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Selected Verse: Song of solomon 8:4 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
So 8:4 Strong Concordance I charge [07650] you, O daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], that ye stir not up [05782], nor awake [05782] my love [0160], until he please [02654].
  King James I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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Notes on the Bible, by Albert Barnes, [1834]
That ye stir not up - literally, as in the margin. For "my love" read as before love. The omission of "the roes and hinds" here is noticeable. Hebrew scholars regard this charge here and elsewhere Sol 2:7; Sol 3:5 as an admonition to Israel not to attempt obtaining a possession of, or restoration to, the promised land, and union or reunion there with the Holy One, before being inwardly prepared for it by the trials of the wilderness and the exile. This interpretation comes very near to what appears to be the genuine literal meaning (see Sol 2:7 note). They suppose the words here to be addressed by Messiah to Israel in "the wilderness of the people" Eze 20:35, in the latter day, and the former words Sol 3:5 by Moses in the wilderness of Sinai.
5 I charge [07650] you, O ye daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], by the roes [06643], and [0176] by the hinds [0355] of the field [07704], that ye stir not up [05782], nor awake [05782] my love [0160], till he please [02654].
35 And I will bring [0935] you into the wilderness [04057] of the people [05971], and there will I plead [08199] with you face [06440] to face [06440].
7 I charge [07650] you, O ye daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], by the roes [06643], and [0176] by the hinds [0355] of the field [07704], that ye stir not up [05782], nor awake [05782] my love [0160], till he please [02654].
5 I charge [07650] you, O ye daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], by the roes [06643], and [0176] by the hinds [0355] of the field [07704], that ye stir not up [05782], nor awake [05782] my love [0160], till he please [02654].
7 I charge [07650] you, O ye daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389], by the roes [06643], and [0176] by the hinds [0355] of the field [07704], that ye stir not up [05782], nor awake [05782] my love [0160], till he please [02654].