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Selected Verse: Isaiah 64:1 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 64:1 Strong Concordance Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
  King James Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]

rend . . . heavens--bursting forth to execute vengeance, suddenly descending on Thy people's foe (Psa 18:9; Psa 144:5; Hab 3:5-6).

flow down-- (Jdg 5:5; Mic 1:4).
4 And the mountains [02022] shall be molten [04549] under him, and the valleys [06010] shall be cleft [01234], as wax [01749] before [06440] the fire [0784], and as the waters [04325] that are poured [05064] down a steep place [04174].
5 The mountains [02022] melted [05140] from before [06440] the LORD [03068], even that Sinai [05514] from before [06440] the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478].
5 Before [06440] him went [03212] the pestilence [01698], and burning coals [07565] went forth [03318] at his feet [07272].
6 He stood [05975], and measured [04128] the earth [0776]: he beheld [07200], and drove asunder [05425] the nations [01471]; and the everlasting [05703] mountains [02042] were scattered [06327], the perpetual [05769] hills [01389] did bow [07817]: his ways [01979] are everlasting [05769].
5 Bow [05186] thy heavens [08064], O LORD [03068], and come down [03381]: touch [05060] the mountains [02022], and they shall smoke [06225].
9 He bowed [05186] the heavens [08064] also, and came down [03381]: and darkness [06205] was under his feet [07272].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
2 As when the melting [02003] fire [0784] burneth [06919], the fire [0784] causeth the waters [04325] to boil [01158], to make thy name [08034] known [03045] to thine adversaries [06862], that the nations [01471] may tremble [07264] at thy presence [06440]!
3 When thou didst [06213] terrible things [03372] which we looked [06960] not for, thou camest down [03381], the mountains [02022] flowed down [02151] at thy presence [06440].
4 For since the beginning of the world [05769] men have not heard [08085], nor perceived by the ear [0238], neither hath the eye [05869] seen [07200], O God [0430], beside [02108] thee, what he hath prepared [06213] for him that waiteth [02442] for him.
5 Thou meetest [06293] him that rejoiceth [07797] and worketh [06213] righteousness [06664], those that remember [02142] thee in thy ways [01870]: behold, thou art wroth [07107]; for we have sinned [02398]: in those is continuance [05769], and we shall be saved [03467].
6 But we are all as an unclean [02931] thing, and all our righteousnesses [06666] are as filthy [05708] rags [0899]; and we all do fade [05034] [01101] as a leaf [05929]; and our iniquities [05771], like the wind [07307], have taken us away [05375].
7 And there is none that calleth [07121] upon thy name [08034], that stirreth up [05782] himself to take hold [02388] of thee: for thou hast hid [05641] thy face [06440] from us, and hast consumed [04127] us, because [03027] of our iniquities [05771].
8 But now, O LORD [03068], thou art our father [01]; we are the clay [02563], and thou our potter [03335]; and we all are the work [04639] of thy hand [03027].
9 Be not wroth [07107] very sore [03966], O LORD [03068], neither remember [02142] iniquity [05771] for ever [05703]: behold, see [05027], we beseech thee, we are all thy people [05971].
10 Thy holy [06944] cities [05892] are a wilderness [04057], Zion [06726] is a wilderness [04057], Jerusalem [03389] a desolation [08077].
11 Our holy [06944] and our beautiful [08597] house [01004], where our fathers [01] praised [01984] thee, is burned up [08316] with fire [0784]: and all our pleasant things [04261] are laid waste [02723].
12 Wilt thou refrain [0662] thyself for these things, O LORD [03068]? wilt thou hold thy peace [02814], and afflict [06031] us very sore [03966]?
3 For, behold, the LORD [03068] cometh forth [03318] out of his place [04725], and will come down [03381], and tread [01869] upon the high places [01116] of the earth [0776].
4 And the mountains [02022] shall be molten [04549] under him, and the valleys [06010] shall be cleft [01234], as wax [01749] before [06440] the fire [0784], and as the waters [04325] that are poured [05064] down a steep place [04174].
5 The hills [02022] melted [04549] like wax [01749] at the presence [06440] of the LORD [03068], at the presence [06440] of the Lord [0113] of the whole earth [0776].
4 LORD [03068], when thou wentest out [03318] of Seir [08165], when thou marchedst out [06805] of the field [07704] of Edom [0123], the earth [0776] trembled [07493], and the heavens [08064] dropped [05197], the clouds [05645] also dropped [05197] water [04325].
5 The mountains [02022] melted [05140] from before [06440] the LORD [03068], even that Sinai [05514] from before [06440] the LORD [03068] God [0430] of Israel [03478].
5 Bow [05186] thy heavens [08064], O LORD [03068], and come down [03381]: touch [05060] the mountains [02022], and they shall smoke [06225].
6 Cast forth [01299] lightning [01300], and scatter [06327] them: shoot out [07971] thine arrows [02671], and destroy [02000] them.
5 Before [06440] him went [03212] the pestilence [01698], and burning coals [07565] went forth [03318] at his feet [07272].
