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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 16:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 16:1 Strong Concordance The word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came also unto me, saying [0559],
  King James The word of the LORD came also unto me, saying,

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
In this prophecy Jer. 16:1-18, the punishment of the people is set forth in even sterner terms than in the last. The whole land is likened to a desert covered with the bodies of the dead, who lie unbemoaned and uncared for; and the prophet himself is commanded to abstain from the common usages of mankind that his motto of life, as well as his words, may warn the people of the greatness of the approaching calamity. There is, however, to be finally a return from exile, but only after the idolatry of the nation has been severely punished. The prophecy was probably written about the close of Jehoiakim's reign.
8 For he shall be as a tree [06086] planted [08362] by the waters [04325], and that spreadeth out [07971] her roots [08328] by the river [03105], and shall not see [07200] when heat [02527] cometh [0935], but her leaf [05929] shall be green [07488]; and shall not be careful [01672] in the year [08141] of drought [01226], neither shall cease [04185] from yielding [06213] fruit [06529].
7 Blessed [01288] is the man [01397] that trusteth [0982] in the LORD [03068], and whose hope [04009] the LORD [03068] is.
14 Therefore, behold, the days [03117] come [0935], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], that it shall no more be said [0559], The LORD [03068] liveth [02416], that brought up [05927] the children [01121] of Israel [03478] out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714];
15 But, The LORD [03068] liveth [02416], that brought up [05927] the children [01121] of Israel [03478] from the land [0776] of the north [06828], and from all the lands [0776] whither he had driven [05080] them: and I will bring them again [07725] into their land [0127] that I gave [05414] unto their fathers [01].
16 Behold, I will send [07971] for many [07227] fishers [01771] [01728], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and they shall fish [01770] them; and after [0310] will I send [07971] for many [07227] hunters [06719], and they shall hunt [06679] them from every mountain [02022], and from every hill [01389], and out of the holes [05357] of the rocks [05553].
33 And the carcases [05038] of this people [05971] shall be meat [03978] for the fowls [05775] of the heaven [08064], and for the beasts [0929] of the earth [0776]; and none shall fray them away [02729].
16 And the people [05971] to whom they prophesy [05012] shall be cast out [07993] in the streets [02351] of Jerusalem [03389] because [06440] of the famine [07458] and the sword [02719]; and they shall have none to bury [06912] them [01992], them, their wives [0802], nor their sons [01121], nor their daughters [01323]: for I will pour [08210] their wickedness [07451] upon them.
2 And they shall spread [07849] them before the sun [08121], and the moon [03394], and all the host [06635] of heaven [08064], whom they have loved [0157], and whom they have served [05647], and after [0310] whom they have walked [01980], and whom they have sought [01875], and whom they have worshipped [07812]: they shall not be gathered [0622], nor be buried [06912]; they shall be for dung [01828] upon the face [06440] of the earth [0127].
33 And the slain [02491] of the LORD [03068] shall be at that day [03117] from one end [07097] of the earth [0776] even unto the other end [07097] of the earth [0776]: they shall not be lamented [05594], neither gathered [0622], nor buried [06912]; they shall be dung [01828] upon [06440] the ground [0127].
18 If I go forth [03318] into the field [07704], then behold the slain [02491] with the sword [02719]! and if I enter [0935] into the city [05892], then behold them that are sick [08463] with famine [07458]! yea, both the prophet [05030] and the priest [03548] go about [05503] into a land [0776] that they know [03045] not.
10 And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew [05046] this people [05971] all these words [01697], and they shall say [0559] unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD [03068] pronounced [01696] all this great [01419] evil [07451] against us? or what is our iniquity [05771]? or what is our sin [02403] that we have committed [02398] against the LORD [03068] our God [0430]?
8 They shall bring thee down [03381] to the pit [07845], and thou shalt die [04191] the deaths [04463] of them that are slain [02491] in the midst [03820] of the seas [03220].
26 I suppose [3543] therefore [3767] that this [5124] is [5225] good [2570] for [1223] the present [1764] distress [318], I say, that [3754] it is good [2570] for a man [444] so [3779] to be [1511].
1 Then said [0559] the LORD [03068] unto me, Though Moses [04872] and Samuel [08050] stood [05975] before [06440] me, yet my mind [05315] could not be toward this people [05971]: cast them out [07971] of my sight [06440], and let them go forth [03318].
