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Selected Verse: Jeremiah 1:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Jer 1:4 Strong Concordance Then the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559],
  King James Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Jeremiah's call to the prophetical office.

unto me--other manuscripts read "to him"; but English Version probably represents the true Hebrew text; this inscription was doubtless made by Jeremiah himself.
14 Cursed [0779] be the day [03117] wherein I was born [03205]: let not the day [03117] wherein my mother [0517] bare [03205] me be blessed [01288].
15 Cursed [0779] be the man [0376] who brought tidings [01319] to my father [01], saying [0559], A man [02145] child [01121] is born [03205] unto thee; making him very [08055] glad [08055].
16 And let that man [0376] be as the cities [05892] which the LORD [03068] overthrew [02015], and repented [05162] not: and let him hear [08085] the cry [02201] in the morning [01242], and the shouting [08643] at noontide [06256] [06672];
17 Because he slew [04191] me not from the womb [07358]; or that my mother [0517] might have been my grave [06913], and her womb [07358] to be always [05769] great [02030] with me.
18 Wherefore came I forth [03318] out of the womb [07358] to see [07200] labour [05999] and sorrow [03015], that my days [03117] should be consumed [03615] with shame [01322]?
7 O LORD [03068], thou hast deceived [06601] me, and I was deceived [06601]: thou art stronger [02388] than I, and hast prevailed [03201]: I am in derision [07814] daily [03117], every one mocketh [03932] me.
13 Thy substance [02428] and thy treasures [0214] will I give [05414] to the spoil [0957] without price [04242], and that for all thy sins [02403], even in all thy borders [01366].
28 And thou, son [01121] of man [0120], prophesy [05012] and say [0559], Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] concerning the Ammonites [01121] [05983], and concerning their reproach [02781]; even say [0559] thou, The sword [02719], the sword [02719] is drawn [06605]: for the slaughter [02874] it is furbished [04803], to consume [0398] because of the glittering [01300]:
17 But we will certainly [06213] do [06213] whatsoever thing [01697] goeth forth [03318] out of our own mouth [06310], to burn incense [06999] unto the queen [04446] of heaven [08064], and to pour out [05258] drink offerings [05262] unto her, as we have done [06213], we, and our fathers [01], our kings [04428], and our princes [08269], in the cities [05892] of Judah [03063], and in the streets [02351] of Jerusalem [03389]: for then had we plenty [07646] of victuals [03899], and were well [02896], and saw [07200] no evil [07451].
12 I have written [03789] to him the great things [07230] [07239] of my law [08451], but they were counted [02803] as a strange thing [02114].
15 For he cast [06696] two [08147] pillars [05982] of brass [05178], of eighteen [08083] [06240] cubits [0520] high [06967] apiece [05982] [0259]: and a line [02339] of twelve [08147] [06240] cubits [0520] did compass [05437] either [08145] of them about [05437].
4 And he received [03947] them at their hand [03027], and fashioned [06696] it with a graving tool [02747], after he had made [06213] it a molten [04541] calf [05695]: and they said [0559], These be thy gods [0430], O Israel [03478], which brought [05927] thee up out of the land [0776] of Egypt [04714].
9 Behold, I will send [07971] and take [03947] all the families [04940] of the north [06828], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and Nebuchadrezzar [05019] the king [04428] of Babylon [0894], my servant [05650], and will bring [0935] them against this land [0776], and against the inhabitants [03427] thereof, and against all these nations [01471] round about [05439], and will utterly destroy [02763] them, and make [07760] them an astonishment [08047], and an hissing [08322], and perpetual [05769] desolations [02723].
10 See [07200], I have this day [03117] set [06485] thee over the nations [01471] and over the kingdoms [04467], to root out [05428], and to pull down [05422], and to destroy [06], and to throw down [02040], to build [01129], and to plant [05193].
5 Before [02962] I formed [03335] thee in the belly [0990] I knew [03045] thee; and before thou camest forth [03318] out of the womb [07358] I sanctified [06942] thee, and I ordained [05414] thee a prophet [05030] unto the nations [01471].
3 And the angel [04397] of the LORD [03068] appeared [07200] unto the woman [0802], and said [0559] unto her, Behold now, thou art barren [06135], and bearest [03205] not: but thou shalt conceive [02029], and bear [03205] a son [01121].
15 But [1161] when [3753] it pleased [2106] God [2316], who [3588] separated [873] me [3165] from [1537] my [3450] mother's [3384] womb [2836], and [2532] called [2564] me by [1223] his [846] grace [5485],
5 Behold, I will bring [0935] a fear [06343] upon thee, saith [05002] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069] of hosts [06635], from all those that be about [05439] thee; and ye shall be driven out [05080] every man [0376] right forth [06440]; and none shall gather up [06908] him that wandereth [05074].
24 Moreover Jeremiah [03414] said [0559] unto all the people [05971], and to all the women [0802], Hear [08085] the word [01697] of the LORD [03068], all Judah [03063] that are in the land [0776] of Egypt [04714]:
2 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], the God [0430] of Israel [03478]; Ye have seen [07200] all the evil [07451] that I have brought [0935] upon Jerusalem [03389], and upon all the cities [05892] of Judah [03063]; and, behold, this day [03117] they are a desolation [02723], and no man dwelleth [03427] therein,
11 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559], Jeremiah [03414], what seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I see [07200] a rod [04731] of an almond tree [08247].
12 Then said [0559] the LORD [03068] unto me, Thou hast well [03190] seen [07200]: for I will hasten [08245] my word [01697] to perform [06213] it.
