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Selected Verse: Isaiah 2:16 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 2:16 Strong Concordance And upon all the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659], and upon all pleasant [02532] pictures [07914].
  King James And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
Tarshish--Tartessus in southwest Spain, at the mouth of the Guadalquivir, near Gibraltar. It includes the adjoining region: a Phœnician colony; hence its connection with Palestine and the Bible (Ch2 9:21). The name was also used in a wide sense for the farthest west, as our West Indies (Isa 66:19; Psa 48:7; Psa 72:10). "Ships of Tarshish" became a phrase for richly laden and far-voyaging vessels. The judgment shall be on all that minister to man's luxury (compare Rev 18:17-19).

pictures--ordered to be destroyed (Num 33:52). Still to be seen on the walls of Nineveh's palaces. It is remarkable that whereas all other ancient civilized nations, Egypt, Assyria, Greece, Rome, have left monuments in the fine arts, Judea, while rising immeasurably above them in the possession of "the living oracles," has left none of the former. The fine arts, as in modern Rome, were so often associated with polytheism, that God required His people in this, as in other respects, to be separate from the nations (Deu 4:15-18). But Vulgate translation is perhaps better, "All that is beautiful to the sight"; not only paintings, but all luxurious ornaments. One comprehensive word for all that goes before (compare Rev 18:12, Rev 18:14, Rev 18:16).
16 And [2532] saying [3004], Alas [3759], alas [3759], that great [3173] city [4172], that was clothed in [4016] fine linen [1039], and [2532] purple [4210], and [2532] scarlet [2847], and [2532] decked [5558] with [1722] gold [5557], and [2532] precious [5093] stones [3037], and [2532] pearls [3135]!
14 And [2532] the fruits [3703] that thy [4675] soul [5590] lusted after [1939] are departed [565] from [575] thee [4675], and [2532] all things [3956] which [3588] were dainty [3045] and [2532] goodly [2986] are departed [565] from [575] thee [4675], and [2532] thou shalt find [2147] them [846] no more [3765] at all [3364].
12 The merchandise [1117] of gold [5557], and [2532] silver [696], and [2532] precious [5093] stones [3037], and [2532] of pearls [3135], and [2532] fine linen [1040], and [2532] purple [4209], and [2532] silk [4596], and [2532] scarlet [2847], and [2532] all [3956] thyine [2367] wood [3586], and [2532] all manner [3956] vessels [4632] of ivory [1661], and [2532] all manner [3956] vessels [4632] of [1537] most precious [5093] wood [3586], and [2532] of brass [5475], and [2532] iron [4604], and [2532] marble [3139],
15 Take ye therefore good [03966] heed [08104] unto yourselves [05315]; for ye saw [07200] no manner of similitude [08544] on the day [03117] that the LORD [03068] spake [01696] unto you in Horeb [02722] out of the midst [08432] of the fire [0784]:
16 Lest ye corrupt [07843] yourselves, and make [06213] you a graven image [06459], the similitude [08544] of any figure [05566], the likeness [08403] of male [02145] or female [05347],
17 The likeness [08403] of any beast [0929] that is on the earth [0776], the likeness [08403] of any winged [03671] fowl [06833] that flieth [05774] in the air [08064],
18 The likeness [08403] of any thing that creepeth [07430] on the ground [0127], the likeness [08403] of any fish [01710] that is in the waters [04325] beneath [08478] the earth [0776]:
52 Then ye shall drive out [03423] all the inhabitants [03427] of the land [0776] from before [06440] you, and destroy [06] all their pictures [04906], and destroy [06] all their molten [04541] images [06754], and quite pluck down [08045] all their high places [01116]:
17 For [3754] in one [3391] hour [5610] so great [5118] riches [4149] is come to nought [2049]. And [2532] every [3956] shipmaster [2942], and [2532] all [3956] the company [3658] in [1909] ships [4143], and [2532] sailors [3492], and [2532] as many as [3745] trade [2038] by sea [2281], stood [2476] afar [3113] off [575],
18 And [2532] cried [2896] when they saw [3708] the smoke [2586] of her [846] burning [4451], saying [3004], What [5101] city is like [3664] unto this great [3173] city [4172]!
19 And [2532] they cast [906] dust [5522] on [1909] their [846] heads [2776], and [2532] cried [2896], weeping [2799] and [2532] wailing [3996], saying [3004], Alas [3759], alas [3759], that great [3173] city [4172], wherein [1722] [3739] were made rich [4147] all [3956] that had [2192] ships [4143] in [1722] the sea [2281] by reason of [1537] her [846] costliness [5094]! for [3754] in one [3391] hour [5610] is she made desolate [2049].
10 The kings [04428] of Tarshish [08659] and of the isles [0339] shall bring [07725] presents [04503]: the kings [04428] of Sheba [07614] and Seba [05434] shall offer [07126] gifts [0814].