2 And it shall come to pass, if they say [0559] unto thee, Whither shall we go forth [03318]? then thou shalt tell [0559] them, Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; Such as are for death [04194], to death [04194]; and such as are for the sword [02719], to the sword [02719]; and such as are for the famine [07458], to the famine [07458]; and such as are for the captivity [07628], to the captivity [07628].
3 And I will appoint [06485] over them four [0702] kinds [04940], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: the sword [02719] to slay [02026], and the dogs [03611] to tear [05498], and the fowls [05775] of the heaven [08064], and the beasts [0929] of the earth [0776], to devour [0398] and destroy [07843].
4 And I will cause [05414] them to be removed [02189] [02113] into all kingdoms [04467] of the earth [0776], because [01558] of Manasseh [04519] the son [01121] of Hezekiah [03169] king [04428] of Judah [03063], for that which he did [06213] in Jerusalem [03389].
5 For who shall have pity [02550] upon thee, O Jerusalem [03389]? or who shall bemoan [05110] thee? or who shall go aside [05493] to ask [07592] how thou doest [07965]?
6 Thou hast forsaken [05203] me, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], thou art gone [03212] backward [0268]: therefore will I stretch out [05186] my hand [03027] against thee, and destroy [07843] thee; I am weary [03811] with repenting [05162].
7 And I will fan [02219] them with a fan [04214] in the gates [08179] of the land [0776]; I will bereave [07921] them of children, I will destroy [06] my people [05971], since they return [07725] not from their ways [01870].
8 Their widows [0490] are increased [06105] to me above the sand [02344] of the seas [03220]: I have brought [0935] upon them against the mother [0517] of the young men [0970] a spoiler [07703] at noonday [06672]: I have caused him to fall [05307] upon it suddenly [06597], and terrors [0928] upon the city [05892].
9 She that hath borne [03205] seven [07651] languisheth [0535]: she hath given up [05301] the ghost [05315]; her sun [08121] is gone [0935] down while it was yet day [03119] [03117]: she hath been ashamed [0954] and confounded [02659]: and the residue [07611] of them will I deliver [05414] to the sword [02719] before [06440] their enemies [0341], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
10 Woe [0188] is me, my mother [0517], that thou hast borne [03205] me a man [0376] of strife [07379] and a man [0376] of contention [04066] to the whole earth [0776]! I have neither lent on usury [05383], nor men have lent to me on usury [05383]; yet every one of them doth curse [07043] me.
11 The LORD [03068] said [0559], Verily [03808] [0518] it shall be well [02896] with thy remnant [08281] [08293]; verily [0518] I will cause the enemy [0341] to entreat [06293] thee well in the time [06256] of evil [07451] and in the time [06256] of affliction [06869].
12 Shall iron [01270] break [07489] the northern [06828] iron [01270] and the steel [05178]?
13 Thy substance [02428] and thy treasures [0214] will I give [05414] to the spoil [0957] without price [04242], and that for all thy sins [02403], even in all thy borders [01366].
14 And I will make thee to pass [05674] with thine enemies [0341] into a land [0776] which thou knowest [03045] not: for a fire [0784] is kindled [06919] in mine anger [0639], which shall burn [03344] upon you.
15 O LORD [03068], thou knowest [03045]: remember [02142] me, and visit [06485] me, and revenge [05358] me of my persecutors [07291]; take me not away [03947] in thy longsuffering [0639] [0750]: know [03045] that for thy sake I have suffered [05375] rebuke [02781].
16 Thy words [01697] were found [04672], and I did eat [0398] them; and thy word [01697] was unto me the joy [08342] and rejoicing [08057] of mine heart [03824]: for I am called [07121] by thy name [08034], O LORD [03068] God [0430] of hosts [06635].
17 I sat [03427] not in the assembly [05475] of the mockers [07832], nor rejoiced [05937]; I sat [03427] alone [0910] because [06440] of thy hand [03027]: for thou hast filled [04390] me with indignation [02195].
18 Why is my pain [03511] perpetual [05331], and my wound [04347] incurable [0605], which refuseth [03985] to be healed [07495]? wilt thou be altogether unto me as a liar [0391], and as waters [04325] that fail [0539]?
