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Selected Verse: Isaiah 49:12 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 49:12 Strong Concordance Behold, these shall come [0935] from far [07350]: and, lo, these from the north [06828] and from the west [03220]; and these from the land [0776] of Sinim [05515].
  King James Behold, these shall come from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the land of Sinim.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Sinim--The Arabians and other Asiatics called China Sin, or Tchin; the Chinese had no special name for themselves, but either adopted that of the reigning dynasty or some high-sounding titles. This view of "Sinim" suits the context which requires a people to be meant "from far," and distinct from those "from the north and from the west" [GESENIUS].
15 And I will pour [08210] my fury [02534] upon Sin [05512], the strength [04581] of Egypt [04714]; and I will cut off [03772] the multitude [01995] of No [04996].
6 And he said [0559], It is a light thing [07043] that thou shouldest be my servant [05650] to raise up [06965] the tribes [07626] of Jacob [03290], and to restore [07725] the preserved [05341] [05336] of Israel [03478]: I will also give [05414] thee for a light [0216] to the Gentiles [01471], that thou mayest be my salvation [03444] unto the end [07097] of the earth [0776].
7 Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the Redeemer [01350] of Israel [03478], and his Holy One [06918], to him whom man [05315] despiseth [0960], to him whom the nation [01471] abhorreth [08581], to a servant [05650] of rulers [04910], Kings [04428] shall see [07200] and arise [06965], princes [08269] also shall worship [07812], because of the LORD [03068] that is faithful [0539], and the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], and he shall choose [0977] thee.
17 And the Hivite [02340], and the Arkite [06208], and the Sinite [05513],