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Selected Verse: Isaiah 54:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 54:4 Strong Concordance Fear [03372] not; for thou shalt not be ashamed [0954]: neither be thou confounded [03637]; for thou shalt not be put to shame [02659]: for thou shalt forget [07911] the shame [01322] of thy youth [05934], and shalt not remember [02142] the reproach [02781] of thy widowhood [0491] any more.
  King James Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
(Isa 41:10, Isa 41:14).

shame of thy youth--Israel's unfaithfulness as wife of Jehovah, almost from her earliest history.

reproach of widowhood--Israel's punishment in her consequent dismissal from God and barrenness of spiritual children in Babylon and her present dispersion (Isa 54:1; Isa 49:21; Jer 3:24-25; Jer 31:19; Hos 2:2-5).
2 Plead [07378] with your mother [0517], plead [07378]: for she is not my wife [0802], neither am I her husband [0376]: let her therefore put away [05493] her whoredoms [02183] out of her sight [06440], and her adulteries [05005] from between her breasts [07699];
3 Lest I strip [06584] her naked [06174], and set [03322] her as in the day [03117] that she was born [03205], and make [07760] her as a wilderness [04057], and set [07896] her like a dry [06723] land [0776], and slay [04191] her with thirst [06772].
4 And I will not have mercy [07355] upon her children [01121]; for they be the children [01121] of whoredoms [02183].
5 For their mother [0517] hath played the harlot [02181]: she that conceived [02029] them hath done shamefully [03001]: for she said [0559], I will go [03212] after [0310] my lovers [0157], that give [05414] me my bread [03899] and my water [04325], my wool [06785] and my flax [06593], mine oil [08081] and my drink [08250].
19 Surely after [0310] that I was turned [07725], I repented [05162]; and after [0310] that I was instructed [03045], I smote [05606] upon my thigh [03409]: I was ashamed [0954], yea, even confounded [03637], because I did bear [05375] the reproach [02781] of my youth [05271].
24 For shame [01322] hath devoured [0398] the labour [03018] of our fathers [01] from our youth [05271]; their flocks [06629] and their herds [01241], their sons [01121] and their daughters [01323].
25 We lie down [07901] in our shame [01322], and our confusion [03639] covereth [03680] us: for we have sinned [02398] against the LORD [03068] our God [0430], we and our fathers [01], from our youth [05271] even unto this day [03117], and have not obeyed [08085] the voice [06963] of the LORD [03068] our God [0430].
21 Then shalt thou say [0559] in thine heart [03824], Who hath begotten [03205] me these, seeing I have lost my children [07921], and am desolate [01565], a captive [01540], and removing to and fro [05493]? and who hath brought up [01431] these? Behold, I was left [07604] alone; these, where [0375] had they been?
1 Sing [07442], O barren [06135], thou that didst not bear [03205]; break forth [06476] into singing [07440], and cry aloud [06670], thou that didst not travail with child [02342]: for more [07227] are the children [01121] of the desolate [08074] than the children [01121] of the married wife [01166], saith [0559] the LORD [03068].
14 Fear [03372] not, thou worm [08438] Jacob [03290], and ye men [04962] of Israel [03478]; I will help [05826] thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and thy redeemer [01350], the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
10 Fear [03372] thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed [08159]; for I am thy God [0430]: I will strengthen [0553] thee; yea, I will help [05826] thee; yea, I will uphold [08551] thee with the right hand [03225] of my righteousness [06664].
21 Then shalt thou say [0559] in thine heart [03824], Who hath begotten [03205] me these, seeing I have lost my children [07921], and am desolate [01565], a captive [01540], and removing to and fro [05493]? and who hath brought up [01431] these? Behold, I was left [07604] alone; these, where [0375] had they been?
14 Fear [03372] not, thou worm [08438] Jacob [03290], and ye men [04962] of Israel [03478]; I will help [05826] thee, saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and thy redeemer [01350], the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
10 Fear [03372] thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed [08159]; for I am thy God [0430]: I will strengthen [0553] thee; yea, I will help [05826] thee; yea, I will uphold [08551] thee with the right hand [03225] of my righteousness [06664].
60 Nevertheless I will remember [02142] my covenant [01285] with thee in the days [03117] of thy youth [05271], and I will establish [06965] unto thee an everlasting [05769] covenant [01285].
2 Go [01980] and cry [07121] in the ears [0241] of Jerusalem [03389], saying [0559], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; I remember [02142] thee, the kindness [02617] of thy youth [05271], the love [0160] of thine espousals [03623], when thou wentest [03212] after [0310] me in the wilderness [04057], in a land [0776] that was not sown [02232].
9 For as the heavens [08064] are higher [01361] than the earth [0776], so are my ways [01870] higher [01361] than your ways [01870], and my thoughts [04284] than your thoughts [04284].
7 Howbeit he meaneth [01819] not so, neither doth his heart [03824] think [02803] so; but it is in his heart [03824] to destroy [08045] and cut off [03772] nations [01471] not a few [04592].
4 Fear [03372] not; for thou shalt not be ashamed [0954]: neither be thou confounded [03637]; for thou shalt not be put to shame [02659]: for thou shalt forget [07911] the shame [01322] of thy youth [05934], and shalt not remember [02142] the reproach [02781] of thy widowhood [0491] any more.