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Selected Verse: Isaiah 17:11 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
Isa 17:11 Strong Concordance In the day [03117] shalt thou make thy plant [05194] to grow [07735], and in the morning [01242] shalt thou make thy seed [02233] to flourish [06524]: but the harvest [07105] shall be a heap [05067] in the day [03117] of grief [02470] and of desperate [0605] sorrow [03511].
  King James In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
In the day . . . thy plant--rather, "In the day of thy planting" [HORSLEY].

shalt . . . make . . . grow--MAURER translates, "Thou didst fence it," namely, the pleasure-ground. The parallel clause, "Make . . . flourish," favors English Version. As soon as thou plantest, it grows.

in the morning--that is, immediately after; so in Psa 90:14, the Hebrew, "in the morning," is translated "early."

but . . . shall be a heap--rather, "but (promising as was the prospect) the harvest is gone" [HORSLEY].

in . . . day of grief--rather, "in the day of (expected) possession" [MAURER]. "In the day of inundation" [HORSLEY].

of desperate sorrow--rather, "And the sorrow shall be desperate or irremediable." In English Version "heap" and "sorrow" may be taken together by hendiadys. "The heap of the harvest shall be desperate sorrow" [ROSENMULLER].

The connection of this fragment with what precedes is: notwithstanding the calamities coming on Israel, the people of God shall not be utterly destroyed (Isa 6:12-13); the Assyrian spoilers shall perish (Isa 17:13-14).
13 The nations [03816] shall rush [07582] like the rushing [07588] of many [07227] waters [04325]: but God shall rebuke [01605] them, and they shall flee [05127] far off [04801], and shall be chased [07291] as the chaff [04671] of the mountains [02022] before [06440] the wind [07307], and like a rolling thing [01534] before [06440] the whirlwind [05492].
14 And behold at eveningtide [06256] [06153] trouble [01091]; and before the morning [01242] he is not. This is the portion [02506] of them that spoil [08154] us, and the lot [01486] of them that rob [0962] us.
12 And the LORD [03068] have removed [07368] men [0120] far away [07368], and there be a great [07227] forsaking [05805] in the midst [07130] of the land [0776].
13 But yet in it shall be a tenth [06224], and it shall return [07725], and shall be eaten [01197]: as a teil tree [0424], and as an oak [0437], whose substance [04678] is in them, when they cast [07995] their leaves: so the holy [06944] seed [02233] shall be the substance [04678] thereof.
14 O satisfy [07646] us early [01242] with thy mercy [02617]; that we may rejoice [07442] and be glad [08055] all our days [03117].
15 Why criest [02199] thou for thine affliction [07667]? thy sorrow [04341] is incurable [0605] for the multitude [07230] of thine iniquity [05771]: because thy sins [02403] were increased [06105], I have done [06213] these things unto thee.
12 For thus saith [0559] the LORD [03068], Thy bruise [07667] is incurable [0605], and thy wound [04347] is grievous [02470].
16 As for me, I have not hastened [0213] from being a pastor [07462] to follow [0310] thee: neither have I desired [0183] the woeful [0605] day [03117]; thou knowest [03045]: that which came out [04161] of my lips [08193] was right before [05227] thee [06440].
6 Should I lie [03576] against my right [04941]? my wound [02671] is incurable [0605] without transgression [06588].