7 Thou breakest [07665] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] with an east [06921] wind [07307].
19 And I will set [07760] a sign [0226] among them, and I will send [07971] those that escape [06412] of them unto the nations [01471], to Tarshish [08659], Pul [06322], and Lud [03865], that draw [04900] the bow [07198], to Tubal [08422], and Javan [03120], to the isles [0339] afar off [07350], that have not heard [08085] my fame [08088], neither have seen [07200] my glory [03519]; and they shall declare [05046] my glory [03519] among the Gentiles [01471].
21 For the king's [04428] ships [0591] went [01980] to Tarshish [08659] with the servants [05650] of Huram [02361]: every three [07969] years [08141] once [0259] came [0935] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] bringing [05375] gold [02091], and silver [03701], ivory [08143], and apes [06971], and peacocks [08500].
9 Surely the isles [0339] shall wait [06960] for me, and the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] first [07223], to bring [0935] thy sons [01121] from far [07350], their silver [03701] and their gold [02091] with them, unto the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], and to the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], because he hath glorified [06286] thee.
1 The burden [04853] of Tyre [06865]. Howl [03213], ye ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659]; for it is laid waste [07703], so that there is no house [01004], no entering in [0935]: from the land [0776] of Chittim [03794] it is revealed [01540] to them.
21 For the king's [04428] ships [0591] went [01980] to Tarshish [08659] with the servants [05650] of Huram [02361]: every three [07969] years [08141] once [0259] came [0935] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] bringing [05375] gold [02091], and silver [03701], ivory [08143], and apes [06971], and peacocks [08500].
12 Son [01121] of man [0120], take up [05375] a lamentation [07015] upon the king [04428] of Tyrus [06865], and say [0559] unto him, Thus saith [0559] the Lord [0136] GOD [03069]; Thou sealest up [02856] the sum [08508], full [04392] of wisdom [02451], and perfect [03632] in beauty [03308].
9 Silver [03701] spread into plates [07554] is brought [0935] from Tarshish [08659], and gold [02091] from Uphaz [0210], the work [04639] of the workman [02796], and of the hands [03027] of the founder [06884]: blue [08504] and purple [0713] is their clothing [03830]: they are all the work [04639] of cunning [02450] men.
13 Thou hast been in Eden [05731] the garden [01588] of God [0430]; every precious [03368] stone [068] was thy covering [04540], the sardius [0124], topaz [06357], and the diamond [03095], the beryl [08658], the onyx [07718], and the jasper [03471], the sapphire [05601], the emerald [05306], and the carbuncle [01304], and gold [02091]: the workmanship [04399] of thy tabrets [08596] and of thy pipes [05345] was prepared [03559] in thee in the day [03117] that thou wast created [01254].
10 The kings [04428] of Tarshish [08659] and of the isles [0339] shall bring [07725] presents [04503]: the kings [04428] of Sheba [07614] and Seba [05434] shall offer [07126] gifts [0814].
4 And the sons [01121] of Javan [03120]; Elishah [0473], and Tarshish [08659], Kittim [03794], and Dodanim [01721].
9 Surely the isles [0339] shall wait [06960] for me, and the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] first [07223], to bring [0935] thy sons [01121] from far [07350], their silver [03701] and their gold [02091] with them, unto the name [08034] of the LORD [03068] thy God [0430], and to the Holy One [06918] of Israel [03478], because he hath glorified [06286] thee.
7 Thou breakest [07665] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] with an east [06921] wind [07307].
36 And he joined [02266] himself with him to make [06213] ships [0591] to go [03212] to Tarshish [08659]: and they made [06213] the ships [0591] in Eziongeber [06100].
37 Then Eliezer [0461] the son [01121] of Dodavah [01735] of Mareshah [04762] prophesied [05012] against Jehoshaphat [03092], saying [0559], Because thou hast joined [02266] thyself with Ahaziah [0274], the LORD [03068] hath broken [06555] thy works [04639]. And the ships [0591] were broken [07665], that they were not able [06113] to go [03212] to Tarshish [08659].
21 For the king's [04428] ships [0591] went [01980] to Tarshish [08659] with the servants [05650] of Huram [02361]: every three [07969] years [08141] once [0259] came [0935] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] bringing [05375] gold [02091], and silver [03701], ivory [08143], and apes [06971], and peacocks [08500].
22 For the king [04428] had at sea [03220] a navy [0590] of Tharshish [08659] with the navy [0590] of Hiram [02438]: once [0259] in three [07969] years [08141] came [0935] the navy [0590] of Tharshish [08659], bringing [05375] gold [02091], and silver [03701], ivory [08143], and apes [06971], and peacocks [08500].
7 Thou breakest [07665] the ships [0591] of Tarshish [08659] with an east [06921] wind [07307].