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Selected Verse: Isaiah 24:17 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 24:17 Strong Concordance Fear [06343], and the pit [06354], and the snare [06341], are upon thee, O inhabitant [03427] of the earth [0776].
  King James Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
This verse explains the wretchedness spoken of in Isa 24:16. Jeremiah (Jer 48:43-44) uses the same words. They are proverbial; Isa 24:18 expressing that the inhabitants were nowhere safe; if they escaped one danger, they fell into another, and worse, on the opposite side (Amo 5:19). "Fear" is the term applied to the cords with feathers of all colors which, when fluttered in the air, scare beasts into the pitfall, or birds into the snare. HORSLEY makes the connection. Indignant at the treatment which the Just One received, the prophet threatens the guilty land with instant vengeance.
19 As if a man [0376] did flee [05127] from [06440] a lion [0738], and a bear [01677] met [06293] him; or went [0935] into the house [01004], and leaned [05564] his hand [03027] on the wall [07023], and a serpent [05175] bit [05391] him.
18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth [05127] from the noise [06963] of the fear [06343] shall fall [05307] into the pit [06354]; and he that cometh up [05927] out of the midst [08432] of the pit [06354] shall be taken [03920] in the snare [06341]: for the windows [0699] from on high [04791] are open [06605], and the foundations [04146] of the earth [0776] do shake [07493].
43 Fear [06343], and the pit [06354], and the snare [06341], shall be upon thee, O inhabitant [03427] of Moab [04124], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
44 He that fleeth [05127] [05211] from [06440] the fear [06343] shall fall [05307] into the pit [06354]; and he that getteth up [05927] out of the pit [06354] shall be taken [03920] in the snare [06341]: for I will bring [0935] upon it, even upon Moab [04124], the year [08141] of their visitation [06486], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
16 From the uttermost part [03671] of the earth [0776] have we heard [08085] songs [02158], even glory [06643] to the righteous [06662]. But I said [0559], My leanness [07334], my leanness [07334], woe [0188] unto me! the treacherous dealers [0898] have dealt treacherously [0898]; yea, the treacherous dealers [0898] have dealt very [0899] treacherously [0898].
19 As if a man [0376] did flee [05127] from [06440] a lion [0738], and a bear [01677] met [06293] him; or went [0935] into the house [01004], and leaned [05564] his hand [03027] on the wall [07023], and a serpent [05175] bit [05391] him.
43 Fear [06343], and the pit [06354], and the snare [06341], shall be upon thee, O inhabitant [03427] of Moab [04124], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
44 He that fleeth [05127] [05211] from [06440] the fear [06343] shall fall [05307] into the pit [06354]; and he that getteth up [05927] out of the pit [06354] shall be taken [03920] in the snare [06341]: for I will bring [0935] upon it, even upon Moab [04124], the year [08141] of their visitation [06486], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
43 Fear [06343], and the pit [06354], and the snare [06341], shall be upon thee, O inhabitant [03427] of Moab [04124], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
6 I am like [01819] a pelican [06893] of the wilderness [04057]: I am like an owl [03563] of the desert [02723].
44 He that fleeth [05127] [05211] from [06440] the fear [06343] shall fall [05307] into the pit [06354]; and he that getteth up [05927] out of the pit [06354] shall be taken [03920] in the snare [06341]: for I will bring [0935] upon it, even upon Moab [04124], the year [08141] of their visitation [06486], saith [05002] the LORD [03068].
28 For [1063] wheresoever [1437] [3699] the carcase [4430] is [5600], there [1563] will [4863] the eagles [105] be gathered together [4863].
19 As if a man [0376] did flee [05127] from [06440] a lion [0738], and a bear [01677] met [06293] him; or went [0935] into the house [01004], and leaned [05564] his hand [03027] on the wall [07023], and a serpent [05175] bit [05391] him.