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Selected Verse: Isaiah 5:26 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 5:26 Strong Concordance And he will lift up [05375] an ensign [05251] to the nations [01471] from far [07350], and will hiss [08319] unto them from the end [07097] of the earth [0776]: and, behold, they shall come [0935] with speed [04120] swiftly [07031]:
  King James And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
lift . . . ensign--to call together the hostile nations to execute His judgments on Judea (Isa 10:5-7; Isa 45:1). But for mercy to it, in Isa 11:12; Isa 18:3.

hiss-- (Isa 7:18). Bees were drawn out of their hives by the sound of a flute, or hissing, or whistling (Zac 10:8). God will collect the nations round Judea like bees (Deu 1:44; Psa 118:12).

end of the earth--the widely distant subject races of which the Assyrian army was made up (Isa 22:6). The ulterior fulfilment took place in the siege under Roman Titus. Compare "end of the earth" (Deu 28:49, &c.). So the pronoun is singular in the Hebrew, for "them," "their," "whose" (him, his, &c.), Isa 5:26-29; referring to some particular nation and person [HORSLEY].
26 And he will lift up [05375] an ensign [05251] to the nations [01471] from far [07350], and will hiss [08319] unto them from the end [07097] of the earth [0776]: and, behold, they shall come [0935] with speed [04120] swiftly [07031]:
27 None shall be weary [05889] nor stumble [03782] among them; none shall slumber [05123] nor sleep [03462]; neither shall the girdle [0232] of their loins [02504] be loosed [06605], nor the latchet [08288] of their shoes [05275] be broken [05423]:
28 Whose arrows [02671] are sharp [08150], and all their bows [07198] bent [01869], their horses [05483]' hoofs [06541] shall be counted [02803] like flint [06862], and their wheels [01534] like a whirlwind [05492]:
29 Their roaring [07581] shall be like a lion [03833], they shall roar [07580] [07580] like young lions [03715]: yea, they shall roar [05098], and lay hold [0270] of the prey [02964], and shall carry it away safe [06403], and none shall deliver [05337] it.
49 The LORD [03068] shall bring [05375] a nation [01471] against thee from far [07350], from the end [07097] of the earth [0776], as swift as the eagle [05404] flieth [01675]; a nation [01471] whose tongue [03956] thou shalt not understand [08085];
6 And Elam [05867] bare [05375] the quiver [0827] with chariots [07393] of men [0120] and horsemen [06571], and Kir [07024] uncovered [06168] the shield [04043].
12 They compassed me about [05437] like bees [01682]; they are quenched [01846] as the fire [0784] of thorns [06975]: for in the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] I will destroy [04135] them.
44 And the Amorites [0567], which dwelt [03427] in that mountain [02022], came out [03318] against [07125] you, and chased [07291] you, as bees [01682] do [06213], and destroyed [03807] you in Seir [08165], even unto Hormah [02767].
8 I will hiss [08319] for them, and gather [06908] them; for I have redeemed [06299] them: and they shall increase [07235] as they have increased [07235].
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the LORD [03068] shall hiss [08319] for the fly [02070] that is in the uttermost part [07097] of the rivers [02975] of Egypt [04714], and for the bee [01682] that is in the land [0776] of Assyria [0804].
3 All ye inhabitants [03427] of the world [08398], and dwellers [07931] on the earth [0776], see [07200] ye, when he lifteth up [05375] an ensign [05251] on the mountains [02022]; and when he bloweth [08628] a trumpet [07782], hear [08085] ye.
12 And he shall set up [05375] an ensign [05251] for the nations [01471], and shall assemble [0622] the outcasts [01760] of Israel [03478], and gather together [06908] the dispersed [05310] of Judah [03063] from the four [0702] corners [03671] of the earth [0776].
1 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] to his anointed [04899], to Cyrus [03566], whose right hand [03225] I have holden [02388], to subdue [07286] nations [01471] before [06440] him; and I will loose [06605] the loins [04975] of kings [04428], to open [06605] before [06440] him the two leaved gates [01817]; and the gates [08179] shall not be shut [05462];
5 O [01945] Assyrian [0804], the rod [07626] of mine anger [0639], and the staff [04294] in their hand [03027] is mine indignation [02195].
