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Selected Verse: Isaiah 33:24 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 33:24 Strong Concordance And the inhabitant [07934] shall not say [0559], I am sick [02470]: the people [05971] that dwell [03427] therein shall be forgiven [05375] their iniquity [05771].
  King James And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
sick--SMITH thinks the allusion is to the beginning of the pestilence by which the Assyrians were destroyed, and which, while sparing the righteous, affected some within the city ("sinners in Zion"); it may have been the sickness that visited Hezekiah (Isa. 38:1-22). In the Jerusalem to come there shall be no "sickness," because there will be no "iniquity," it being forgiven (Psa 103:3). The latter clause of the verse contains the cause of the former (Mar 2:5-9).

The thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth chapters form one prophecy, the former part of which denounces God's judgment against His people's enemies, of whom Edom is the representative; the second part, of the flourishing state of the Church consequent on those judgments. This forms the termination of the prophecies of the first part of Isaiah (the thirty-sixth through thirty-ninth chapters being historical) and is a kind of summary of what went before, setting forth the one main truth, Israel shall be delivered from all its foes, and happier times shall succeed under Messiah.
5 When [1161] Jesus [2424] saw [1492] their [846] faith [4102], he said [3004] unto the sick of the palsy [3885], Son [5043], thy [4675] sins [266] be forgiven [863] thee [4671].
6 But [1161] there were [2258] certain [5100] of the scribes [1122] sitting [2521] there [1563], and [2532] reasoning [1260] in [1722] their [846] hearts [2588],
7 Why [5101] doth [2980] this [3778] man thus [3779] speak [2980] blasphemies [988]? who [5101] can [1410] forgive [863] sins [266] but [1508] God [2316] only [1520]?
8 And [2532] immediately [2112] when Jesus [2424] perceived [1921] in his [846] spirit [4151] that [3754] they so [3779] reasoned [1260] within [1722] themselves [1438], he said [2036] unto them [846], Why [5101] reason ye [1260] these things [5023] in [1722] your [5216] hearts [2588]?
9 Whether [5101] is it [2076] easier [2123] to say [2036] to the sick of the palsy [3885], Thy sins [266] be forgiven [863] thee [4671]; or [2228] to say [2036], Arise [1453], and [2532] take up [142] thy [4675] bed [2895], and [2532] walk [4043]?
3 Who forgiveth [05545] all thine iniquities [05771]; who healeth [07495] all thy diseases [08463];
9 Whether [5101] is it [2076] easier [2123] to say [2036] to the sick of the palsy [3885], Thy sins [266] be forgiven [863] thee [4671]; or [2228] to say [2036], Arise [1453], and [2532] take up [142] thy [4675] bed [2895], and [2532] walk [4043]?
5 When [1161] Jesus [2424] saw [1492] their [846] faith [4102], he said [3004] unto the sick of the palsy [3885], Son [5043], thy [4675] sins [266] be forgiven [863] thee [4671].
27 And Hezekiah [03169] had exceeding [03966] much [07235] riches [06239] and honour [03519]: and he made [06213] himself treasuries [0214] for silver [03701], and for gold [02091], and for precious [03368] stones [068], and for spices [01314], and for shields [04043], and for all manner of pleasant [02532] jewels [03627];
17 That it might [3704] be fulfilled [4137] which was spoken [4483] by [1223] Esaias [2268] the prophet [4396], saying [3004], Himself [846] took [2983] our [2257] infirmities [769], and [2532] bare [941] our sicknesses [3554].
24 Who [3739] his own self [846] bare [399] our [2257] sins [266] in [1722] his own [846] body [4983] on [1909] the tree [3586], that [2443] we [2198], being dead [581] to sins [266], should live [2198] unto righteousness [1343]: by [3739] whose [846] stripes [3468] ye were healed [2390].
24 Who [3739] his own self [846] bare [399] our [2257] sins [266] in [1722] his own [846] body [4983] on [1909] the tree [3586], that [2443] we [2198], being dead [581] to sins [266], should live [2198] unto righteousness [1343]: by [3739] whose [846] stripes [3468] ye were healed [2390].
4 Surely [0403] he hath borne [05375] our griefs [02483], and carried [05445] our sorrows [04341]: yet we did esteem [02803] him stricken [05060], smitten [05221] of God [0430], and afflicted [06031].
17 That it might [3704] be fulfilled [4137] which was spoken [4483] by [1223] Esaias [2268] the prophet [4396], saying [3004], Himself [846] took [2983] our [2257] infirmities [769], and [2532] bare [941] our sicknesses [3554].
9 Whether [5101] is it [2076] easier [2123] to say [2036] to the sick of the palsy [3885], Thy sins [266] be forgiven [863] thee [4671]; or [2228] to say [2036], Arise [1453], and [2532] take up [142] thy [4675] bed [2895], and [2532] walk [4043]?
3 Who forgiveth [05545] all thine iniquities [05771]; who healeth [07495] all thy diseases [08463];