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Selected Verse: Isaiah 3:7 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 3:7 Strong Concordance In that day [03117] shall he swear [05375], saying [0559], I will not be an healer [02280]; for in my house [01004] is neither bread [03899] nor clothing [08071]: make [07760] me not a ruler [07101] of the people [05971].
  King James In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be an healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
swear--literally, "lift up," namely, his hand; the gesture used in solemn attestation. Or, his voice, that is, answer; so Vulgate.

healer--of the body politic, incurably diseased (Isa 1:6).

neither . . . clothing--so as to relieve the people and maintain a ruler's dignity. A nation's state must be bad indeed, when none among men, naturally ambitious, is willing to accept office.
6 From the sole [03709] of the foot [07272] even unto the head [07218] there is no soundness [04974] in it; but wounds [06482], and bruises [02250], and putrifying [02961] sores [04347]: they have not been closed [02115], neither bound up [02280], neither mollified [07401] with ointment [08081].
6 From the sole [03709] of the foot [07272] even unto the head [07218] there is no soundness [04974] in it; but wounds [06482], and bruises [02250], and putrifying [02961] sores [04347]: they have not been closed [02115], neither bound up [02280], neither mollified [07401] with ointment [08081].
1 And all the congregation [05712] lifted up [05375] their voice [06963], and cried [05414]; and the people [05971] wept [01058] that night [03915].
18 Now that which was prepared [06213] for me daily [03117] was one [0259] ox [07794] and six [08337] choice [01305] sheep [06629]; also fowls [06833] were prepared [06213] for me, and once in ten [06235] days [03117] store [07235] of all sorts of wine [03196]: yet for all [05973] this required [01245] not I the bread [03899] of the governor [06346], because the bondage [05656] was heavy [03513] upon this people [05971].
17 Moreover there were at my table [07979] an hundred [03967] and fifty [02572] [0376] of the Jews [03064] and rulers [05461], beside those that came [0935] unto us from among the heathen [01471] that are about us [05439].
23 Ten [06235] fat [01277] oxen [01241], and twenty [06242] oxen [01241] out of the pastures [07471], and an hundred [03967] sheep [06629], beside harts [0354], and roebucks [06643], and fallowdeer [03180], and fatted [075] fowl [01257].
22 And Solomon's [08010] provision [03899] for one [0259] day [03117] was thirty [07970] measures [03734] of fine flour [05560], and threescore [08346] measures [03734] of meal [07058],