965], and save [03467] us.
28 But where are thy gods [0430] that thou hast made [06213] thee? let them arise [06965], if they can save [03467] thee in the time [06256] of thy trouble [07451]: for according to the number [04557] of thy cities [05892] are thy gods [0430], O Judah [03063].
10 For pass over [05674] the isles [0339] of Chittim [03794], and see [07200]; and send [07971] unto Kedar [06938], and consider [0995] diligently [03966], and see [07200] if there be such a thing.
11 Hath a nation [01471] changed [03235] their gods [0430], which are yet no gods [0430]? but my people [05971] have changed [04171] their glory [03519] for that which doth not profit [03276].
12 Be astonished [08074], O ye heavens [08064], at this, and be horribly afraid [08175], be ye very [03966] desolate [02717], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
13 For my people [05971] have committed [06213] two [08147] evils [07451]; they have forsaken [05800] me the fountain [04726] of living [02416] waters [04325], and hewed them out [02672] cisterns [0877], broken [07665] cisterns [0877], that can hold [03557] no water [04325].
1 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came to me, saying [0559],
2 Go [01980] and cry [07121] in the ears [0241] of Jerusalem [03389], saying [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; I remember [02142] thee, the kindness [02617] of thy youth [05271], the love [0160] of thine espousals [03623], when thou wentest [03212] after [0310] me in the wilderness [04057], in a land [0776] that was not sown [02232].
3 Israel [03478] was holiness [06944] unto the LORD [03068], and the firstfruits [07225] of his increase [08393]: all that devour [0398] him shall offend [0816]; evil [07451] shall come [0935] upon them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
4 Hear [08085] ye the word [01697] of the LORD [03068], O house [01004] of Jacob [03290], and all the families [04940] of the house [01004] of Israel [03478]:
5 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], What iniquity [05766] have your fathers [01] found [04672] in me, that they are gone far [07368] from me, and have walked [03212] after [0310] vanity [01892], and are become vain [01891]?
6 Neither said [0559] they, Where is the LORD [03068] that brought us up [05927] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714], that led [03212] us through the wilderness [04057], through a land [0776] of deserts [06160] and of pits [07745], through a land [0776] of drought [06723], and of the shadow of death [06757], through a land [0776] that no man [0376] passed through [05674], and where no man [0120] dwelt [03427]?
7 And I brought [0935] you into a plentiful [03759] country [0776], to eat [0398] the fruit [06529] thereof and the goodness [02898] thereof; but when ye entered [0935], ye defiled [02930] my land [0776], and made [07760] mine heritage [05159] an abomination [08441].
8 Then came [0935] Amalek [06002], and fought [03898] with Israel [03478] in Rephidim [07508].
9 And Moses [04872] said [0559] unto Joshua [03091], Choose us out [0977] men [0582], and go out [03318], fight [03898] with Amalek [06002]: to morrow [04279] I will stand [05324] on the top [07218] of the hill [01389] with the rod [04294] of God [0430] in mine hand [03027].
10 So Joshua [03091] did [06213] as Moses [04872] had said [0559] to him, and fought [03898] with Amalek [06002]: and Moses [04872], Aaron [0175], and Hur [02354] went up [05927] to the top [07218] of the hill [01389].
11 And it came to pass, when Moses [04872] held up [07311] his hand [03027], that Israel [03478] prevailed [01396]: and when he let down [05117] his hand [03027], Amalek [06002] prevailed [01396].
12 But Moses [04872]' hands [03027] were heavy [03515]; and they took [03947] a stone [068], and put [07760] it under him, and he sat [03427] thereon; and Aaron [0175] and Hur [02354] stayed up [08551] his hands [03027], the one on the one side [0259], and the other on the other side [0259]; and his hands [03027] were steady [0530] until the going down [0935] of the sun [08121].
13 And Joshua [03091] discomfited [02522] Amalek [06002] and his people [05971] with the edge [06310] of the sword [02719].
14 And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto Moses [04872], Write [03789] this for a memorial [02146] in a book [05612], and rehearse [07760] it in the ears [0241] of Joshua [03091]: for I will utterly [04229] put out [04229] the remembrance [02143] of Amalek [06002] from under heaven [08064].
15 And Moses [04872] built [01129] an altar [04196], and called [07121] the name [08034] of it Jehovahnissi [03071]:
1 Woe [01945] to them that are at ease [07600] in Zion [06726], and trust [0982] in the mountain [02022] of Samaria [08111], which are named [05344] chief [07225] of the nations [01471], to whom the house [01004] of Israel [03478] came [0935] !
8 Then let them take [03947] a young [01121] [01241] bullock [06499] with his meat offering [04503], even fine flour [05560] mingled [01101] with oil [08081], and another [08145] young [01121] [01241] bullock [06499] shalt thou take [03947] for a sin offering [02403].
19 The first [07225] of the firstfruits [01061] of thy land [0127] thou shalt bring [0935] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430]. Thou shalt not seethe [01310] a kid [01423] in his mother's [0517] milk [02461].
2 For thou art an holy [06918] people [05971] unto the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], and the LORD [03068] hath chosen [0977] thee to be a peculiar [05459] people [05971] unto himself, above all the nations [05971] that are upon [06440] the earth [0127].