6 I will send [07971] him against an hypocritical [02611] nation [01471], and against the people [05971] of my wrath [05678] will I give him a charge [06680], to take [07997] the spoil [07998], and to take [0962] the prey [0957], and to tread them down [07760] [04823] like the mire [02563] of the streets [02351].
7 Howbeit he meaneth [01819] not so, neither doth his heart [03824] think [02803] so; but it is in his heart [03824] to destroy [08045] and cut off [03772] nations [01471] not a few [04592].
49 The LORD [03068] shall bring [05375] a nation [01471] against thee from far [07350], from the end [07097] of the earth [0776], as swift as the eagle [05404] flieth [01675]; a nation [01471] whose tongue [03956] thou shalt not understand [08085];
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the LORD [03068] shall hiss [08319] for the fly [02070] that is in the uttermost part [07097] of the rivers [02975] of Egypt [04714], and for the bee [01682] that is in the land [0776] of Assyria [0804].
8 I will hiss [08319] for them, and gather [06908] them; for I have redeemed [06299] them: and they shall increase [07235] as they have increased [07235].
18 Behold, I and the children [03206] whom the LORD [03068] hath given [05414] me are for signs [0226] and for wonders [04159] in Israel [03478] from the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], which dwelleth [07931] in mount [02022] Zion [06726].
18 Behold, I and the children [03206] whom the LORD [03068] hath given [05414] me are for signs [0226] and for wonders [04159] in Israel [03478] from the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635], which dwelleth [07931] in mount [02022] Zion [06726].
11 Therefore the LORD [03068] shall set up [07682] the adversaries [06862] of Rezin [07526] against him, and join [05526] his enemies [0341] together [05526];
5 O [01945] Assyrian [0804], the rod [07626] of mine anger [0639], and the staff [04294] in their hand [03027] is mine indignation [02195].
6 I will send [07971] him against an hypocritical [02611] nation [01471], and against the people [05971] of my wrath [05678] will I give him a charge [06680], to take [07997] the spoil [07998], and to take [0962] the prey [0957], and to tread them down [07760] [04823] like the mire [02563] of the streets [02351].
7 Howbeit he meaneth [01819] not so, neither doth his heart [03824] think [02803] so; but it is in his heart [03824] to destroy [08045] and cut off [03772] nations [01471] not a few [04592].
1 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068] to his anointed [04899], to Cyrus [03566], whose right hand [03225] I have holden [02388], to subdue [07286] nations [01471] before [06440] him; and I will loose [06605] the loins [04975] of kings [04428], to open [06605] before [06440] him the two leaved gates [01817]; and the gates [08179] shall not be shut [05462];
2 I will go [03212] before [06440] thee, and make [03474] the crooked places [01921] straight [03474] [03474]: I will break in pieces [07665] the gates [01817] of brass [05154], and cut in sunder [01438] the bars [01280] of iron [01270]:
3 And I will give [05414] thee the treasures [0214] of darkness [02822], and hidden riches [04301] of secret places [04565], that thou mayest know [03045] that I, the LORD [03068], which call [07121] thee by thy name [08034], am the God [0430] of Israel [03478].
4 For Jacob [03290] my servant's [05650] sake, and Israel [03478] mine elect [0972], I have even called [07121] thee by thy name [08034]: I have surnamed [03655] thee, though thou hast not known [03045] me.
5 I am the LORD [03068], and there is none else, there is no God [0430] beside [02108] me: I girded [0247] thee, though thou hast not known [03045] me:
6 That they may know [03045] from the rising [04217] of the sun [08121], and from the west [04628], that there is none [0657] beside [01107] me. I am the LORD [03068], and there is none else.
7 I form [03335] the light [0216], and create [01254] darkness [02822]: I make [06213] peace [07965], and create [01254] evil [07451]: I the LORD [03068] do [06213] all these things.
28 That saith [0559] of Cyrus [03566], He is my shepherd [07462], and shall perform [07999] all my pleasure [02656]: even saying [0559] to Jerusalem [03389], Thou shalt be built [01129]; and to the temple [01964], Thy foundation shall be laid [03245].
