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Selected Verse: Isaiah 38:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 38:2 Strong Concordance Then Hezekiah [02396] turned [05437] his face [06440] toward the wall [07023], and prayed [06419] unto the LORD [03068],
  King James Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the LORD,

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
The couches in the East run along the walls of houses. He turned away from the spectators to hide his emotion and collect his thoughts for prayer.
10 Now when Daniel [01841] knew [03046] that the writing [03792] was signed [07560], he went [05954] into his house [01005]; and his windows [03551] being open [06606] in his chamber [05952] toward [05049] Jerusalem [03390], he kneeled [01289] upon [05922] his knees [01291] three [08532] times [02166] a day [03118], and prayed [06739], and gave thanks [03029] before [06925] his God [0426], as [06903] [03606] he did [01934] [05648] aforetime [04481] [01836] [06928].
8 And Hezekiah [02396] said [0559] unto Isaiah [03470], What shall be the sign [0226] that the LORD [03068] will heal [07495] me, and that I shall go up [05927] into the house [01004] of the LORD [03068] the third [07992] day [03117]?
7 And Isaiah [03470] said [0559], Take [03947] a lump [01690] of figs [08384]. And they took [03947] and laid [07760] it on the boil [07822], and he recovered [02421].
6 And I will deliver [05337] thee and this city [05892] out of the hand [03709] of the king [04428] of Assyria [0804]: and I will defend [01598] this city [05892].
5 Turn again [07725], and tell [0559] Hezekiah [02396] the captain [05057] of my people [05971], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of David [01732] thy father [01], I have heard [08085] thy prayer [08605], I have seen [07200] thy tears [01832]: behold, I will heal [07495] thee: on the third [07992] day [03117] thou shalt go up [05927] unto the house [01004] of the LORD [03068].
4 And it came to pass, afore Isaiah [03470] was gone out [03318] into the middle [08484] court [02691] [05892], that the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] came to him, saying [0559],
7 And this shall be a sign [0226] unto thee from the LORD [03068], that the LORD [03068] will do [06213] this thing [01697] that he hath spoken [01696];
5 Go [01980], and say [0559] to Hezekiah [02396], Thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], the God [0430] of David [01732] thy father [01], I have heard [08085] thy prayer [08605], I have seen [07200] thy tears [01832]: behold, I will add [03254] unto thy days [03117] fifteen [02568] [06240] years [08141].
4 Then came the word [01697] of the LORD [03068] to Isaiah [03470], saying [0559],
3 And said [0559], Remember [02142] now, O LORD [03068], I beseech [0577] thee, how I have walked [01980] before [06440] thee in truth [0571] and with a perfect [08003] heart [03820], and have done [06213] that which is good [02896] in thy sight [05869]. And Hezekiah [02396] wept [01058] [01065] sore [01419].