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Selected Verse: Isaiah 52:14 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 52:14 Strong Concordance As many [07227] were astonied [08074] at thee; his visage [04758] was so marred [04893] more than any man [0376], and his form [08389] more than the sons [01121] of men [0120]:
  King James As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Summary of Messiah's history, which is set forth more in detail in the fifty-third chapter. "Just as many were astonished (accompanied with aversion, Jer 18:16; Jer 19:8), &c.; his visage, &c.; so shall He sprinkle," &c.; Israel in this answers to its antitype Messiah, now "an astonishment and byword" (Deu 28:37), hereafter about to be a blessing and means of salvation to many nations (Isa 2:2-3; Mic 5:7).

thee; his--Such changes of persons are common in Hebrew poetry.

marred--Hebrew, "disfigurement"; abstract for concrete; not only disfigured, but disfigurement itself.

more than man--CASTALIO translates, "so that it was no longer that of a man" (compare Psa 22:6). The more perfect we may suppose the "body prepared" (Heb 10:5) for Him by God, the sadder by contrast was the "marring" of His visage and form.
5 Wherefore [1352] when he cometh [1525] into [1519] the world [2889], he saith [3004], Sacrifice [2378] and [2532] offering [4376] thou wouldest [2309] not [3756], but [1161] a body [4983] hast thou prepared [2675] me [3427]:
6 But I am a worm [08438], and no man [0376]; a reproach [02781] of men [0120], and despised [0959] of the people [05971].
7 And the remnant [07611] of Jacob [03290] shall be in the midst [07130] of many [07227] people [05971] as a dew [02919] from the LORD [03068], as the showers [07241] upon the grass [06212], that tarrieth [06960] not for man [0376], nor waiteth [03176] for the sons [01121] of men [0120].
2 And it shall come to pass in the last [0319] days [03117], that the mountain [02022] of the LORD'S [03068] house [01004] shall be established [03559] in the top [07218] of the mountains [02022], and shall be exalted [05375] above the hills [01389]; and all nations [01471] shall flow [05102] unto it.
3 And many [07227] people [05971] shall go [01980] and say [0559], Come [03212] ye, and let us go up [05927] to the mountain [02022] of the LORD [03068], to the house [01004] of the God [0430] of Jacob [03290]; and he will teach [03384] us of his ways [01870], and we will walk [03212] in his paths [0734]: for out of Zion [06726] shall go forth [03318] the law [08451], and the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] from Jerusalem [03389].
37 And thou shalt become an astonishment [08047], a proverb [04912], and a byword [08148], among all nations [05971] whither the LORD [03068] shall lead [05090] thee.
8 And I will make [07760] this city [05892] desolate [08047], and an hissing [08322]; every one that passeth [05674] thereby shall be astonished [08074] and hiss [08319] because of all the plagues [04347] thereof.
16 To make [07760] their land [0776] desolate [08047], and a perpetual [05769] hissing [08292] [08292]; every one that passeth [05674] thereby shall be astonished [08074], and wag [05110] his head [07218].
27 Then [5119] the soldiers [4757] of the governor [2232] took [3880] Jesus [2424] into [1519] the common hall [4232], and gathered [4863] unto [1909] him [846] the whole [3650] band [4686] of soldiers.
28 And [2532] they stripped [1562] him [846], and put on [4060] him [846] a scarlet [2847] robe [5511].
29 And [2532] when they had platted [4120] a crown [4735] of [1537] thorns [173], they put [2007] it upon [1909] his [846] head [2776], and [2532] a reed [2563] in [1909] his [846] right hand [1188]: and [2532] they bowed the knee [1120] before [1715] him [846], and mocked [1702] him [846], saying [3004], Hail [5463], King [935] of the Jews [2453]!
30 And [2532] they spit [1716] upon [1519] him [846], and took [2983] the reed [2563], and [2532] smote [5180] him [846] on [1519] the head [2776].
68 Saying [3004], Prophesy [4395] unto us [2254], thou Christ [5547], Who [5101] is he [2076] that smote [3817] thee [4571]?
67 Then [5119] did they spit [1716] in [1519] his [846] face [4383], and [2532] buffeted [2852] him [846]; and [1161] others smote him with the palms of their hands [4474],
7 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the Redeemer [01350] of Israel [03478], and his Holy One [06918], to him whom man [05315] despiseth [0960], to him whom the nation [01471] abhorreth [08581], to a servant [05650] of rulers [04910], Kings [04428] shall see [07200] and arise [06965], princes [08269] also shall worship [07812], because of the LORD [03068] that is faithful [0539], and the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], and he shall choose [0977] thee.
17 The LORD [03068] thy God [0430] in the midst [07130] of thee is mighty [01368]; he will save [03467], he will rejoice [07797] over thee with joy [08057]; he will rest [02790] in his love [0160], he will joy [01523] over thee with singing [07440].
9 And it shall be to me a name [08034] of joy [08342], a praise [08416] and an honour [08597] before all the nations [01471] of the earth [0776], which shall hear [08085] all the good [02896] that I do [06213] unto them: and they shall fear [06342] and tremble [07264] for all the goodness [02896] and for all the prosperity [07965] that I procure [06213] unto it.
6 He stood [05975], and measured [04128] the earth [0776]: he beheld [07200], and drove asunder [05425] the nations [01471]; and the everlasting [05703] mountains [02042] were scattered [06327], the perpetual [05769] hills [01389] did bow [07817]: his ways [01979] are everlasting [05769].
3 I have trodden [01869] the winepress [06333] alone; and of the people [05971] there was none [0376] with me: for I will tread [01869] them in mine anger [0639], and trample [07429] them in my fury [02534]; and their blood [05332] shall be sprinkled [05137] upon my garments [0899], and I will stain [01351] all my raiment [04403].