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the LORD [03068] shall hiss [08319] for the fly [02070] that is in the uttermost part [07097] of the rivers [02975] of Egypt [04714], and for the bee [01682] that is in the land [0776] of Assyria [0804].
10 And I will cut off [03772] the chariot [07393] from Ephraim [0669], and the horse [05483] from Jerusalem [03389], and the battle [04421] bow [07198] shall be cut off [03772]: and he shall speak [01696] peace [07965] unto the heathen [01471]: and his dominion [04915] shall be from sea [03220] even to sea [03220], and from the river [05104] even to the ends [0657] of the earth [0776].
8 He shall have dominion [07287] also from sea [03220] to sea [03220], and from the river [05104] unto the ends [0657] of the earth [0776].
3 Then came [0935] Isaiah [03470] the prophet [05030] unto king [04428] Hezekiah [02396], and said [0559] unto him, What said [0559] these men [0582]? and from whence [0370] came [0935] they unto thee? And Hezekiah [02396] said [0559], They are come [0935] from a far [07350] country [0776] unto me, even from Babylon [0894].
2 Lift ye up [05375] a banner [05251] upon the high [08192] mountain [02022], exalt [07311] the voice [06963] unto them, shake [05130] the hand [03027], that they may go [0935] into the gates [06607] of the nobles [05081].
23 Thy tacklings [02256] are loosed [05203]; they could not well [03653] strengthen [02388] their mast [08650], they could not spread [06566] the sail [05251]: then is the prey [05706] of a great [04766] spoil [07998] divided [02505]; the lame [06455] take [0962] the prey [0957].
23 Am I a God [0430] at hand [07138], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and not a God [0430] afar off [07350]?
1 Listen [08085], O isles [0339], unto me; and hearken [07181], ye people [03816], from far [07350]; The LORD [03068] hath called [07121] me from the womb [0990]; from the bowels [04578] of my mother [0517] hath he made mention [02142] of my name [08034].
21 They have moved me to jealousy [07065] with that which is not [03808] God [0410]; they have provoked me to anger [03707] with their vanities [01892]: and I will move them to jealousy [07065] with those which are not a people [05971]; I will provoke them to anger [03707] with a foolish [05036] nation [01471].
49 The LORD [03068] shall bring [05375] a nation [01471] against thee from far [07350], from the end [07097] of the earth [0776], as swift as the eagle [05404] flieth [01675]; a nation [01471] whose tongue [03956] thou shalt not understand [08085];
3 Then came [0935] Isaiah [03470] the prophet [05030] unto king [04428] Hezekiah [02396], and said [0559] unto him, What said [0559] these men [0582]? and from whence [0370] came [0935] they unto thee? And Hezekiah [02396] said [0559], They are come [0935] from a far [07350] country [0776] unto me, even from Babylon [0894].
19 That say [0559], Let him make speed [04116], and hasten [02363] his work [04639], that we may see [07200] it: and let the counsel [06098] of the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478] draw nigh [07126] and come [0935], that we may know [03045] it!
28 And I will send [07971] hornets [06880] before [06440] thee, which shall drive out [01644] the Hivite [02340], the Canaanite [03669], and the Hittite [02850], from before [06440] thee.
25 And I will restore [07999] to you the years [08141] that the locust [0697] hath eaten [0398], the cankerworm [03218], and the caterpiller [02625], and the palmerworm [01501], my great [01419] army [02428] which I sent [07971] among you.
12 They compassed me about [05437] like bees [01682]; they are quenched [01846] as the fire [0784] of thorns [06975]: for in the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] I will destroy [04135] them.
44 And the Amorites [0567], which dwelt [03427] in that mountain [02022], came out [03318] against [07125] you, and chased [07291] you, as bees [01682] do [06213], and destroyed [03807] you in Seir [08165], even unto Hormah [02767].
18 And it shall come to pass in that day [03117], that the LORD [03068] shall hiss [08319] for the fly [02070] that is in the uttermost part [07097] of the rivers [02975] of Egypt [04714], and for the bee [01682] that is in the land [0776] of Assyria [0804].