6 For thou art an holy [06918] people [05971] unto the LORD [03068] thy God [0430]: the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] hath chosen [0977] thee to be a special [05459] people [05971] unto himself, above all people [05971] that are upon the face [06440] of the earth [0127].
5 Now therefore, if ye will obey [08085] my voice [06963] indeed [08085], and keep [08104] my covenant [01285], then ye shall be a peculiar treasure [05459] unto me above all people [05971]: for all the earth [0776] is mine:
2 Go [01980] and cry [07121] in the ears [0241] of Jerusalem [03389], saying [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; I remember [02142] thee, the kindness [02617] of thy youth [05271], the love [0160] of thine espousals [03623], when thou wentest [03212] after [0310] me in the wilderness [04057], in a land [0776] that was not sown [02232].
2 Whilst their children [01121] remember [02142] their altars [04196] and their groves [0842] by the green [07488] trees [06086] upon the high [01364] hills [01389].
2 Thou shalt not take [03947] thee a wife [0802], neither shalt thou have sons [01121] or daughters [01323] in this place [04725].
11 And they said [0559] unto Moses [04872], Because there were no graves [06913] in Egypt [04714], hast thou taken us away [03947] to die [04191] in the wilderness [04057]? wherefore [02063] hast thou dealt [06213] thus with us, to carry us forth [03318] out of Egypt [04714]?
7 Our fathers [01] understood [07919] not thy wonders [06381] in Egypt [04714]; they remembered [02142] not the multitude [07230] of thy mercies [02617]; but provoked [04784] him at the sea [03220], even at the Red [05488] sea [03220].
25 Have ye offered [05066] unto me sacrifices [02077] and offerings [04503] in the wilderness [04057] forty [0705] years [08141], O house [01004] of Israel [03478]?
8 Yea, thou heardest [08085] not; yea, thou knewest [03045] not; yea, from that time that thine ear [0241] was not opened [06605]: for I knew [03045] that thou wouldest deal very [0898] treacherously [0898], and wast called [07121] a transgressor [06586] from the womb [0990].
24 Ye have been rebellious [04784] against the LORD [03068] from the day [03117] that I knew [03045] you.
6 Understand [03045] therefore, that the LORD [03068] thy God [0430] giveth [05414] thee not this good [02896] land [0776] to possess [03423] it for thy righteousness [06666]; for thou art a stiffnecked [06203] [07186] people [05971].
4 Ye have seen [07200] what I did [06213] unto the Egyptians [04714], and how I bare [05375] you on eagles [05404]' wings [03671], and brought [0935] you unto myself.
8 And all the people [05971] answered [06030] together [03162], and said [0559], All that the LORD [03068] hath spoken [01696] we will do [06213]. And Moses [04872] returned [07725] the words [01697] of the people [05971] unto the LORD [03068].
1 When Israel [03478] was a child [05288], then I loved [0157] him, and called [07121] my son [01121] out of Egypt [04714].
17 For I will take away [05493] the names [08034] of Baalim [01168] out of her mouth [06310], and they shall no more be remembered [02142] by their name [08034].
8 O remember [02142] not against us former [07223] iniquities [05771]: let thy tender mercies [07356] speedily [04118] prevent [06923] us: for we are brought [01809] very [03966] low [01809].
29 Remember [02142] them, O my God [0430], because they have defiled [01352] the priesthood [03550], and the covenant [01285] of the priesthood [03550], and of the Levites [03881].
14 My God [0430], think [02142] thou upon Tobiah [02900] and Sanballat [05571] according to these their works [04639], and on the prophetess [05031] Noadiah [05129], and the rest [03499] of the prophets [05030], that would have put me in fear [03372].
45 And he remembered [02142] for them his covenant [01285], and repented [05162] according to the multitude [07230] of his mercies [02617].
3 He hath remembered [02142] his mercy [02617] and his truth [0530] toward the house [01004] of Israel [03478]: all the ends [0657] of the earth [0776] have seen [07200] the salvation [03444] of our God [0430].
31 And for the wood [06086] offering [07133], at times [06256] appointed [02163], and for the firstfruits [01061]. Remember [02142] me, O my God [0430], for good [02896].
22 And I commanded [0559] the Levites [03881] that they should cleanse [02891] themselves, and that they should come [0935] and keep [08104] the gates [08179], to sanctify [06942] the sabbath [07676] day [03117]. Remember [02142] me, O my God [0430], concerning this also, and spare [02347] me according to the greatness [07230] of thy mercy [02617].
19 Think [02142] upon me, my God [0430], for good [02896], according to all that I have done [06213] for this people [05971].
3 Israel [03478] was holiness [06944] unto the LORD [03068], and the firstfruits [07225] of his increase [08393]: all that devour [0398] him shall offend [0816]; evil [07451] shall come [0935] upon them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
2 Go [01980] and cry [07121] in the ears [0241] of Jerusalem [03389], saying [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; I remember [02142] thee, the kindness [02617] of thy youth [05271], the love [0160] of thine espousals [03623], when thou wentest [03212] after [0310] me in the wilderness [04057], in a land [0776] that was not sown [02232].