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Selected Verse: Isaiah 29:2 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 29:2 Strong Concordance Yet I will distress [06693] Ariel [0740], and there shall be heaviness [08386] and sorrow [0592]: and it shall be unto me as Ariel [0740].
  King James Yet I will distress Ariel, and there shall be heaviness and sorrow: and it shall be unto me as Ariel.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Yet--rather, "Then."

heaviness . . . sorrow--rather, preserving the Hebrew paronomasia, "groaning" and "moaning."

as Ariel--either, "the city shall be as a lion of God," that is, it shall emerge from its dangers unvanquished; or "it shall be as the altar of burnt offering," consuming with fire the besiegers (Isa 29:6; Isa 30:30; Isa 31:9; Lev 10:2); or best, as Isa 29:3 continues the threat, and the promise of deliverance does not come till Isa 29:4, "it shall be like a hearth of burning," that is, a scene of devastation by fire [G. V. SMITH]. The prophecy, probably, contemplates ultimately, besides the affliction and deliverance in Sennacherib's time, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome, the dispersion of the Jews, their restoration, the destruction of the enemies that besiege the city (Zac 14:2), and the final glory of Israel (Isa 29:17-24).
17 Is it not yet a very [04213] little while [04592], and Lebanon [03844] shall be turned [07725] into a fruitful field [03759], and the fruitful field [03759] shall be esteemed [02803] as a forest [03293]?
18 And in that day [03117] shall the deaf [02795] hear [08085] the words [01697] of the book [05612], and the eyes [05869] of the blind [05787] shall see [07200] out of obscurity [0652], and out of darkness [02822].
19 The meek [06035] also shall increase [03254] their joy [08057] in the LORD [03068], and the poor [034] among men [0120] shall rejoice [01523] in the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478].
20 For the terrible one [06184] is brought to nought [0656], and the scorner [03887] is consumed [03615], and all that watch [08245] for iniquity [0205] are cut off [03772]:
21 That make a man [0120] an offender [02398] for a word [01697], and lay a snare [06983] for him that reproveth [03198] in the gate [08179], and turn aside [05186] the just [06662] for a thing of nought [08414].
22 Therefore thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], who redeemed [06299] Abraham [085], concerning the house [01004] of Jacob [03290], Jacob [03290] shall not now be ashamed [0954], neither shall his face [06440] now wax pale [02357].
23 But when he seeth [07200] his children [03206], the work [04639] of mine hands [03027], in the midst [07130] of him, they shall sanctify [06942] my name [08034], and sanctify [06942] the Holy One [06918] of Jacob [03290], and shall fear [06206] the God [0430] of Israel [03478].
24 They also that erred [08582] in spirit [07307] shall come [03045] to understanding [0998], and they that murmured [07279] shall learn [03925] doctrine [03948].
2 For I will gather [0622] all nations [01471] against Jerusalem [03389] to battle [04421]; and the city [05892] shall be taken [03920], and the houses [01004] rifled [08155], and the women [0802] ravished [07901] [07693]; and half [02677] of the city [05892] shall go forth [03318] into captivity [01473], and the residue [03499] of the people [05971] shall not be cut off [03772] from the city [05892].
4 And thou shalt be brought down [08213], and shalt speak [01696] out of the ground [0776], and thy speech [0565] shall be low [07817] out of the dust [06083], and thy voice [06963] shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit [0178], out of the ground [0776], and thy speech [0565] shall whisper [06850] out of the dust [06083].
3 And I will camp [02583] against thee round about [01754], and will lay siege [06696] against thee with a mount [04674], and I will raise [06965] forts [04694] against thee.
2 And there went out [03318] fire [0784] from the LORD [03068], and devoured [0398] them, and they died [04191] before [06440] the LORD [03068].
9 And he shall pass over [05674] to his strong hold [05553] for fear [04032], and his princes [08269] shall be afraid [02865] of the ensign [05251], saith [05002] the LORD [03068], whose fire [0217] is in Zion [06726], and his furnace [08574] in Jerusalem [03389].
30 And the LORD [03068] shall cause his glorious [01935] voice [06963] to be heard [08085], and shall shew [07200] the lighting down [05183] of his arm [02220], with the indignation [02197] of his anger [0639], and with the flame [03851] of a devouring [0398] fire [0784], with scattering [05311], and tempest [02230], and hailstones [068] [01259].
6 Thou shalt be visited [06485] of the LORD [03068] of hosts [06635] with thunder [07482], and with earthquake [07494], and great [01419] noise [06963], with storm [05492] and tempest [05591], and the flame [03851] of devouring [0398] fire [0784].
9 That this is a rebellious [04805] people [05971], lying [03586] children [01121], children [01121] that will [014] not hear [08085] the law [08451] of the LORD [03068]:
1 Woe [01945] to Ariel [0740], to Ariel [0740], the city [07151] where David [01732] dwelt [02583] ! add [05595] ye year [08141] to year [08141]; let them kill [05362] sacrifices [02282].
7 And the multitude [01995] of all the nations [01471] that fight [06633] against Ariel [0740], even all that fight [06638] against her and her munition [04685], and that distress [06693] her, shall be as a dream [02472] of a night [03915] vision [02377].
8 It shall even be as when an hungry [07457] man dreameth [02492], and, behold, he eateth [0398]; but he awaketh [06974], and his soul [05315] is empty [07386]: or as when [0834] a thirsty man [06771] dreameth [02492], and, behold, he drinketh [08354]; but he awaketh [06974], and, behold, he is faint [05889], and his soul [05315] hath appetite [08264]: so shall the multitude [01995] of all the nations [01471] be, that fight [06633] against mount [02022] Zion [06726].
3 And I will camp [02583] against thee round about [01754], and will lay siege [06696] against thee with a mount [04674], and I will raise [06965] forts [04694] against thee.
1 Woe [01945] to Ariel [0740], to Ariel [0740], the city [07151] where David [01732] dwelt [02583] ! add [05595] ye year [08141] to year [08141]; let them kill [05362] sacrifices [02282].