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Selected Verse: Isaiah 54:13 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 54:13 Strong Concordance And all thy children [01121] shall be taught [03928] of the LORD [03068]; and great [07227] shall be the peace [07965] of thy children [01121].
  King James And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Quoted by the Saviour (Joh 6:45), to prove that in order to come to Him, men must be "drawn" by the Father. So Jer 31:34; Mic 4:2; Co1 2:10; Heb 8:10; Heb 10:16; Jo1 2:20.

great . . . peace--generally (Psa 119:165). Specially referring to the peaceful prosperity which shall prevail under Messiah in the latter days (Isa 2:4, Isa 9:6).
6 For unto us a child [03206] is born [03205], unto us a son [01121] is given [05414]: and the government [04951] shall be upon his shoulder [07926]: and his name [08034] shall be called [07121] Wonderful [06382], Counsellor [03289], The mighty [01368] God [0410], The everlasting [05703] Father [01], The Prince [08269] of Peace [07965].
4 And he shall judge [08199] among the nations [01471], and shall rebuke [03198] many [07227] people [05971]: and they shall beat [03807] their swords [02719] into plowshares [0855], and their spears [02595] into pruninghooks [04211]: nation [01471] shall not lift up [05375] sword [02719] against nation [01471], neither shall they learn [03925] war [04421] any more.
165 Great [07227] peace [07965] have they which love [0157] thy law [08451]: and nothing shall offend [04383] them.
20 But [2532] ye [5210] have [2192] an unction [5545] from [575] the Holy One [40], and [2532] ye know [1492] all things [3956].
16 This [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with [4314] them [846] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962], I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1909] their [846] hearts [2588], and [2532] in [1909] their [846] minds [1271] will I write [1924] them [846];
10 For [3754] this [3778] is the covenant [1242] that [3739] I will make [1303] with the house [3624] of Israel [2474] after [3326] those [1565] days [2250], saith [3004] the Lord [2962]; I will put [1325] my [3450] laws [3551] into [1519] their [846] mind [1271], and [2532] write [1924] them [846] in [1909] their [846] hearts [2588]: and [2532] I will be [2071] to [1519] them [846] a God [2316], and [2532] they [846] shall be [2071] to [1519] me [3427] a people [2992]:
10 But [1161] God [2316] hath revealed [601] them unto us [2254] by [1223] his [846] Spirit [4151]: for [1063] the Spirit [4151] searcheth [2045] all things [3956], yea [2532], the deep things [899] of God [2316].
2 And many [07227] nations [01471] shall come [01980], and say [0559], Come [03212], and let us go up [05927] to the mountain [02022] of the LORD [03068], and to the house [01004] of the God [0430] of Jacob [03290]; and he will teach [03384] us of his ways [01870], and we will walk [03212] in his paths [0734]: for the law [08451] shall go forth [03318] of Zion [06726], and the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] from Jerusalem [03389].
34 And they shall teach [03925] no more every man [0376] his neighbour [07453], and every man [0376] his brother [0251], saying [0559], Know [03045] the LORD [03068]: for they shall all know [03045] me, from the least [06996] of them unto the greatest [01419] of them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: for I will forgive [05545] their iniquity [05771], and I will remember [02142] their sin [02403] no more.
45 It is [2076] written [1125] in [1722] the prophets [4396], And [2532] they shall be [2071] all [3956] taught [1318] of God [2316]. Every man [3956] therefore [3767] that hath heard [191], and [2532] hath learned [3129] of [3844] the Father [3962], cometh [2064] unto [4314] me [3165].
6 For unto us a child [03206] is born [03205], unto us a son [01121] is given [05414]: and the government [04951] shall be upon his shoulder [07926]: and his name [08034] shall be called [07121] Wonderful [06382], Counsellor [03289], The mighty [01368] God [0410], The everlasting [05703] Father [01], The Prince [08269] of Peace [07965].
4 And he shall judge [08199] among the nations [01471], and shall rebuke [03198] many [07227] people [05971]: and they shall beat [03807] their swords [02719] into plowshares [0855], and their spears [02595] into pruninghooks [04211]: nation [01471] shall not lift up [05375] sword [02719] against nation [01471], neither shall they learn [03925] war [04421] any more.
34 And they shall teach [03925] no more every man [0376] his neighbour [07453], and every man [0376] his brother [0251], saying [0559], Know [03045] the LORD [03068]: for they shall all know [03045] me, from the least [06996] of them unto the greatest [01419] of them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: for I will forgive [05545] their iniquity [05771], and I will remember [02142] their sin [02403] no more.
20 But [2532] ye [5210] have [2192] an unction [5545] from [575] the Holy One [40], and [2532] ye know [1492] all things [3956].
34 And they shall teach [03925] no more every man [0376] his neighbour [07453], and every man [0376] his brother [0251], saying [0559], Know [03045] the LORD [03068]: for they shall all know [03045] me, from the least [06996] of them unto the greatest [01419] of them, saith [05002] the LORD [03068]: for I will forgive [05545] their iniquity [05771], and I will remember [02142] their sin [02403] no more.
1 For, behold, in those days [03117], and in that time [06256], when I shall bring again [07725] [07725] the captivity [07622] of Judah [03063] and Jerusalem [03389],
2 I will also gather [06908] all nations [01471], and will bring them down [03381] into the valley [06010] of Jehoshaphat [03092], and will plead [08199] with them there for my people [05971] and for my heritage [05159] Israel [03478], whom they have scattered [06340] among the nations [01471], and parted [02505] my land [0776].
9 But [1161] as touching [4012] brotherly love [5360] ye need [2192] [5532] not [3756] that I write [1125] unto you [5213]: for [1063] ye [5210] yourselves [846] are [2075] taught of God [2312] to [1519] love [25] one another [240].
45 It is [2076] written [1125] in [1722] the prophets [4396], And [2532] they shall be [2071] all [3956] taught [1318] of God [2316]. Every man [3956] therefore [3767] that hath heard [191], and [2532] hath learned [3129] of [3844] the Father [3962], cometh [2064] unto [4314] me [3165].
4 The Lord [0136] GOD [03069] hath given [05414] me the tongue [03956] of the learned [03928], that I should know [03045] how to speak [05790] a word [01697] in season to him that is weary [03287]: he wakeneth [05782] morning [01242] by morning [01242], he wakeneth [05782] mine ear [0241] to hear [08085] as the learned [03928].