13 And the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me the second time [08145], saying [0559], What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I see [07200] a seething [05301] pot [05518]; and the face [06440] thereof is toward [06440] the north [06828].
14 Then the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Out of the north [06828] an evil [07451] shall break forth [06605] upon all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776].
15 For, lo, I will call [07121] all the families [04940] of the kingdoms [04467] of the north [06828], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]; and they shall come [0935], and they shall set [05414] every one [0376] his throne [03678] at the entering [06607] of the gates [08179] of Jerusalem [03389], and against all the walls [02346] thereof round about [05439], and against all the cities [05892] of Judah [03063].
16 And I will utter [01696] my judgments [04941] against them touching [05921] all their wickedness [07451], who have forsaken [05800] me, and have burned incense [06999] unto other [0312] gods [0430], and worshipped [07812] the works [04639] of their own hands [03027].
17 Thou therefore gird up [0247] thy loins [04975], and arise [06965], and speak [01696] unto them all that I command [06680] thee: be not dismayed [02865] at their faces [06440], lest I confound [02865] thee before [06440] them.
18 For, behold, I [0589] have made [05414] thee this day [03117] a defenced [04013] city [05892], and an iron [01270] pillar [05982], and brasen [05178] walls [02346] against the whole land [0776], against the kings [04428] of Judah [03063], against the princes [08269] thereof, against the priests [03548] thereof, and against the people [05971] of the land [0776].
19 And they shall fight [03898] against thee; but they shall not prevail [03201] against thee; for I am with thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], to deliver [05337] thee.
9 Then the LORD [03068] put forth [07971] his hand [03027], and touched [05060] my mouth [06310]. And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Behold, I have put [05414] my words [01697] in thy mouth [06310].
8 Be not afraid [03372] of their faces [06440]: for I am with thee to deliver [05337] thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
7 But the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Say [0559] not, I am a child [05288]: for thou shalt go [03212] to all that I shall send [07971] thee, and whatsoever I command [06680] thee thou shalt speak [01696].
6 Then said [0559] I, Ah [0162], Lord [0136] GOD [03069]! behold, I cannot [03045] speak [01696]: for I am a child [05288].
5 Before [02962] I formed [03335] thee in the belly [0990] I knew [03045] thee; and before thou camest forth [03318] out of the womb [07358] I sanctified [06942] thee, and I ordained [05414] thee a prophet [05030] unto the nations [01471].
11 Moreover the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559], Jeremiah [03414], what seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I see [07200] a rod [04731] of an almond tree [08247].
12 Then said [0559] the LORD [03068] unto me, Thou hast well [03190] seen [07200]: for I will hasten [08245] my word [01697] to perform [06213] it.
13 And the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me the second time [08145], saying [0559], What seest [07200] thou? And I said [0559], I see [07200] a seething [05301] pot [05518]; and the face [06440] thereof is toward [06440] the north [06828].
14 Then the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Out of the north [06828] an evil [07451] shall break forth [06605] upon all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776].
15 For, lo, I will call [07121] all the families [04940] of the kingdoms [04467] of the north [06828], saith [05002] the LORD [03068]; and they shall come [0935], and they shall set [05414] every one [0376] his throne [03678] at the entering [06607] of the gates [08179] of Jerusalem [03389], and against all the walls [02346] thereof round about [05439], and against all the cities [05892] of Judah [03063].
16 And I will utter [01696] my judgments [04941] against them touching [05921] all their wickedness [07451], who have forsaken [05800] me, and have burned incense [06999] unto other [0312] gods [0430], and worshipped [07812] the works [04639] of their own hands [03027].
17 Thou therefore gird up [0247] thy loins [04975], and arise [06965], and speak [01696] unto them all that I command [06680] thee: be not dismayed [02865] at their faces [06440], lest I confound [02865] thee before [06440] them.
18 For, behold, I [0589] have made [05414] thee this day [03117] a defenced [04013] city [05892], and an iron [01270] pillar [05982], and brasen [05178] walls [02346] against the whole land [0776], against the kings [04428] of Judah [03063], against the princes [08269] thereof, against the priests [03548] thereof, and against the people [05971] of the land [0776].
19 And they shall fight [03898] against thee; but they shall not prevail [03201] against thee; for I am with thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], to deliver [05337] thee.
9 Then the LORD [03068] put forth [07971] his hand [03027], and touched [05060] my mouth [06310]. And the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Behold, I have put [05414] my words [01697] in thy mouth [06310].
10 See [07200], I have this day [03117] set [06485] thee over the nations [01471] and over the kingdoms [04467], to root out [05428], and to pull down [05422], and to destroy [06], and to throw down [02040], to build [01129], and to plant [05193].
4 Then the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came unto me, saying [0559],
5 Before [02962] I formed [03335] thee in the belly [0990] I knew [03045] thee; and before thou camest forth [03318] out of the womb [07358] I sanctified [06942] thee, and I ordained [05414] thee a prophet [05030] unto the nations [01471].
6 Then said [0559] I, Ah [0162], Lord [0136] GOD [03069]! behold, I cannot [03045] speak [01696]: for I am a child [05288].
7 But the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto me, Say [0559] not, I am a child [05288]: for thou shalt go [03212] to all that I shall send [07971] thee, and whatsoever I command [06680] thee thou shalt speak [01696].
8 Be not afraid [03372] of their faces [06440]: for I am with thee to deliver [05337] thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].