19 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], If thou return [07725], then will I bring thee again [07725], and thou shalt stand [05975] before [06440] me: and if thou take forth [03318] the precious [03368] from the vile [02151], thou shalt be as my mouth [06310]: let them return [07725] unto thee; but return [07725] not thou unto them.
20 And I will make [05414] thee unto this people [05971] a fenced [01219] brasen [05178] wall [02346]: and they shall fight [03898] against thee, but they shall not prevail [03201] against thee: for I am with thee to save [03467] thee and to deliver [05337] thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
21 And I will deliver [05337] thee out of the hand [03027] of the wicked [07451], and I will redeem [06299] thee out of the hand [03709] of the terrible [06184].
5 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Enter [0935] not into the house [01004] of mourning [04798], neither go [03212] to lament [05594] nor bemoan [05110] them: for I have taken away [0622] my peace [07965] from this people [05971], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], even lovingkindness [02617] and mercies [07356].
6 Both the great [01419] and the small [06996] shall die [04191] in this land [0776]: they shall not be buried [06912], neither shall men lament [05594] for them, nor cut [01413] themselves, nor make themselves bald [07139] for them:
7 Neither shall men tear [06536] themselves for them in mourning [060], to comfort [05162] them for the dead [04191]; neither shall men give them the cup [03563] of consolation [08575] to drink [08248] for their father [01] or for their mother [0517].
8 Thou shalt not also go [0935] into the house [01004] of feasting [04960], to sit [03427] with them to eat [0398] and to drink [08354].
9 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], the God [0430] of Israel [03478]; Behold, I will cause to cease [07673] out of this place [04725] in your eyes [05869], and in your days [03117], the voice [06963] of mirth [08342], and the voice [06963] of gladness [08057], the voice [06963] of the bridegroom [02860], and the voice [06963] of the bride [03618].
4 They shall die [04191] of grievous [08463] deaths [04463]; they shall not be lamented [05594]; neither shall they be buried [06912]; but they shall be as dung [01828] upon the face [06440] of the earth [0127]: and they shall be consumed [03615] by the sword [02719], and by famine [07458]; and their carcases [05038] shall be meat [03978] for the fowls [05775] of heaven [08064], and for the beasts [0929] of the earth [0776].
3 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] concerning the sons [01121] and concerning the daughters [01323] that are born [03205] in this place [04725], and concerning their mothers [0517] that bare [03205] them, and concerning their fathers [01] that begat [03209] them in this land [0776];
9 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], the God [0430] of Israel [03478]; Behold, I will cause to cease [07673] out of this place [04725] in your eyes [05869], and in your days [03117], the voice [06963] of mirth [08342], and the voice [06963] of gladness [08057], the voice [06963] of the bridegroom [02860], and the voice [06963] of the bride [03618].
8 Thou shalt not also go [0935] into the house [01004] of feasting [04960], to sit [03427] with them to eat [0398] and to drink [08354].
7 Neither shall men tear [06536] themselves for them in mourning [060], to comfort [05162] them for the dead [04191]; neither shall men give them the cup [03563] of consolation [08575] to drink [08248] for their father [01] or for their mother [0517].
6 Both the great [01419] and the small [06996] shall die [04191] in this land [0776]: they shall not be buried [06912], neither shall men lament [05594] for them, nor cut [01413] themselves, nor make themselves bald [07139] for them:
5 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Enter [0935] not into the house [01004] of mourning [04798], neither go [03212] to lament [05594] nor bemoan [05110] them: for I have taken away [0622] my peace [07965] from this people [05971], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], even lovingkindness [02617] and mercies [07356].
4 They shall die [04191] of grievous [08463] deaths [04463]; they shall not be lamented [05594]; neither shall they be buried [06912]; but they shall be as dung [01828] upon the face [06440] of the earth [0127]: and they shall be consumed [03615] by the sword [02719], and by famine [07458]; and their carcases [05038] shall be meat [03978] for the fowls [05775] of heaven [08064], and for the beasts [0929] of the earth [0776].
3 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] concerning the sons [01121] and concerning the daughters [01323] that are born [03205] in this place [04725], and concerning their mothers [0517] that bare [03205] them, and concerning their fathers [01] that begat [03209] them in this land [0776];
2 Thou shalt not take [03947] thee a wife [0802], neither shalt thou have sons [01121] or daughters [01323] in this place [04725].
1 The word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came also unto me, saying [0559],