6 He stood [05975], and measured [04128] the earth [0776]: he beheld [07200], and drove asunder [05425] the nations [01471]; and the everlasting [05703] mountains [02042] were scattered [06327], the perpetual [05769] hills [01389] did bow [07817]: his ways [01979] are everlasting [05769].
9 He bowed [05186] the heavens [08064] also, and came down [03381]: and darkness [06205] was under his feet [07272].
8 I will meet [06298] them as a bear [01677] that is bereaved [07909] of her whelps, and will rend [07167] the caul [05458] of their heart [03820], and there will I devour [0398] them like a lion [03833]: the wild [07704] beast [02416] shall tear [01234] them.
31 Then the king [04428] arose [06965], and tare [07167] his garments [0899], and lay [07901] on the earth [0776]; and all his servants [05650] stood [05324] by with their clothes [0899] rent [07167].
29 And Reuben [07205] returned [07725] unto the pit [0953]; and, behold, Joseph [03130] was not in the pit [0953]; and he rent [07167] his clothes [0899].
11 Our holy [06944] and our beautiful [08597] house [01004], where our fathers [01] praised [01984] thee, is burned up [08316] with fire [0784]: and all our pleasant things [04261] are laid waste [02723].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
2 As when the melting [02003] fire [0784] burneth [06919], the fire [0784] causeth the waters [04325] to boil [01158], to make thy name [08034] known [03045] to thine adversaries [06862], that the nations [01471] may tremble [07264] at thy presence [06440]!
3 When thou didst [06213] terrible things [03372] which we looked [06960] not for, thou camest down [03381], the mountains [02022] flowed down [02151] at thy presence [06440].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
19 We are thine: thou never [05769] barest rule [04910] over them; they were not called [07121] by thy name [08034].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
2 As when the melting [02003] fire [0784] burneth [06919], the fire [0784] causeth the waters [04325] to boil [01158], to make thy name [08034] known [03045] to thine adversaries [06862], that the nations [01471] may tremble [07264] at thy presence [06440]!
2 As when the melting [02003] fire [0784] burneth [06919], the fire [0784] causeth the waters [04325] to boil [01158], to make thy name [08034] known [03045] to thine adversaries [06862], that the nations [01471] may tremble [07264] at thy presence [06440]!
25 That I will break [07665] the Assyrian [0804] in my land [0776], and upon my mountains [02022] tread him under foot [0947]: then shall his yoke [05923] depart [05493] from off them, and his burden [05448] depart [05493] from off their shoulders [07926].
9 Behold, the day [03117] of the LORD [03068] cometh [0935], cruel [0394] both with wrath [05678] and fierce [02740] anger [0639], to lay [07760] the land [0776] desolate [08047]: and he shall destroy [08045] the sinners [02400] thereof out of it.
2 To turn aside [05186] the needy [01800] from judgment [01779], and to take away [01497] the right [04941] from the poor [06041] of my people [05971], that widows [0490] may be their prey [07998], and that they may rob [0962] the fatherless [03490]!
2 As smoke [06227] is driven away [05086], so drive them away [05086]: as wax [01749] melteth [04549] before [06440] the fire [0784], so let the wicked [07563] perish [06] at the presence [06440] of God [0430].
3 But let the righteous [06662] be glad [08055]; let them rejoice [05970] before [06440] God [0430]: yea, let them exceedingly [08057] rejoice [07797].
15 For, behold, the LORD [03068] will come [0935] with fire [0784], and with his chariots [04818] like a whirlwind [05492], to render [07725] his anger [0639] with fury [02534], and his rebuke [01606] with flames [03851] of fire [0784].
27 Behold, the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] cometh [0935] from far [04801], burning [01197] with his anger [0639], and the burden [04858] thereof is heavy [03514]: his lips [08193] are full [04390] of indignation [02195], and his tongue [03956] as a devouring [0398] fire [0784]:
13 Therefore this iniquity [05771] shall be to you as a breach [06556] ready to fall [05307], swelling out [01158] in a high [07682] wall [02346], whose breaking [07667] cometh [0935] suddenly [06597] at an instant [06621].
24 Therefore as the fire [0784] devoureth [0398] the stubble [07179], and the flame [03956] [03852] consumeth [07503] the chaff [02842], so their root [08328] shall be as rottenness [04716], and their blossom [06525] shall go up [05927] as dust [080]: because they have cast away [03988] the law [08451] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], and despised [05006] the word [0565] of the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
19 The waters [04325] wear [07833] the stones [068]: thou washest away [07857] the things which grow [05599] out of the dust [06083] of the earth [0776]; and thou destroyest [06] the hope [08615] of man [0582].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],
19 We are thine: thou never [05769] barest rule [04910] over them; they were not called [07121] by thy name [08034].
1 Oh [03863] that thou wouldest rend [07167] the heavens [08064], that thou wouldest come down [03381], that the mountains [02022] might flow down [02151] at thy presence [06440],