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Selected Verse: Isaiah 57:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 57:7 Strong Concordance Upon a lofty [01364] and high [05375] mountain [02022] hast thou set [07760] thy bed [04904]: even thither wentest thou up [05927] to offer [02076] sacrifice [02077].
  King James Upon a lofty and high mountain hast thou set thy bed: even thither wentest thou up to offer sacrifice.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Upon . . . high mountain . . . bed--image from adultery, open and shameless (Eze 23:7); the "bed" answers to the idolatrous altar, the scene of their spiritual unfaithfulness to their divine husband (Eze 16:16, Eze 16:25; Eze 23:41).
41 And satest [03427] upon a stately [03520] bed [04296], and a table [07979] prepared [06186] before [06440] it, whereupon thou hast set [07760] mine incense [07004] and mine oil [08081].
25 Thou hast built [01129] thy high place [07413] at every head [07218] of the way [01870], and hast made thy beauty [03308] to be abhorred [08581], and hast opened [06589] thy feet [07272] to every one that passed by [05674], and multiplied [07235] thy whoredoms [08457].
16 And of thy garments [0899] thou didst take [03947], and deckedst [06213] thy high places [01116] with divers colours [02921], and playedst the harlot [02181] thereupon: the like things shall not come [0935], neither shall it be so.
7 Thus she committed [05414] her whoredoms [08457] with them, with all them that were the chosen [04005] men [01121] of Assyria [0804], and with all on whom she doted [05689]: with all their idols [01544] she defiled [02930] herself.
20 For she doted [05689] upon their paramours [06370], whose flesh [01320] is as the flesh [01320] of asses [02543], and whose issue [02231] is like the issue [02231] of horses [05483].
26 Thou hast also committed fornication [02181] with the Egyptians [01121] [04714] thy neighbours [07934], great [01432] of flesh [01320]; and hast increased [07235] thy whoredoms [08457], to provoke me to anger [03707].
17 I have perfumed [05130] my bed [04904] with myrrh [04753], aloes [0174], and cinnamon [07076].
8 That all of you have conspired [07194] against me, and there is none that sheweth [01540] [0241] me that my son [01121] hath made a league [03772] with the son [01121] of Jesse [03448], and there is none of you that is sorry [02470] for me, or sheweth [01540] [0241] unto me that my son [01121] hath stirred up [06965] my servant [05650] against me, to lie in wait [0693], as at this day [03117]?
18 Then will I stablish [06965] the throne [03678] of thy kingdom [04438], according as I have covenanted [03772] with David [01732] thy father [01], saying [0559], There shall not fail [03772] thee a man [0376] to be ruler [04910] in Israel [03478].
5 Will he reserve [05201] his anger for ever [05769]? will he keep [08104] it to the end [05331]? Behold, thou hast spoken [01696] and done [06213] evil things [07451] as thou couldest [03201].
4 Unstable [06349] as water [04325], thou shalt not excel [03498]; because thou wentest up [05927] to thy father's [01] bed [04904]; then defiledst thou [02490] it: he went up [05927] to my couch [03326].
18 So she discovered [01540] her whoredoms [08457], and discovered [01540] her nakedness [06172]: then my mind [05315] was alienated [03363] from her, like as my mind [05315] was alienated [05361] from her sister [0269].
1 They say [0559], If a man [0376] put away [07971] his wife [0802], and she go [01980] from him, and become another [0312] man's [0376], shall he return unto her again [07725]? shall not that land [0776] be greatly [02610] polluted [02610]? but thou hast played the harlot [02181] with many [07227] lovers [07453]; yet return again [07725] to me, saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
20 And thou shalt write [03789] them upon the door posts [04201] of thine house [01004], and upon thy gates [08179]:
9 And thou shalt write [03789] them upon the posts [04201] of thy house [01004], and on thy gates [08179].