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Selected Verse: Song of solomon 6:8 - Strong Concordance

Verse         Translation Text
So 6:8 Strong Concordance There are threescore [08346] queens [04436], and fourscore [08084] concubines [06370], and virgins [05959] without number [04557].
  King James There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, and virgins without number.

Summary Of Commentaries Associated With The Selected Verse

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A Commentary, Critical, Practical, and Explanatory on the Old and New Testaments, by Robert Jamieson, A.R. Fausset and David Brown [1882]
threescore--indefinite number, as in Sol 3:7. Not queens, &c., of Solomon, but witnesses of the espousals, rulers of the earth contrasted with the saints, who, though many, are but "one" bride (Isa 52:15; Luk 22:25-26; Joh 17:21; Co1 10:17). The one Bride is contrasted with the many wives whom Eastern kings had in violation of the marriage law (Kg1 11:1-3).
1 But king [04428] Solomon [08010] loved [0157] many [07227] strange [05237] women [0802], together with the daughter [01323] of Pharaoh [06547], women of the Moabites [04125], Ammonites [05984], Edomites [0130], Zidonians [06722], and Hittites [02850];
2 Of the nations [01471] concerning which the LORD [03068] said [0559] unto the children [01121] of Israel [03478], Ye shall not go in [0935] to them, neither shall they come in [0935] unto you: for surely [0403] they will turn away [05186] your heart [03824] after [0310] their gods [0430]: Solomon [08010] clave [01692] unto these in love [0157].
3 And he had seven [07651] hundred [03967] wives [0802], princesses [08282], and three [07969] hundred [03967] concubines [06370]: and his wives [0802] turned away [05186] his heart [03820].
17 For [3754] we [2070] being many [4183] are [2070] one [1520] bread [740], and one [1520] body [4983]: for [1063] we are [3348] all [3956] partakers [3348] of [1537] that one [1520] bread [740].
21 That [2443] they all [3956] may be [5600] one [1520]; as [2531] thou [4771], Father [3962], art in [1722] me [1698], and I [2504] in [1722] thee [4671], that [2443] they [846] also [2532] may be [5600] one [1520] in [1722] us [2254]: that [2443] the world [2889] may believe [4100] that [3754] thou [4771] hast sent [649] me [3165].
25 And [1161] he said [2036] unto them [846], The kings [935] of the Gentiles [1484] exercise lordship over [2961] them [846]; and [2532] they that exercise authority upon [1850] them [846] are called [2564] benefactors [2110].
26 But [1161] ye [5210] shall not [3756] be so [3779]: but [235] he that is greatest [3187] among [1722] you [5213], let him be [1096] as [5613] the younger [3501]; and [2532] he that is chief [2233], as [5613] he that doth serve [1247].
15 So shall he sprinkle [05137] many [07227] nations [01471]; the kings [04428] shall shut [07092] their mouths [06310] at him: for that which had not been told [05608] them shall they see [07200]; and that which they had not heard [08085] shall they consider [0995].
7 Behold his bed [04296], which is Solomon's [08010]; threescore [08346] valiant [01368] men are about [05439] it, of the valiant [01368] of Israel [03478].
17 Neither shall he multiply [07235] wives [0802] to himself, that his heart [03824] turn [05493] not away: neither shall he greatly [03966] multiply [07235] to himself silver [03701] and gold [02091].
9 My dove [03123], my undefiled [08535] is but one [0259]; she is the only one [0259] of her mother [0517], she is the choice [01249] one of her that bare [03205] her. The daughters [01323] saw [07200] her, and blessed [0833] her; yea, the queens [04436] and the concubines [06370], and they praised [01984] her.
8 There are threescore [08346] queens [04436], and fourscore [08084] concubines [06370], and virgins [05959] without number [04557].
13 And Leah [03812] said [0559], Happy am I [0837], for the daughters [01323] will call me blessed [0833]: and she called [07121] his name [08034] Asher [0836].
28 Her children [01121] arise up [06965], and call her blessed [0833]; her husband [01167] also, and he praiseth [01984] her.
9 My dove [03123], my undefiled [08535] is but one [0259]; she is the only one [0259] of her mother [0517], she is the choice [01249] one of her that bare [03205] her. The daughters [01323] saw [07200] her, and blessed [0833] her; yea, the queens [04436] and the concubines [06370], and they praised [01984] her.
7 But it shall be one [0259] day [03117] which shall be known [03045] to the LORD [03068], not day [03117], nor night [03915]: but it shall come to pass, that at evening [06153] time [06256] it shall be light [0216].
3 For I was my father's [01] son [01121], tender [07390] and only [03173] beloved in the sight [06440] of my mother [0517].
9 My dove [03123], my undefiled [08535] is but one [0259]; she is the only one [0259] of her mother [0517], she is the choice [01249] one of her that bare [03205] her. The daughters [01323] saw [07200] her, and blessed [0833] her; yea, the queens [04436] and the concubines [06370], and they praised [01984] her.
7 Behold his bed [04296], which is Solomon's [08010]; threescore [08346] valiant [01368] men are about [05439] it, of the valiant [01368] of Israel [03478].
21 And Rehoboam [07346] loved [0157] Maachah [04601] the daughter [01323] of Absalom [053] above all his wives [0802] and his concubines [06370]: (for he took [05375] eighteen [08083] [06240] wives [0802], and threescore [08346] concubines [06370]; and begat [03205] twenty [06242] and eight [08083] sons [01121], and threescore [08346] daughters [01323].)
8 I gathered [03664] me also silver [03701] and gold [02091], and the peculiar treasure [05459] of kings [04428] and of the provinces [04082]: I gat [06213] me men singers [07891] and women singers [07891], and the delights [08588] of the sons [01121] of men [0120], as musical instruments [07705] [07705], and that of all sorts.
3 And he had seven [07651] hundred [03967] wives [0802], princesses [08282], and three [07969] hundred [03967] concubines [06370]: and his wives [0802] turned away [05186] his heart [03820].
2 That the sons [01121] of God [0430] saw [07200] the daughters [01323] of men [0120] that they [02007] were fair [02896]; and they took [03947] them wives [0802] of all which they chose [0977].