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Selected Verse: Isaiah 19:9 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 19:9 Strong Concordance Moreover they that work [05647] in fine [08305] flax [06593], and they that weave [0707] networks [02355], shall be confounded [0954].
  King James Moreover they that work in fine flax, and they that weave networks, shall be confounded.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
fine flax--GESENIUS, for "fine," translates, "combed"; fine "linen" was worn by the rich only (Luk 16:19). Egypt was famous for it (Exo 9:31; Kg1 10:28; Pro 7:16; Eze 27:7). The processes of its manufacture are represented on the Egyptian tombs. Israel learned the art in Egypt (Exo 26:36). The cloth now found on the mummies was linen, as is shown by the microscope. WILKINSON mentions linen from Egypt which has five hundred forty (or two hundred seventy double) threads in one inch in the warp; whereas some modern cambric has but a hundred sixty [BARNES].

networks--rather, white cloth (Est 1:6; Est 8:16).
16 The Jews [03064] had light [0219], and gladness [08057], and joy [08342], and honour [03366].
6 Where were white [02353], green [03768], and blue [08504], hangings, fastened [0270] with cords [02256] of fine linen [0948] and purple [0713] to silver [03701] rings [01550] and pillars [05982] of marble [08336]: the beds [04296] were of gold [02091] and silver [03701], upon a pavement [07531] of red [0923], and blue [08504], and white [01858], and black [05508], marble [08336].
36 And thou shalt make [06213] an hanging [04539] for the door [06607] of the tent [0168], of blue [08504], and purple [0713], and scarlet [08438] [08144], and fine twined [07806] linen [08336], wrought [04639] with needlework [07551].
7 Fine linen [08336] with broidered work [07553] from Egypt [04714] was that which thou spreadest forth [04666] to be thy sail [05251]; blue [08504] and purple [0713] from the isles [0339] of Elishah [0473] was that which covered [04374] thee.
16 I have decked [07234] my bed [06210] with coverings [04765] of tapestry, with carved [02405] works, with fine linen [0330] of Egypt [04714].
28 And Solomon [08010] had horses [05483] brought [04161] out of Egypt [04714], and linen yarn [04723]: the king's [04428] merchants [05503] received [03947] the linen yarn [04723] at a price [04242].
31 And the flax [06594] and the barley [08184] was smitten [05221]: for the barley [08184] was in the ear [024], and the flax [06594] was bolled [01392].
19 [1161] There was [2258] a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [444], which [2532] was clothed [1737] in purple [4209] and [2532] fine linen [1040], and fared [2165] sumptuously [2988] every [2596] day [2250]:
19 [1161] There was [2258] a certain [5100] rich [4145] man [444], which [2532] was clothed [1737] in purple [4209] and [2532] fine linen [1040], and fared [2165] sumptuously [2988] every [2596] day [2250]:
7 Fine linen [08336] with broidered work [07553] from Egypt [04714] was that which thou spreadest forth [04666] to be thy sail [05251]; blue [08504] and purple [0713] from the isles [0339] of Elishah [0473] was that which covered [04374] thee.
37 And he made [06213] an hanging [04539] for the tabernacle [0168] door [06607] of blue [08504], and purple [0713], and scarlet [08144] [08438], and fine twined [07806] linen [08336], of needlework [07551] [04639];
16 And for the gate [08179] of the court [02691] shall be an hanging [04539] of twenty [06242] cubits [0520], of blue [08504], and purple [0713], and scarlet [08144] [08438], and fine twined [07806] linen [08336], wrought with needlework [07551] [04639]: and their pillars [05982] shall be four [0702], and their sockets [0134] four [0702].
36 And thou shalt make [06213] an hanging [04539] for the door [06607] of the tent [0168], of blue [08504], and purple [0713], and scarlet [08438] [08144], and fine twined [07806] linen [08336], wrought [04639] with needlework [07551].
7 Fine linen [08336] with broidered work [07553] from Egypt [04714] was that which thou spreadest forth [04666] to be thy sail [05251]; blue [08504] and purple [0713] from the isles [0339] of Elishah [0473] was that which covered [04374] thee.
16 I have decked [07234] my bed [06210] with coverings [04765] of tapestry, with carved [02405] works, with fine linen [0330] of Egypt [04714].
28 And Solomon [08010] had horses [05483] brought [04161] out of Egypt [04714], and linen yarn [04723]: the king's [04428] merchants [05503] received [03947] the linen yarn [04723] at a price [04242].
31 And the flax [06594] and the barley [08184] was smitten [05221]: for the barley [08184] was in the ear [024], and the flax [06594] was bolled [01392].