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Selected Verse: Song of solomon 7:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
So 7:8 Strong Concordance I said [0559], I will go up [05927] to the palm tree [08558], I will take hold [0270] of the boughs [05577] thereof: now also thy breasts [07699] shall be as clusters [0811] of the vine [01612], and the smell [07381] of thy nose [0639] like apples [08598];
  King James I said, I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of the boughs thereof: now also thy breasts shall be as clusters of the vine, and the smell of thy nose like apples;

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
The daughters are no longer content to admire, but resolve to lay hold of her fruits, high though these be. The palm stem is bare for a great height, and has its crown of fruit-laden boughs at the summit. It is the symbol of triumphant joy (Joh 12:13); so hereafter (Rev 7:9).

breasts-- (Isa 66:11).

the vine--Jesus Christ (Hos 14:7, end; Joh 15:1).

nose--that is, breath; the Holy Ghost breathed into her nostrils by Him, whose "mouth is most sweet" (Sol 5:16).

apples--citrons, off the tree to which He is likened (Sol 2:3).
3 As the apple tree [08598] among the trees [06086] of the wood [03293], so is my beloved [01730] among the sons [01121]. I sat [03427] down under his shadow [06738] with great delight [02530], and his fruit [06529] was sweet [04966] to my taste [02441].
16 His mouth [02441] is most sweet [04477]: yea, he is altogether lovely [04261]. This is my beloved [01730], and this is my friend [07453], O daughters [01323] of Jerusalem [03389].
1 I [1473] am [1510] the true [228] vine [288], and [2532] my [3450] Father [3962] is [2076] the husbandman [1092].
7 They that dwell [03427] under his shadow [06738] shall return [07725]; they shall revive [02421] as the corn [01715], and grow [06524] as the vine [01612]: the scent [02143] thereof shall be as the wine [03196] of Lebanon [03844].
11 That ye may suck [03243], and be satisfied [07646] with the breasts [07699] of her consolations [08575]; that ye may milk out [04711], and be delighted [06026] with the abundance [02123] of her glory [03519].
9 After [3326] this [5023] I beheld [1492], and [2532], lo [2400], a great [4183] multitude [3793], which [3739] no man [3762] could [1410] number [705] [846], of [1537] all [3956] nations [1484], and [2532] kindreds [5443], and [2532] people [2992], and [2532] tongues [1100], stood [2476] before [1799] the throne [2362], and [2532] before [1799] the Lamb [721], clothed [4016] with white [3022] robes [4749], and [2532] palms [5404] in [1722] their [846] hands [5495];
13 Took [2983] branches [902] of palm trees [5404], and [2532] went forth [1831] to [1519] meet [5222] him [846], and [2532] cried [2896], Hosanna [5614]: Blessed [2127] is the King [935] of Israel [2474] that cometh [2064] in [1722] the name [3686] of the Lord [2962].