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Selected Verse: Isaiah 42:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 42:9 Strong Concordance Behold, the former things [07223] are come to pass [0935], and new things [02319] do I declare [05046]: before they spring forth [06779] I tell [08085] you of them.
  King James Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
former things--Former predictions of God, which were now fulfilled, are here adduced as proof that they ought to trust in Him alone as God; namely, the predictions as to Israel's restoration from Babylon.

new--namely, predictions as to Messiah, who is to bring all nations to the worship of Jehovah (Isa 42:1, Isa 42:4, Isa 42:6).

spring forth--The same image from plants just beginning to germinate occurs in Isa 43:19; Isa 58:8. Before there is the slightest indication to enable a sagacious observer to infer the coming event, God foretells it.
8 Then shall thy light [0216] break forth [01234] as the morning [07837], and thine health [0724] shall spring forth [06779] speedily [04120]: and thy righteousness [06664] shall go [01980] before [06440] thee; the glory [03519] of the LORD [03068] shall be thy rereward [0622].
19 Behold, I will do [06213] a new thing [02319]; now it shall spring forth [06779]; shall ye not know [03045] it? I will even make [07760] a way [01870] in the wilderness [04057], and rivers [05104] in the desert [03452].
6 I the LORD [03068] have called [07121] thee in righteousness [06664], and will hold [02388] thine hand [03027], and will keep [05341] thee, and give [05414] thee for a covenant [01285] of the people [05971], for a light [0216] of the Gentiles [01471];
4 He shall not fail [03543] nor be discouraged [07533], till he have set [07760] judgment [04941] in the earth [0776]: and the isles [0339] shall wait [03176] for his law [08451].
1 Behold my servant [05650], whom I uphold [08551]; mine elect [0972], in whom my soul [05315] delighteth [07521]; I have put [05414] my spirit [07307] upon him: he shall bring forth [03318] judgment [04941] to the Gentiles [01471].
16 Come [07126] ye near [07126] unto me, hear [08085] ye this; I have not spoken [01696] in secret [05643] from the beginning [07218]; from the time [06256] that it was, there am I: and now the Lord [0136] GOD [03069], and his Spirit [07307], hath sent [07971] me.
5 I have even from the beginning [0227] declared [05046] it to thee; before it came to pass [0935] I shewed [08085] it thee: lest thou shouldest say [0559], Mine idol [06090] hath done [06213] them, and my graven image [06459], and my molten image [05262], hath commanded [06680] them.
3 I have declared [05046] the former things [07223] from the beginning [0227]; and they went forth [03318] out of my mouth [06310], and I shewed [08085] them; I did [06213] them suddenly [06597], and they came to pass [0935].
7 And who, as I, shall call [07121], and shall declare [05046] it, and set it in order [06186] for me, since I appointed [07760] the ancient [05769] people [05971]? and the things that are coming [0857], and shall come [0935], let them shew [05046] unto them.
8 Bring forth [03318] the blind [05787] people [05971] that have [03426] eyes [05869], and the deaf [02795] that have ears [0241].
9 Let all the nations [01471] be gathered [06908] together [03162], and let the people [03816] be assembled [0622]: who among them can declare [05046] this, and shew [08085] us former things [07223]? let them bring forth [05414] their witnesses [05707], that they may be justified [06663]: or let them hear [08085], and say [0559], It is truth [0571].
10 Ye are my witnesses [05707], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], and my servant [05650] whom I have chosen [0977]: that ye may know [03045] and believe [0539] me, and understand [0995] that I am he: before [06440] me there was no God [0410] formed [03335], neither shall there be after [0310] me.
11 I, even I, am the LORD [03068]; and beside [01107] me there is no saviour [03467].
12 I have declared [05046], and have saved [03467], and I have shewed [08085], when there was no strange [02114] god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses [05707], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], that I am God [0410].
21 Produce [07126] your cause [07379], saith [0559] the LORD [03068]; bring forth [05066] your strong [06110] reasons, saith [0559] the King [04428] of Jacob [03290].
22 Let them bring them forth [05066], and shew [05046] us what shall happen [07136]: let them shew [05046] the former things [07223], what they be, that we may consider [07760] [03820] them, and know [03045] the latter end [0319] of them; or declare [08085] us things for to come [0935].
23 Shew [05046] the things that are to come [0857] hereafter [0268], that we may know [03045] that ye are gods [0430]: yea, do good [03190], or do evil [07489], that we may be dismayed [08159], and behold [07200] it together [03162].
19 Behold, I will do [06213] a new thing [02319]; now it shall spring forth [06779]; shall ye not know [03045] it? I will even make [07760] a way [01870] in the wilderness [04057], and rivers [05104] in the desert [03452].