17 And the priest [03548] shall dip [02881] his finger [0676] in some of the blood [01818], and sprinkle [05137] it seven [07651] times [06471] before [06440] the LORD [03068], even before [06440] the vail [06532].
6 And the priest [03548] shall dip [02881] his finger [0676] in the blood [01818], and sprinkle [05137] of the blood [01818] seven [07651] times [06471] before [06440] the LORD [03068], before [06440] the vail [06532] of the sanctuary [06944].
1 Awake [05782], awake [05782]; put on [03847] thy strength [05797], O Zion [06726]; put on [03847] thy beautiful [08597] garments [0899], O Jerusalem [03389], the holy [06944] city [05892]: for henceforth there shall no more [03254] come [0935] into thee the uncircumcised [06189] and the unclean [02931].
8 He was taken [03947] from prison [06115] and from judgment [04941]: and who shall declare [07878] his generation [01755]? for he was cut off [01504] out of the land [0776] of the living [02416]: for the transgression [06588] of my people [05971] was he stricken [05061].
4 Surely [0403] he hath borne [05375] our griefs [02483], and carried [05445] our sorrows [04341]: yet we did esteem [02803] him stricken [05060], smitten [05221] of God [0430], and afflicted [06031].
18 And a clean [02889] person [0376] shall take [03947] hyssop [0231], and dip [02881] it in the water [04325], and sprinkle [05137] it upon the tent [0168], and upon all the vessels [03627], and upon the persons [05315] that were there, and upon him that touched [05060] a bone [06106], or one slain [02491], or one dead [04191], or a grave [06913]:
7 And he shall sprinkle [05137] upon him that is to be cleansed [02891] from the leprosy [06883] seven [07651] times [06471], and shall pronounce him clean [02891], and shall let the living [02416] bird [06833] loose [07971] into the open [06440] field [07704].
14 As many [07227] were astonied [08074] at thee; his visage [04758] was so marred [04893] more than any man [0376], and his form [08389] more than the sons [01121] of men [0120]:
15 So shall he sprinkle [05137] many [07227] nations [01471]; the kings [04428] shall shut [07092] their mouths [06310] at him: for that which had not been told [05608] them shall they see [07200]; and that which they had not heard [08085] shall they consider [0995].
6 I will send [07971] him against an hypocritical [02611] nation [01471], and against the people [05971] of my wrath [05678] will I give him a charge [06680], to take [07997] the spoil [07998], and to take [0962] the prey [0957], and to tread them down [07760] [04823] like the mire [02563] of the streets [02351].
14 But cursed [0779] be the deceiver [05230], which [03426] hath in his flock [05739] a male [02145], and voweth [05087], and sacrificeth [02076] unto the Lord [0136] a corrupt thing [07843]: for I am a great [01419] King [04428], saith [0559] the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], and my name [08034] is dreadful [03372] among the heathen [01471].
6 And wisdom [02451] and knowledge [01847] shall be the stability [0530] of thy times [06256], and strength [02633] of salvation [03444]: the fear [03374] of the LORD [03068] is his treasure [0214].
16 Then all the princes [05387] of the sea [03220] shall come down [03381] from their thrones [03678], and lay away [05493] their robes [04598], and put off [06584] their broidered [07553] garments [0899]: they shall clothe [03847] themselves with trembling [02731]; they shall sit [03427] upon the ground [0776], and shall tremble [02729] at every moment [07281], and be astonished [08074] at thee.
32 And I will bring [08074] the land [0776] into desolation [08074]: and your enemies [0341] which dwell [03427] therein shall be astonished [08074] at it.
15 So shall he sprinkle [05137] many [07227] nations [01471]; the kings [04428] shall shut [07092] their mouths [06310] at him: for that which had not been told [05608] them shall they see [07200]; and that which they had not heard [08085] shall they consider [0995].
15 So shall he sprinkle [05137] many [07227] nations [01471]; the kings [04428] shall shut [07092] their mouths [06310] at him: for that which had not been told [05608] them shall they see [07200]; and that which they had not heard [08085] shall they consider [0995].
14 As many [07227] were astonied [08074] at thee; his visage [04758] was so marred [04893] more than any man [0376], and his form [08389] more than the sons [01121] of men [0120]:
29 For they shall be ashamed [0954] of the oaks [0352] which ye have desired [02530], and ye shall be confounded [02659] for the gardens [01593] that ye have chosen [0977].
20 Seeing [07200] [07200] many things [07227], but thou observest [08104] not; opening [06491] the ears [0241], but he heareth [08085] not.
7 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the Redeemer [01350] of Israel [03478], and his Holy One [06918], to him whom man [05315] despiseth [0960], to him whom the nation [01471] abhorreth [08581], to a servant [05650] of rulers [04910], Kings [04428] shall see [07200] and arise [06965], princes [08269] also shall worship [07812], because of the LORD [03068] that is faithful [0539], and the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], and he shall choose [0977] thee.
8 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], In an acceptable [07522] time [06256] have I heard [06030] thee, and in a day [03117] of salvation [03444] have I helped [05826] thee: and I will preserve [05341] thee, and give [05414] thee for a covenant [01285] of the people [05971], to establish [06965] the earth [0776], to cause to inherit [05157] the desolate [08074] heritages [05159];
57 Then [3767] said [2036] the Jews [2453] unto [4314] him [846], Thou art [2192] not yet [3768] fifty [4004] years old [2094], and [2532] hast thou seen [3708] Abraham [11]?